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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
second growth
Atrasti 242 termini
Accelerated Growth Incentives
Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth
action plan on financing sustainable growth
alga, growth inhibition test
algal growth inhibition test
allowance for growth and investment
allowance for growth and investment equity base
altered growth
annual growth
annual growth rate
Annual Growth Survey
Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy
Annual Sustainable Growth Survey
average specific growth rate
below-ground biomass growth
biaxial extension stress growth coefficient
biaxial extension stress growth function
biaxial stress growth coefficient
biaxial stress growth function
blue growth
Blue Growth Initiative
cancerous growth
cankerous growth
carbon neutral growth from 2020
cell wall growth
clean growth
coefficient of growth
coefficient of population growth
Compact for Growth and Jobs
company growth
Competitiveness for growth and jobs
corrective arm of the Stability and Growth Pact
corrective part of the Stability and Growth Pact
COSME Equity Facility for Growth
credit growth
crippled growth
crystal growth
crystal growth inhibitor
crystal growth rate
Declaration of the European Ministers responsible for the Integrated Maritime Policy and the European Commission, on a Marine and Maritime Agenda for growth and jobs
Declaration of the European Ministers responsible for the Integrated Maritime Policy on Blue Growth
dendritic growth
diameter growth
directed growth
dissuasive arm of the Stability and Growth Pact
eccentric growth
ecologically sustainable growth
economic growth
edge-defined film-fed growth
EIB Growth and Employment Facility
employment growth
enhancement of microbial growth
environmentally sustainable growth
Equity Facility for Growth
EU Growth prospectus
EU growth strategy
EUROPE 2020 A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Europe 2020 Strategy for Jobs and Growth
Europe 2020 strategy for jobs and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
European initiative for the development of micro-credit in support of growth and employment
EU-US High-Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth
extensive production growth
fire growth
first normal stress growth coefficient
first normal stress growth function
forked growth
Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth
GDP growth
GDP growth gap
global margin for commitments for growth and employment, in particular youth employment
global margin for commitments for growth and employment, in particular youth employment, and for migration and security measures
Global Nutrition for Growth Compact
grain growth
green growth
Growth and Employment Facility
growth area
growth assumption
growth cabinet
growth capital
Growth Center
growth chamber
growth check
growth defect
growth district
growth-enhancing item
growth equity
growth factor
growth factors
growth forecast
growth-friendly fiscal consolidation
growth-friendly tax system
growth function
growth gap
growth habit
growth inhibition test
growth-interest rate differential
growth in the living standard
growth medium
growth model
growth of income
growth of money supply
growth of profit[s]*
*growth of profit[s]
growth of the collection
growth of wage level
growth of wages
growth performance
growth phase
growth point
growth potential
growth production
growth promoter
growth rate
growth region
growth ring
growth site
growth Source> ELDO
growth stimulant
growth stimulator
growth strategy
growth stresses
growth twin
growth zone
habit of growth
Health for Growth
height growth
High Growth and Innovative SME Facility
High Growth SME
High Level Working Group on Competitiveness and Growth
Hybrid Hosting Platform Development and Growth Service
illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growth promoters
inclusive growth
InnovFin MidCap Growth Finance
insect growth regulator
Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs
interest rate-growth differential
Investment for growth and jobs goal
young growth
job-creating growth
jobless growth
job-rich growth
Justice for growth
"Justice for growth" agenda
limit of forest growth
Lisbon Agenda for Growth and Jobs
low-carbon growth plan
lower growth
manifesto for entrepreneurship & innovation to power growth in the EU
mechanical growth of population
Mezzanine Facility for Growth
*migratory population growth
migratory population growth
money growth
money-supply growth
monetary growth
museum growth
natural growth of population
natural population growth
net growth
new growth
new growth plan for the Western Balkans
no growth
nominal GDP growth
nominal growth
non-inflationary economic growth
normal growth
normal stress growth coefficient
normal stress growth function
nucleus growth
old-growth forest
outstripping growth*
plant growth acute toxicity test
plant growth cabinet
plant growth chamber
plant growth incubator
plant growth regulator
population growth
potential economic growth
preventive arm of the Stability and Growth Pact
preventive part of the Stability and Growth Pact
productivity growth
projected growth rate
quality growth
quantity growth
rate of fatigue crack growth
rate of growth
real GDP growth
real wage growth
Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
relative suspension growth
relative total growth
reliability growth model
renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs
sabre (curved) growth
second growth
second growth
second normal stress growth coefficient
second normal stress growth function
shear stress growth coefficient
shear stress growth function
single crystal growth
Single Market Agenda for Jobs, Growth and Investment
Smart and inclusive growth
smart growth
SME growth market
socially inclusive economic growth
socially inclusive growth
Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth
Specifications on the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact and Guidelines on the format and content of Stability and Convergence Programmes
specific growth rate
spiral growth
Stability and Growth Pact
stagnation in growth
stand growth
stimulating growth factor
Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) Keeping up the pace of change
Support for partnership, reform and inclusive growth
sustainable and non-inflationary growth
sustainable economic growth
sustainable growth
tensile stress growth coefficient
tensile stress growth function
total growth
Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment
twisted growth
Vanguard Initiative for New Growth through Smart Specialisation
Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
volume growth
wage growth
woodknob of branch growth of wood
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth (Better Regulation)
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth (High Level)
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth (Industry)
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth (Internal Market)
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth (Public Procurement)
Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth (Tourism)
zero economic growth
zero growth
wage growth
growth of wages
algu pieaugums
croissance des salaires
croissance salariale
accroissement des salaires
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