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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
raw material
Atrasti 474 termini
abrasive material
accompanying material
accompanying material statement
accounting of material values
acid-resistant material
acoustic insulation material
acoustic material
active material
active material precursor
active substance starting material
advanced material
air-laid material
alternative material
anisotropic material
anode active material
anti-friction material
API starting material
apparent material properties
archaeological material
autolysed material
auxiliary of material (in UDK)
background material
backing material
basic forest material
basic forest reproductive material
basic material
basic material assistance
basic material costs
batch of nuclear material
bearing material
beated material
bedding material
bill of material version
binder material
bioactive material
bio-based material
biobased plastic material
biocompatible material
biodegradable material
biological material
bioreactive material
bio-sourced material
blank material
bookbinding material
book covering material
borderline material
brake material
briquetting material
brittle material
building material
building material industry
bulk material
calculation of material requirements
carbonaceous material
carrier material
cartographic material
Cat 3 material
catch-all material balance area
category 1 material
category 2 material
Category 3 material
cathode active material precursor
cathode material
cementing material
cementitious material
ceramic material
certified material
certified plant propagating material
child-pornography material
child sexual abuse material
child sexual exploitation material
circular material use
classification of material consumption norms
client's material
clinical material
closed material loop
coating material
cohesionless material
collection material
comparative material
component material
composing material
composite material
composition material
conducting material
constrained material point
constrained material system
*constructional material
contact material
contrast material
control material
*control over use of material resources
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities
corrosion-resistant material
cost of indirect material
costs of basic material
covering material
COVID-19 testing material
raw material
cryptographic material
crypto material
customer's material
cutting tool material
dead material
decoration material
demonstration material
derivation of material benefits
diamagnetic material
dielectric material
domestic material consumption
*drawing up a list of material values
ductile material
economy-wide material flow accounts
edging material
effort (of material)
elastic material
elasto-plastic material
electric insulating material
electrotechnical material
energetic material
energy source material
entitlement to material reception conditions
exhibition interpretative material (US)
explosive material
ferromagnetic material
fibrous composite material
fibrous insulating material
fibrous material
filamentary material
filled material
filler material
filling material
final cementitious material
final material
final organic material
finishing material
finite material
fire-proof material
fire-resistant material
fissile material
fissile material cut-off treaty
fissionable material
fixed material consumption
flux material
foam material
food contact material
forest reproductive material
fossil energy material
free material point
free material system
friction material
furniture covering material
fusionable material
gaseous insulating material
gas which causes or contributes to the combustion of other material more than air
general material designation
genetic material
geographical material
glazing material
goods and material value
graphic[al] material
grinding material
guiding material
hard-magnetic material
heat-insulating material
heat-proof material
heterogeneous material
high grade material
high-temperature material
hydraulic insulating material
hogged material
homogeneous material
illustrative material
incompressible material
inert material
infinite material
initial material
input material
insulating material
insulation material
intelligent material
intermediate food contact material
interpretative material (US)
interpretive material
interpretive material (US)
isotropic material
keying material
raw material
lashing material
lean material
leather (ball material)
lethal material
light-sensitive material
ligno-cellulosic material
liming material
limited material
liquid insulating material
litter material
lysed material
location of the basic material
low-grade material
magnetically hard material
magnetically soft material
magnetic material
magnetostrictive material
manufactured material
material acceptance statement*
material aid
*material and technical assistance
material and technical basis
material and technical supply
material asset
*material assistance
material backing
material balance
material balance area
material basis
material breach of an obligation
material capacity
material category
material change
material competence
material composite balance sheet*
material consumption
material consumption economy indices
material consumption quota
material consumption rationing
*material consumption standard
material contract
material coordinate system
material costs
material credit obligation
material culture
material currency
material damage
material dependence*
material deprivation
Material Design
material economy
material effect
material efficiency
material encourage
material error
material evidence
*material expression of value
material fact
Material factors to substantiate the asylum claim
material field of application
material flows
material footprint
material for the vegetative propagation of the vine
material goods
material impact
material inaccuracy
material incentive
material incentive[s] fund
material influence
material input per unit*
material intended to come into contact with food
material-intensive industry
material-intensive technology
material in the editor's hands
material label
material loss
material losses
material misrepresentation
material misstatement
material mistake
material objectivity principle
material of an artefact
material of animal origin
material of which the goods are made
material omission
material order
material point
material position
material production basis*
material property
material provision
material reception conditions
material recycling
material recovery
material requirement
*material reserves
material reserves
material resource
material resource efficiency
material resources
material responsibility*
material scope
material security
material services
material sources (pl)
material-specific recycled content
material-specific recycling yield
material stock
material stock norm
material supply
material support
material test
material testing
material thrift
material [time] derivative
material unaccounted for
material validity
material value
material value (of the composition)
material values
material waste
*material wealth
material welfare
material well-being
maximum material condition
maximum-material-condition tolerance
maximum material limit
mechanical testing [of material]
metallic material
methods of material consumption rationing
micro-propagated material
minimum material limit
mixed material
mold[ing] material
mould material
natural material
negative control material
net material consumption
non-magnetic material
non-material damage
non-nuclear material
non-originating material
non-toxic material cycle
non-waste material
non-woven material
nuclear material
organic constituent of a cementious material
organic material
original material
originating material
ornamental plant propagating material
osteological material
output material
oxidic material
raw material
packaging material
Packaging material for metal parts, releasing grease/corrosion inhibitors
packing material
packing material factory
paleobotanical material
paleozoological material
paramagnetic material
phantom bill of material
pyrophoric material
planting material
plant material
plant propagating material
plant reproductive material
plastic glazing material
plastic material
polishing material
porous material
positive control material
pre-basic material
precursor anode active material
precursor cathode active material
precursor material
pressed material
press material
primary material
raw material
principle of material incentives
printed material (matter)
propagating material
qualitative material
radioactive material
radiolabelled material
radio-labelled test material
rationing of material inventories
raw material
raw material
acquisition and pre-processing life-cycle stage
raw material
raw material
raw material
raw material
for pharmaceutical use
raw material
raw material
raw material
recycled material
recycling of material
recovered high purity material
recovered material
refractory material
register of craniological material
register of osteological material
Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade
relief material costs
report on material consumption*
reproductive material
material test
material testing
materiāla pārbaude
испытание материала
essai des matériaux
J. Dolacis. Mežtehnikas, mežsaimniecības un kokrūpniecības terminu vārdnīca. — R., 1998
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija