Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
point to
Atrasti 546 termini
10-point peace formula
10-point peace plan
3-point belt
3-point seat belt
5-Point Consensus
absolute velocity of mass point
accelerator heel point
access point (in networking)
access point
access point name
addressable point
aerodrome reference point
air border crossing point
air crossing point
air-ground point-to-point data communication
anchor point
angle of tooth point
appeal on a point of law
artificial neutral point
attachment point
attack point
authorised border crossing point
authorised crossing point
authority access point
autoignition point
auxiliary of point of view (in UDC)
bank account registers single access point
barbed point
BAR single access point
baseline function point count
basis point
begin point
best efficiency point
biomass limit reference point
boiling point
boiling point elevation
bonus point
border crossing point
border point
branching point
branch point
break-even point
break point
broadcast publishing point
bullet point
central access point
certificate revocation list distribution point
change-over point
change project function point count
characteristic (in a floating-point representation)
charge point operator
check point
climate tipping point
cloud point
coapting point
code point
cold filter plugging point
collection point
collocation point
colorimetric end-point detection
condensation point
conformance point
connection point
conservation reference point
constrained material point
control point
COSMIC function point
coupling point
critical control point
Critical Infrastructure Protection Point-of-Contact
critical point
crystallisation point
crystallising point
Cross-border Coordination Point
crosscut point
crossing point
cross section of a head (point)
currency intervention point
customs point
cut-off point
cutting, piercing or penetration point
cutting point
cutting-point angle
data point
data point model
datum point
dead point of swing
decimal point
deduction for arm(s) fully bent is 1.0 point
deduction for arm(s) slightly bent is 0.2 point
detachment point
detailed function point count
development function point count
dew point
dew-point temperature
Differentiated Services Code Point
Digital End Point Solutions
digitally-connected recharging point
direction of a point
discrete point sampling
dispatching point
distance between shank and a point
distillation end point
distribution point
double-angle point grinding
double-crank (two-point) press
double-point mounting
double-precision floating-point format
drawing point
dry point
dual-band access point
dual-radio access point
e-CODEX access point
eDelivery Access Point
efficacy end-point
egress point
end point
end-point agent
end point in the manufacturing chain
end-point titration
entry or attack point
entry point (in databases)
entry point
equilibrium point
EUAA Asylum Intervention Pool’s National Contact Point
EU contact-point network against corruption
EU-level contact point
EU-level contact point for humanitarian aid in environments subject to EU sanctions
European electronic access point
European single access point
European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point
eutectic point
Excel point scoring
exit point
exponent (in a floting-point representation)
exponent ( in a floting –point representation)
extension point
external border crossing point
extreme point of swing
falling down is 0.5 point penalization (penalty)
fast break point
fast-charging point
fast recharging point
feature point
feeding point
fibre saturation point
final boiling point
fishing mortality limit reference point
Five-Point Consensus
fixed point
fixed-point arithmetic
fixed-point notation
fixed-point representation system
fixed-point type
flashing point
flash point
flat point grinding
floating point
floating-point arithmetic
floating-point arithmetic operation
floating-point base
floating-point calculation
floating-point notation
floating-point operation
floating point operations per second
floating point processor
floating-point radix
floating-point representation
floating-point (representation) system
floating-point representation system
floating-point type
FLOPS (floating point operations per second)
FMSY point value
focal point
focal point of infection
four-crank (four-point) press
four -point landing
free material point
freezing point
freezing point depression
from close point (blank range)
frontier crossing point
Function Point Analysis (FPA)
fusion point
gender focal point
gene point mutation
giga floating-point operations per second
goal (point) average
growth point
guide point
handover point
hazard analysis and critical control point
hazard analysis critical control point system
heel point
highest point (ball)
high-intensity point light source
high-power recharging point
hydrogen refuelling point
hold point
H point
H-point machine
h-point manikin
HVDC interface point
import point shopping
inflection point
initial boiling point
insertion point
install point
interconnection point
interface point
internal border crossing point
internal point
internet exchange point
intersection point
invariant point
isoelectric point
yield point
jacking point
key measurement point
kindling point
kinematics of a point
land border crossing point
land crossing point
lattice point
length of a point
light cut-off point
limit biomass reference point
limit reference point
LNG refuelling point
load point
loopback point
lose (drop) the point
lower critical point
lower yield point
lubrication point
manikin H-point
mantissa (in a floating-point representation)
marine border crossing point
market equilibrium point
material point
materials point
maximum power point tracking
measurement point
melting point
mercury triple point cell
metal point (javelin)
metropolitan point of presence
missed approach point
MLS datum point
moment of a force about point
moment of system of forces about a point
motion of rigid body about fixed point
mount point
movable point crossing
moveable point frog
Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol
multiple point entry
multi-point diamond dresser
National Access Point
national central access point
national contact point
national contact point for secondary use of electronic health data
National Firearms Focal Point
National Focal Point
National Frontex Point of Contact
National Skills Coordination Point
[needle] point
needle[-point] spark gap
Network Termination Point
neutral point
neutral point connection
neutral point displacement voltage
neutral point ina polyphase system
nodal point
non-official point-out
non-point source
normalized form (in a floating-point representation)
normal power recharging point
null point
numerical integration point
OAB distribution point
offline address book distribution point
on-demand publishing point
one-point lead
one point of access
one-point space
onshore grid interconnection point
opening point
operating point
operational point
operator of a recharging point
operator of a refuelling point
opinions are divided on the point
pain point
Partner Point
passport control point
pedestrian control point
penalty up to 0.5 point
percentage point
pinching point
pitch point
playmaker (point guard, quarterback)
point–to–area communication
point–to–multipoint communication
point–to–point communication
point advantage
Point and Figure chart
point at
point bar
point binomial
point charge
point chart
point contact
point-contact cell
point[-contact] diode
point-contact solar cell
point-contact transistor
point corrosion
point defect
point depth
point difference
point discharge
point event
point event model
point-focus collector
point-focus concentrator
point heating
point impedance
point in time approach
point-in-time plan
point-in-time rating system
point-in-time recovery
point-in-time restore
point layer
point light
point light source
point mutation
point mutation-inducing activity
point mutations
point of a harpoon
point of a hook
point of a pile
point of application of force
point of bending
point-of-care diagnostic test
point-of-care testing
point of compliance
point of contact
point of delivery
point of entry
point of force application
point of handover
point of impact
point of interaction
point of introduction
point-of-lay pullet
point of loading
point of order
point of origin
point of presence
point of sale
point-of-sale activation
point of sale terminal
point of seizure
point of single contact
point of supply
point of taxation
point of termination station
point of the foot
point-of-use separation
point opening socket wrench
point prevalence
point radiator
point retraction
points in the point
point sound source
point source
point source of pollution
point type
point to
point-to-area communication
point-to-multipoint communication
point-to-point communication
point-to-point conference
point-to-point connection
point-to-point control
point-to-point link
Point-to-Point Protocol
point-to-point transmission
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
point to
point won
pour point
from close point (blank range)
no tuva (neliela) attāluma (f/b)
с близкого расстояния, в упор
von naher Distanz
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