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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
platform car
Atrasts 331 termins
Across Platform Parity Agreement
across-platform retail parity obligation
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action
Ad Hoc Working Party on the Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine
Advisory Platform for Social Outcomes Contracting
Africa-Europe High-Level Platform for Sustainable Energy Investments
AHWP UA platform
AHWP Ukraine platform
AI cloud platform
AI-on-demand platform
allocation platform
Animal Welfare Platform
Armed Violence Monitoring Platform
assay platform
auction platform
balancing platform
Beijing Platform for Action
Beijing Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women
Belarus Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum National Platform
Belarusian National Platform
blending platform
BlueInvest platform
booking platform
Broadband Platform
business-to-platform transaction
capacity booking platform
Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform
central platform for digital health
central testing platform
China Europe Water Platform
Citizens’ Engagement Platform
civil society platform
Cyber Education, Training, Evaluation and Exercise platform
Cyber ETEE platform
Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platform
cloud platform
cloud workload protection platform
Coal Regions in Transition Platform
collaboration platform
collaborative platform
common auction platform
common data platform
common data platform on chemicals
community platform
Component Platform Interface
conical core with one platform
core platform service
core service platform
Crimean Platform
Crimea Platform
Criminal Justice Platform
Criminal Justice Platform Europe
Crisis Platform
crowdfunding platform
Cultural Diplomacy Platform
data-driven platform
design platform
desktop platform
Dialogue platform on the human dimension
digital labour platform
digital platform
digital platform cooperative
digital platform economy
Digital Skills and Jobs Platform
Disability Platform
Donor Coordination Platform
Dublin platform
Durban Platform
Durban Platform for Enhanced Action
e-Codex central testing platform
eFTI platform
EGTC Platform
EIOS platform
Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe
Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources platform
Epidemics Intelligence from Open Sources Platform
Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
e-roaming platform
eTwinning platform
EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform
EU-China Water Platform
EU digital finance platform
EU Energy Platform
EU Energy Purchase Platform
EU Financial Intelligence Units' Platform
EU FIUs Platform
EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform
EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform
EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy
EU Platform for Blending in External Cooperation
EU Platform for change
EU Platform for External Cooperation and Development
EU platform for multi-centre clinical trials
EU Platform for Roma Inclusion
EU Platform of Diversity Charters
EU Platform on Animal Welfare
EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste
EU RD Platform
Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform
European AI-on-demand platform
European Artificial Intelligence-on-demand-platform
European circular economy platform
European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning
European Cybercrime Platform
European Climate Adaptation Platform
European Cluster Collaboration Platform
European Cross-Border Platform
European design platform
European Gas Purchasing Platform
European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Platform
European High Atmosphere Airship Platform (EHAAP) — Persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Capability
European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
European Life Cycle Assessment Platform
European LNG Transparency Platform
European Marine Casualty Information Platform
European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats
European online platform on disinformation
European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion
European Platform for Investing in Children
European Platform for Urban Greening
European Platform on Combating Homelessness
European Platform on Disinformation
European Platform on LCA
European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment
European Platform on Rare Diseases Registration
European platform tackling undeclared work
European Platform to enhance cooperation in tackling undeclared work
European Platform to enhance cooperation in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared work
European Rating Platform
European Resource Efficiency Platform
European Roma Platform
European shortages monitoring platform
European Storage Transparency platform
European Technology and Innovation Platform
European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition
European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition
European Technology Platform
European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants
European Third Party Logistic Support Platform
European Training Platform
European Transition Pathways Platform
Europol Platform for Experts
EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform
EU Urban Greening Platform
EU-US Collaboration Platform on Agriculture
external trading platform
external trading platform account
fi-compass advisory platform
fi-compass platform
Fit for Future Platform
Fixed Platform Protocol
Fundamental Rights Platform
G20 Platform on SDG Localisation and Intermediary Cities
gymnastic platform (podium)
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
government group of the REFIT Platform
graphics platform
ground (platform) tumbling
Harnessing Talent Platform
high altitude platform station
high altitude platform station (HAPS)
high-level multi-stakeholder platform on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
High Level Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe
High Level Platform on Sustainable Energy Investments
High-Level Platform on Sustainable Energy Investments in Africa
Hybrid Hosting Platform Development and Growth Service
Hybrid Hosting Platform Operations Service
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Technology Platform
Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform
Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring
inside information platform
inspection platform
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
International Crimea Platform
international platform on sustainable finance
investment platform
JITs collaboration platform user
joint balancing platform
Just Transition Platform
Knowledge Exchange Platform
Labour Migration Platform
Lifelong Learning Platform
loading platform
load platform
march on the platform
marine platform
matchmaking platform for businesses
Microsoft Analytics Platform System
Microsoft Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partners
Microsoft identity platform
Microsoft identity platform for developers
Microsoft Power Platform
military platform
Mission Support Platform
mobile elevated work platform
mobile elevating work platform
mobile platform
Moldova Support Platform
motion platform
moving platform [for pouring]
Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine
multilingual digital platform
multiple-platform support
multi-sided platform
multi-stakeholder platform on the SDGs
national administrative platform
national platform for Roma inclusion
national Roma platform
Neighbourhood Investment Platform
Net-Zero Europe Platform
Observatory on the Online Platform Economy
ODR platform
offshore drilling platform
offshore energy platform
offshore oil and gas platform
offshore platform
oil and gas offshore platform
online digital labour platform
online digital platform
Online Dispute Resolution platform
online intermediary platform
online labour platform
online platform
online platform work
online platform worker
online short-term rental platform
on-location digital platform
on-location labour platform
on-location platform
on-location platform work
open platform trial
Open Science Policy Platform
operating platform
opt-out auction platform
opt-out platform
pan-European investment platform for affordable and sustainable housing
Passenger Locator Form exchange platform
perpetual platform trial
person performing platform work
platform area
platform as a service
platform-based working
platform capabilities type
platform car
platform cooperative
platform discount
platform economy
Platform for Coal Regions in Transition
Platform for European Rail Infrastructure Managers
Platform for Privacy Preferences Project
Platform for Tax Good Governance
Platform for Tax Good Governance, Aggressive Tax Planning and Double Taxation
platform independence
platform invoke
platform layer
platform lift
Platform Manager
Platform on Animal Welfare
Platform on Sustainable Finance
platform operator
platform product
Platform Server Role
platform software
Platform Technology Master File
platform trial
platform work
platform worker
PLF exchange platform
Power Platform
Power Platform admin center
Power Platform Build Tools
provider of very large online platform
REFIT Platform
regional disembarkation platform
regional investment platform
reporting platform operator
Roma Inclusion Platform
RSS Platform Sync Engine
Rural Pact community platform
Rural Pact Platform
rural revitalisation platform
S3 Platform
secondary capacity booking platform
SEI Platform
single allocation platform
small or micro online short-term rental platform
Smart Specialisation Platform
social media platform
social networking services platform
Social Tourism European Exchanges Platform
Solidarity Platform
stakeholder group of the REFIT Platform
Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform
StreamInsight platform
striking platform
Support Platform for the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees
Technical Platform for Cooperation on the Environment
third-party platform
tilting platform
TPLS Platform
trading platform
trading platform holding account
trading platform operator
trusted platform module
Ukraine Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform
Ukraine reconstruction platform
unloading platform
Urban Investment and Advisory Platform
vaccine platform technology
vaccine platform technology master file
very large online platform
video-sharing platform
video-sharing platform service
virtual currency exchange platform
virtual design platform
virtual machine platform
Windows Feedback Platform
Windows Filtering Platform
Windows Gadget Platform
Windows Platform SDK
Windows Platform Update
Windows Sensor and Location platform
Windows Troubleshooting Platform
Women and transport — Platform for change
Women in Transport – EU Platform for change
Workflow Platform
REFIT Platform
REFIT platforma
plateforme REFIT
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