Otrdiena, 11. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
profile name
Atrasts 151 termins
actual profile
advanced profile
arithmetical mean deviation of the profile
basic profile
basic profile of line
basic profile of surface
buyer profile
Business Network profile
calculation profile
centerline [of the profile]
collection profile
Column Pattern Profile
contact profile
copying [duplicating, profile] milling machine
custom profile
Data Profile Viewer
depth of thread profile
deviation from [true] longitudinal section profile
diagonal leg profile
DNA profile
document profile
efficacy profile
E-mail Router configuration profile
email server profile
EU Skills Profile Tool for Third-Country Nationals
execution profile
expenditure profile
field access profile
flight profile
frontline device profile
Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP)
geometrical profile
Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile
hardware profile
hazard profile
hydraulic profile
instrument with a long-term economic profile
investment profile
involute-profile checker
involute-profile measuring instrument
Kiosk device profile
level of the profile section
line of profile peaks
line profile deviation
line profile tolerance
LinkedIn profile in Microsoft
load profile
local user profile
longitudinal profile
longitudinal section profile deviation
mandatory profile
mandatory user profile
maximum height of irregularties (of profile)
mean spacing of the profile irregularities
metabolic profile
Microsoft CRM Database Profile Wizard
migration profile
mission profile
My profile
museum profile
network profile
nominal profile
nutrient profile
Object Pull Profile
Object Push Profile (OPP)
occupational profile
offset profile
operational profile
operational profile testing
Outlook profile
parabolic profile
particle compositional profile
particle core compositional profile
personnel profile
posting profile
Power user device profile
Privileged access device profile
profile album
profile card
profile (cartography)
profile chart (diagram)
profile cutter
profile cutter grinder
profile file
profile ga[u]ge
Profile Manager
profile matrix
profile meter
profile name
profile of museum specialties
profile page
profile path
profile peak
profile picture
profile plane of projection
profile point
profile recorder
profile valley
protection profile
railhead profile
reference length of the profile
relative reference length of the profile tp
request profile
risk and reward profile
risk-earnings profile
risk profile
risk profile deviation
risk-return profile
rms (root-mean-square) profile deviation Rq
roaming profile
roaming user profile
safety profile
scan profile
search profile
Sensitive data device profile
service profile
Service Profile IDentifier
SIDS Initial Assessment Profile
similar profile branch
system profile
skill profile wheel
skills profile
Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals
spacing of the profile irregularities in crests
Standard device profile
substance identification profile
substance identity profile
surface profile
surface profile deviation
surface profile tolerance
tapping profile
thread profile
thread profile in normal section of worm
tolerance for longitudinal section profile
[tooth] active flank (profile)
tooth profile error
transverse profile
user profile
user profile (1)
user profile (2)
velocity profile
vocational profile
voice profile
Windows Live Profile
wind profile power law
wind shear profile
wing profile
wireless network profile
Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP)
vispārīgais objektu apmaiņas profils
GOEP protokols
prot. Nr. 281 (15.12.2006)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija