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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
return sum
Atrasti 220 termini
ability to meet cost of onward or return journey
after-tax real rate of return
after tax return
agent return of transactions
aggregate return of transactions
alert on return
amended tax return
annual income tax return
annual [tax] return
annual VAT return
assistance for voluntary return and reintegration
assisted voluntary return
assisted voluntary return and reintegration
audit of return
basic total return swap
battery return rate
bed return motion (movement, stroke)
carriage return
caul return
collecting return operation
confirmation of return
consolidated [tax] return
Contact Group – Return Directive
copy for return
Core Country Group for Return Matters
country of return
deposit and return system
deposit-return system
deposit return system
discounted cash flow rate of return
economic rate of return
enforced return
equity return
EU Action Plan on return
EU Return Coordinator
EU return liaison officer
EU Return Roadmap
European Integrated Approach on Return towards Third Countries
European Return and Reintegration Network
European Return Fund
European return laissez-passer
European return liaison officer
European Return Liaison Officers network
European Return Programme
European travel document for return
European travel document for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals
EU strategy on voluntary return and reintegration
fair-return price
false tax return
farm return
felling return
financial return crowdfunding
financing return
forced return
forced return escort
forced return monitor
Frontex Rapid Return Intervention Team
Frontex Return Office
gross return
guarantee of means of return
hard return
head office taxation tax return
High-Level Network for Return
hot return
income tax return
Integrated Return Management Application
integrated return programme
internal rate of return
International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children
joint return
joint return flight
joint return operation
Joint Return Operation Core Country Group
joint tax return
marginal return
mixed return operation
monthly VAT return
mutual recognition of return decisions
network of Direct Contact Points on Return
non-basic total return swap
non-resident-alien income tax return
non-resident alien income tax return
non-return rate
non-return-to-reference recording
non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording
non-return-to-zero change-on-zeros recording
non-return-to-zero (change) recording
non-return-to-zero (mark) recording
non-return-to-zero recording
non-return valve
non-voluntary return
obligation of non-return
obligation to return
pass back, return pass
planned return
polarized return-to-zero recording
pre-return assistance
principle of non-return
rate of return
rate of return (of capital)
rate of return regime
Reconstruction and Return Task Force
Regulation (EU) 2024/1349 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 May 2024 establishing a return border procedure, and amending Regulation (EU) 2021/1148
Regulation on a Return Border Procedure
Renewed Action Plan on Return
return address
Return Border Procedure Regulation
return case management system
return circuit
return code
return conductor
Return Contact Group
Return Coordinator
return counselling
return current circuit
return decision
return direction
return directive
Return Directive Contact Group
return flow
return goods
Return Handbook
return intervention
Return key
return liaison officer
return link service
return management
return materials authorization number
return mechanism
return meet
return merchandise authorization
return migration
return movement of the squeegee
return of NATO assets and capabilities
return of security
return of the amount overpaid
return of the child
return on capital employed
return on education
return on equity
return on investment
return on investment in education
return pipe
return policy
return-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
return procedure
return programme
return rate
return receipt
Return Roadmap
return (second-leg) match
return shopping
return specialist
return sponsorship
return spring
return statement
return stroke
return sum
return swing
return the ball (to the opponent's side)
return ticket
return to game library
return [to initial position]
return-to-reference recording
return to the game
return to vendor
return to viability
return to work
return-to-zero recording
return trip
return tube
return water
return wire
risk and return category
risk-return profile
separate tax return
share annual return
simplified tax return
social return
social return on investment
societal return
societal return on investment
soft return
sponsored return
steam return line
supporting documents regarding return
table return movement
tax on real rate of return
tax return
tax return form
third country of return
this return ticket is available for a week
to check accuracy of information given on the tax return
to complete a tax return
to export with notice of intended return
to file an annual return
to file an income tax return
to file a tax return
to fill in (out) a tax return
to make a tax return
top-up tax information return
to return a call
to return borrowed money
to return (intransitive)
to return one’s income — deklarēt ienākumus
to return (transitive)
to submit a tax return
to submit a VAT return
total rate of return swap
total return swap
valuation shown on a return
value added tax return
value shown on a return
vapour return
VAT return
voluntary humanitarian return
voluntary humanitarian return programme
voluntary return
to return (transitive)
ISO 2382 15.05.08, prot. Nr. 313 (30.05.2008)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija