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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
roll up
Atrasti 186 termini
Arabian roll
axial roll
back break fall to a back roll extension
back dive with half turn roll over
back dive with one and a half (1½) twist to forward roll
back extension roll
back flip, stomach roll
back over bars (flying backward roll)
back roll to handstand
backward (back) roll
backward (back) roll to momentary handstand
backward roll to (still) handstand
backward shoulder roll
backward (shoulder) roll to extension
backward shoulder roll to knee scale
barrel roll
basket to forward swing in upperarm support and roll backward to handstand
belly back roll
bounce roll
camera roll
chest roll
circle up to handstand, back roll shoot (rings)
contact roll
crush[er] roll
crush forming roll
dandy roll
date roll convention
debt roll-over
double roll
drag (top) roll
draw roll
drop backward to roll backward with straight legs
easy roll
Eco-roll with engine stop-start
Eco-roll without engine stop-start
Eskimo roll
feed (pulling) roll
feed roll
flip belly-roll
flying backward roll dismount (out) to side
flying backward roll to handstand
flying (flight) dive roll forward, aerial roll (swan dive forward)
forming roll
forward roll
forward roll on end of beam mount
forward roll on the upperarm
forward roll straight body
free aerial roll backward to handstand
free roll
free roll forward
friction roll[er]
front dive with roll
front roll mount
full twisting full dive roll
futures roll
gear roll
glazing roll[er]
glue roll[er]
guide roll[er]
handstand fall forward and roll forward with straight legs
handstand forward roll
Honma (roll-over)
internal roll burnisher
internal roll burnishing
Janz roll (salto)
jolt roll-over pattern-draw moulding machine
jump backward with half turn through momentary handstand to roll forward
lifting roll
lunge to shoulder stand, roll to a straddle seat
metering roll[er]
narrow roll
no-hand roll mount
one-and-a-half salto forward tucked to roll forward
OneDrive camera roll
one-reel (one-roll) press
pick and roll
pike forward roll to back rest
pony roll
pony roll cutter
press[ure] roll
pull roll[er]
ring-roll mill
Rock & Roll
rock up (
roll up
roll (acrobatics)
roll a log
roll back
roll backward in prone position to front leaning support
roll backward through momentary handstand and squat through to L-support
roll backward through momentary handstand and stoop through to pointed support
roll backward through momentary handstand and stoop through to roll backward to momentary handstand
roll backward through momentary handstand and thrust left or right leg between arms to split
roll backward through momentary handstand to stand, followed by forward tuck salto
roll backward through momentary handstand to stand and handspring backward (flic-flac) to stand
roll backward to momentary handstand and half turn push-off to still handstand
roll bar
roll-bar frame
rollbar roll-over protective structure
roll bending
roll breaker
roll burnisher
roll burnishing
Roll button
roll cage
roll call
roll-call vote
roll catch
roll center
roll coating
roll convention
roll core
roll crusher
roll die
roll dive
roll dribble
roll forging machine
roll forming
roll forward
roll forward piked
roll forward set
roll forward to knee-bending stretch knees and handspring backward (flic-flac)
roll forward to knee-bending stretch knees and salto backward tucked (piked, stretched)
roll forward with straight legs to stand
Roll (gymnast)
roll in
roll-in cabinet
roll[ing] crusher
roll in upperarm hang
roll-your-own tobacco
roll loading
roll mill
roll of tobacco
roll-on roll-off
roll opening
roll over
roll-over arm
roll-over control
roll-over hopper
roll-over protection structure
roll-over table
roll pass
roll-resistance ratio
roll screen
roll seaming
roll sideways over the back of the other partner
roll (spin) dribble
roll stand
roll the ball
roll the ball (to)
roll (to)
roll up
roll wrapping machine
shoulder roll
shoulder roll (acrobatics)
shoulder roll backward
side roll dive
side roll factor
sideways (side) roll
single-roll stand
slide roll
spin, roll
squeeze roll
straddled upperarm roll forward
straightening roll
straight-leg roll-up
tax roll
thread roll
top press roll
to roll in
to roll out
two-hand reception with back roll
two-roll spreader
upperarm roll backward (forward)
vacuum roll
walkover backward, through a brief handstand, chest roll stretched arms and arched body
roll of tobacco
tabakas rullītis
rouleau de tabac
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