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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
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pre process
Atrasti 462 termini
‘top candidates’ process
abort [of a process]
Abrader process
abuse of process of a court
Accent Process
accession process
accounting process
accreditation process
adhesive binding process
Ad hoc Working Party on the Middle East Peace Process
adiabatic process
administrative process
adoption process
AHP, Analytic Hierarchy Process
albitization mineral formation process
anaerobic contact process
analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
anode process
aperiodic process
application engineering process
application process
application process group
Application Process (Invocation)
ASEM process
asylum process
assisted process
assisted systems process
assisted software process
Astana Process
attached process
auction process
auditing process
authorisation process
automated learning process
automated process
automated systems process
automated software process
auxiliary process
backup (kā process)
Barcelona Process
Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean
Basic Bending Process
Basic Chevron Process
Basic Process
basic process set
batch process
Battlegroup generation process
behavior; process
Bellagio process
bending process
Berlin Process
Berlin process on Libya
best-execution process for sales of NPLs
best execution sales process
Bethell process (treatment)
binding process
biogenic mineral formation process
biometric acquisition process
biometric capture process
biotechnological process
bleaching-out process
boiler pressure process
Bologna Process
bored hole process
Brdo Process
Budapest Process
budget planning process
burning process
business process
business process automation
business process-based testing
business process flow
Business Process Model and Notation
Business process modeler
Business Process Modeling Notation
business process re-engineering
capable process
capacity calculation process
carbonisation process
carbonization mineral formation process
*carrying out of a process
cathodic process
certification process
change control process
chemical process
chemical process installation
child process
chloritization mineral formation process
*choice of technological process
Circular Bending Process
cyclic process
Claus process unit
Closed Chevron Process
closed plasma dust process
closing process group
CO2-mould hardening process
coking process
colour printing process
colour scanning process
combustion process
company-specific process
conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
continual process improvement
Continuous Arrow Process
Continuous Block Process
continuous forming process in particle board manufacture
continuous process
continuous process blast equipment
contradictory process
cooking process
Copenhagen Process
copying process
cosmic mineral formation process
criteria application process
critical-impact process
cross-border FRR activation process
cross-border RR activation process
curing process
cutting process
damping transient process
data collection and delivery process
decision-making process
Declaration of Western Balkans Partners on Roma Integration within the EU Enlargement Process
Declaration on Roma Integration in the EU Enlargement Process
deep-etch process
*defects in production process
defence planning process
defined process
desugaring process
desulphurizing process
Detailed Process
diazo process
dipping process
domain engineering process
double impregnation process
dry desulphurisation process
dry-glue process
drying process
dry process board
dry process fibreboard
due process
due process of law
economic process
editing process
electrical process
electrolytic etching process
electromagnetic transient process
electromechanical transient process
electronic colour scanning process
endogenic mineral formation process
endothermal process
enlargement process
entity's risk assessment process
equilibrium process
essentially biological process
etching process
EU enlargement process
EU Headline Goal Process
EU integration process
Euro-African Migration and Development Process
European Union military operation in support of the United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) during the election process
European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace process
EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace process
EUSR for the Middle East peace process
excision repair process
executive process
exercise process
existing process furnace
existing process heater
exogenic mineral formation process
exothermal process
fermentation process
*finishing of process
fluidization process
forced feed gluing process for particles
four-colour printing (process)
frequency containment process
frequency coupling process
frequency restoration process
G7 Hiroshima Process on Generative Artificial Intelligence
gasification process
gluing process
goods in process
greysenization mineral formation process
handling process data
Headline Goal Process
Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process
Heiligendamm Process
high-impact process
Hiroshima process
hydrothermal mineral formation process
human translation (process)
imbalance netting process
imbalance netting process function
immunity from legal process
import process
incremental capacity process
Industrial use of process regulators for polymerisation processes in production of resins, rubbers, polymers
information process
infrastructure process
in-process control
input (process)
input-process-output chart
integrated scheduling process
Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
International Quartet for the Middle East Peace Process
intersessional process
*irreversibility of process
irreversible process
isobaric process
isochoric process
isoentropic process
isometric process
isothermal process
isothermic process
Istanbul Process
Istanbul Process on Regional Security and Cooperation for a Secure and Stable Afghanistan
iterative process
Jarofix process
Khartoum Process
Kimberley Process
Kimberley Process certification scheme
Kobe process
labour process
lacquer pouring process
Lamfalussy process
lead candidates process
learning process
legal process
*line process
linked online booking process
Lisbon Process
long-life function of random loading process
Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process
magmatic mineral formation process
make-ready process
mandatory company-specific process
manual process
manufacturing process
Marrakech Process
mathematical expectation of random loading process
measurement process
*mechanized line process
merit-based accession process
metamorphic mineral formation process
metasomatic mineral formation process
microbial process
microbiological process
Middle East Peace Process
mineral formation process
NATO Defence Planning Process
next-of-kin process
nonequilibrium process
non-failure process*
non-mandatory company-specific process
non-stationary process
non-stationary random loading process
non-steady process
Normandy process
one-way process
output (process)
parent process
patented process
pegmatitic mineral formation process
periodic process
permit granting process
permitting process
physical process
photocomposing process
photographic printing process
photoreproduction process
Picture Accent Process
pyrometallurgical process
plasma dust process
pneumatolytic mineral formation process
political process
polyether-based absorption/desorption process
Prague Process
pre-application process
principle of an adversarial process
printing process
probability process
process (in a data processing system)
process activation structure
Process Arrows
process assessment
process batch
process bloat
process category
process chart
process chemical
process color
process- compliant testing
process-compliant testing
process control
process design kit
process diagram
process-driven scripting
process emissions
process emissions-related activity level
process emissions sub-installation
process equipment
process establishment
process event
process-flexible robots technique (robotics)
process flow
process fuel
process furnace
process gas
process goods
process heat
process heater
process implementation
process improvement
process innovation
process letter
Process List
process logging
process map
process model
process node
process off-gas
process of printing
process of production
Process of Recognition and Orientation of Torture Victims in European Countries to Facilitate Care and Treatment
process of reproduction
process plate
process product
process reference model
process responsibility structure
process sheet
process steam
process stream
process technique
process technology
process unit
process water
product and process orientated research and development
production process
projection process
punching process
purchase process
purification in process
quality assurance of the production process
quality assurance process
quality matrix process
quasistatic process
Quito Process
Rabat Process
random loading process variance
random process
Rational Unified Process
reception process
recycling process
recovery process
referencing process
refining process
reflex copy process
regenerative scrubbing process
Repeating Bending Process
reproduction process
requartzitation mineral formation process
reserve replacement process
reuse program management process
reversible process
risk management process
robotic process automation
save process
schablon multiple colouring process
schablon process
screening process
security risk management process
sedimentation mineral formation process
Segmented Process
semi-dry desulphurisation process
signal management process
silent process exit
Systematic Test and Evaluation Process, STEP
System Management Application Process
skarn mineral formation process
Software Process Improvement
software process information
solar industrial process heat
solid dot process
South-East European Cooperation Process
space mineral formation process
Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority
Spitzenkandidaten process
splicing process
Stabilisation and Association Process
Stabilisation and Association Process Dialogue
Stabilisation and Association Process Tracking Mechanism
stack suction process
Staggered Process
staging process
standard deviation of a random loading process
start-up transient process
stationary process
process plate
reproduction plate
reprodukcijas plate
репродукционная [фото-] пластинка
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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