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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
scale up
Atrasti 233 termini
apple mussel scale
back-kip to free support scale
backward scale on one arm support
backward shoulder roll to knee scale
balance stand (horizontal scale) frontways on one leg
basket to free horizontal support scale with straight arms
Beaufort scale
Beaufort wind force scale
Beaufort wind scale
big-scale sand smelt
Blueprint for coordinated response to large-scale cross-border cybersecurity incidents and crises
Blueprint on large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises
Blueprint outlining the European level coordinated response to large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises
boiler scale
California scale
centre-zero scale
Chinese scale
color scale
Community-scale group of undertakings
Community-scale undertaking
contribution scale
device for micro/nano-scale integration
diseconomy of scale
drawing scale
economies of scale
economy of scale
economy of scale production
eddy (large-scale)
elasticity of scale
elbow balance (support scale) on one arm, single-elbow horizontal lever
elbow support scale and half turn, body horizontal and raise slowly to handstand
energy efficiency scale
EU Agency for Large-Scale IT Systems
EU large-scale skills partnership for onshore renewable energy
EU large-scale skills partnership for onshore renewables
European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
evenly divided scale
exact reading scale
exciter scale
expanded scale
Fahrenheit scale
fine-scale rectangle
flow scale
front horizontal hang, front scale in hang
front rest horizontal lever, free support scale
front scale
full scale deflection
full-scale invasion
full-scale military aggression
full-scale military invasion
full-scale production
full-scale test
full-scale trade
global long-term rating scale
grading scale of Magnusson/Kligman
gray scale
grey scale
hanging scale
hanging scale frontways
hanging scale rearways
height scale
high heel backward scale
high heel scale on one leg
horizontal scale backward on one leg, single-leg back lever
(house) planning on a mass scale
incident classification scale
increasing-returns-to-scale homogeneous production function
industrial-scale plant
industrial scale production
internal master scale
knee scale
K scale
large-scale cyber incident
large-scale cybersecurity incident
large-scale construction
large-scale domestic group
large-scale farm
large-scale fishery
large-scale fishing
large-scale fleet
large-scale incident
large-scale industrial fishery
large-scale industry
Large Scale Integration
large-scale IT system
*large-scale manufacturer
large-scale NAT
large-scale network address translation
large-scale partnership
Large Scale Partnership for Skills in the Offshore Renewable Energy
Large Scale Partnership for the Pact for Skills in the Offshore Renewable Energy sector
large-scale partnership in the digital ecosystem
large-scale partnership on onshore renewables
large-scale producer
large-scale production
large-scale skills partnership
Large Scale Skills Partnership for Renewable Energy
large-scale skills partnership for the digital ecosystem
large scale (text)
leaf-scale gulper shark
linear scale
logarithmic scale
log scale
lowering to hanging scale rearways
Magnusson/Kligman grading scale
Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals, including petroleum products
marginal product of scale
master scale
measurement scale
mill scale
mirror scale
mussel scale
needle scale
needle scale, holding the leg
nominal scale
nomograph scale
non-linear scale
oystershell scale
on a large-scale
on a large scale
on a national scale
operational security ranking scale
pay scale
paper scale
pernicious scale
*probability scale
probit scale
raise straight body with straight arms to handstand from free front support scale
rating scale
rearways standing scale
reverse needle scale on one leg
reverse scale
Richter scale
ring scale
round-scale spearfish
run on mount on the end of the beam to front scale
sanction scale
San José Scale
scale armour
scale break line
scale carp
scale deposit
scale diseconomy
scale division
scale economy
scale factor
scale formation
scale graduation
SCALE initiative
scale interval
scale minimum
scale mode
scale model
scale of building
scale of charges
scale of difficulty
scale of marks
scale of pension
scale of premiums
scale of prices
scale of production
scale of taxes
scale of term acceptability rating
Scale Out
scale-out deployment
scale-out group
scale pan
scale point
scale range
scale retouche
scale rule
scale scraper
scale-up company
scale-up phase
scale value
side scale
system consisting of a tapering scale of rates for several price bands
sliding scale
small-scale coastal fishing
small scale cogeneration
small-scale cogeneration unit
small-scale commodity production
small-scale drug smuggling
small-scale economy
small-scale farmer
small-scale fishery
small-scale fishing
small-scale fleet
small-scale inshore fishing
*small-scale manufacturer
small-scale partnership
small-scale producer
small-scale production
small-scale research unit
*small-scale retail trade
small-scale server
small-scale turbulence
*small-scale wholesale shop
*small-scale wholesale trade
small scale wind turbine
split(s) scale, bent body
SQL Server Integration Services Scale Out
SSIS Scale Out
standard scale of unit costs
standing-scale frontways, single-leg balance (swallow stand scale)
standing-scale sideways
super-scale computer
supervisory master scale
tariff scale
time scale
to recycle at scale
to scale
to scale a font
to scale [a font]
to scale down
to scale down prices
scale up
*unevenly divided scale
unevenly divided scale
value scale method
very large scale integration
vernier scale
vertical pull-up with bent arms to hanging scale rearways, horizontal
vertical pull-up with straight arms to hanging scale rearways, horizontal
VLSI - Very Large-Scale Integration
vernier scale
Mašīnbūves terminu vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 2004
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