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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
rule of law
Atrasti 228 termini
1/20 rule
50/50 financing rule
80/20 rule
accounting rule
account rule
Ad hoc group on Fundamental Rights and the
Rule of Law
ad valorem percentage rule
alerting rule
alert rule
Rule of Law
as a rule
attack surface reduction rule
away goals rule
Bayes' rule
balanced budget rule
best practice rule
by rule
breaches of the principles of the
rule of law
budget control rule
business rule
Chatham House Rule
choice of law rule
Client Access Rule
color rule
column rule
Commissioner for Democracy, Justice, the
Rule of Law
and Consumer Protection
Commissioner for Democracy, Justice and the
Rule of Law
"comply or explain" rule
composing rule
configuration rule
conflict-of-laws rule
conflict rule
constraint rule
Council of Europe convention on artificial intelligence, human rights, democracy and the
rule of law
Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the
Rule of Law
counting rule
Cox-Merz rule
crawl rule
cross rule
custom rule
data manipulation rule
data structuring rule
data validation rule
debt rule
decision rule
default nomination rule
de minimis rule
derivation rule
dimension derivation rule
dividing rule
dynamic linking rule
double fine[-face]rule
Driver's Rule Book
Duplicate Detection Rule Publication
eight second count (rule)
rule of law
equity escape rule
EU accounting rule
EU Banking Rule Book
rule of law
European Union accounting rule
European Union Integrated
Rule of Law
Mission for Iraq
European Union
Rule of Law
European Union
Rule of Law
Mission in Georgia
European Union
Rule of Law
Mission in Kosovo
Rule of Law
event chronicle rule
expenditure recognition accounting rule
expenditure rule
firewall rule
First Vice-President in charge of Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations,
Rule of Law
and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
five-second rule
four-step rule
fourteen five (45) seconds rule
funding rule
general anti-abuse rule
general anti-avoidance rule
generalised deficiency as regards the
rule of law
global rule
golden rule
guide rule
Hardy—Weinberg rule
head rule
heuristic rule
home rule Government of Greenland
Honour All Cards Rule
Human Rights, Democracy and
Rule of Law
Impact Assessment
if/then rule
if-then rule
import rule
Inbox rule
income inclusion rule
inference rule
infringe, violate (rule)
International Institute for Justice and the
Rule of Law
invalidation rule
IP firewall rule
joint rule
Rule of Law
Coordination Board
journal rule
kanban rule
left-hand rule
legal rule
length of rule
lesser duty rule
mail flow rule
main account derivation rule
maintenance rule
make-up rule
mandatory rule
message rule
mutton rule
n+3 automatic decommitment rule
N+3 decommitment rule
N+3 rule
national technical rule
"no bail-out" rule
'no-contact' rule
no-debit rule
non-alteration rule
non-manipulation rule
no-profit rule
notified national technical rule
one-net rule
order protection rule
outbound translation rule
overriding mandatory rule
overriding rule
percentage value added rule
percentage value added rule of origin
phonological rule
pliant rule
policy rule
posting rule
Post Rule Configurations
preferential rule of origin
principle of the
rule of law
production rule
project funding rule
prudential rule
'public policy' rule
qualified income inclusion rule
query rule
rationality rule of indices
recognition accounting rule
register rule
revenue recognition accounting rule
reverse majority rule
right-hand rule
routing rule
rule and furniture casting machine
Rule-based configuration
rule-based machine translation
rule-based security policy
rule-based system
rule by reasoned order
rule book
rule case
rule collection
rule cutter
rule firing
rule for participation
rule governing fouls
rule governing progressing with the ball
rule group code
rule line
rule mould
rule of communications
rule of conflict of laws
rule of law
rule of law
rule of law
Rule of Law
Conditionality Regulation
rule of law
rule of law
rule of law
rule of law
Rule of Law
rule of speciality
rule of specification
rule of universality
rule overtime
rule under emergency powers
rule work
safe harbour rule
Sarrus' Rule
scale rule
Senior Experts' Group on Systemic
Rule of Law
setting rule
shaded rule
similarity rule
single rule book
site path rule
symbolic rule
slot use rule
speciality rule
state governed by the
rule of law
State subject to the
rule of law
steel rule
subscription event rule
subscription scheduled rule
Sum Rule
sum rule in integration
team fouls penalty rule
technical rule
Temporary Study Group on Fundamental Rights and the
Rule of Law
the rule that the legislation of a single Member State is to apply
third party rule
three (5, 8, 24) second rule
three-second rule
three-second (rule) violation
type and rule caster (casting machine)
to break a rule
total rule
trade-through rule
transport rule
twelve-to-pica rule
twenty for second rule
undertaxed payments rule
undertaxed profit rule
'use-it-or-lose-it' rule
validation rule
waved rule
workflow rule
X% value added rule
composing rule
setting rule
наборная линейка
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija