Svētdiena, 22. decembris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
section 179
Atrasts 191 termins
active section
additional section notes
APA Contracts Section
APA Desk Section
artificial body section
assembling of complicated section
bar of circular section
blade with a rhombic section
blade with a triangular section
body section
book section folder
bow with a quadrangular cross-section
bow with a rectangular section
bow with a round cross-section
bow with a segmentary section
bow with a triangular cross-section
bow with a triangular section
broken out section
Brussels Crèches Section
budget section
Bulgarian Section
busbar section
bus[bar] section
busbar section disconnector
bus section disconnector
cableway section
caption section
circular cross section
Civil-Military Coordination Section
coaxial cable section
coil section
collision cross-section
conductor section
core of section
critical section
cryostat section
Croatian Section
cross section
cross-section area
cross-section date
cross section deformation
cross-section of a base
cross-section of a blade
cross section (of a boat or a ship)
cross-section of a bow
cross section of a head (point)
cross-section of a shank
Czech Section
Danish Section
dead section
Declarations section
deformable end section
detail section
deviation from [true] longitudinal section profile
disk section gang
drying section
Dutch Section
EAGGF Guarantee Section
EAGGF Guidance Section
ECO section
egg-shaped cross-section
elementary section
embossing and punching section
English Section
Estonian Section
excavation section
external border section
External Relations Section
Finnish Section
folding section
French Section
German Section
gymnastic section
graduated product section
Greek Section
Guidance Section (EAGGF)
head with rhombic section
High-Risk Road Section Management
Hungarian Section
Info Desk Section
INT section
Irish Section
Italian Section
*jurisdictional section
Latvian Section
Legislative Planning Section
lens-shaped cross-section
level of the profile section
Lithuanian Section
longitudinal section
longitudinal section profile deviation
Luxembourg Crèches Section
make-up section
Maltese Section
mechanized section
medial section
military analysis and planning section
NAT section
neutral section insulator
normal section of rack
offset section
open cross section
optional section
original body section
oval cross-section
plan section
Polish Section
polyhedral cross-section
Portuguese Section
presentation section
principal cross-section
Privileges and Immunities Section
quadrangular cross-section
radial section
radius of the core of a cross-section
recursive section
repeating section
repeating section content control
revolved section
revolved section[al] view
REX section
rhombic cross-section
Romanian Section
round cross-section
Section 179
section binding
section bureau
section (cartography)
section change-over switch
section conveyor
section designation
section drum dryer
section feeder
Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment
Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion
Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship
Section for External Relations
Section for the Single Market, Production and Consumption
Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society
section header
section header control
section layout
section lining
section modulus
section notes
section of a barrow
section of archaeology
section of a sawn timber stack
Section of Forensic Genetics
section of the budget
section opinion
section president
section selectivity of protection
section (shape) rolling mill
section title
section width
Section Zoom
Security Section 1
Security Section 2
Security Section 3
Security Section 4
shaped section
Slovak Section
Slovene Section
SOC section
Spanish Section
square cross-section
square section
summary section*
Swedish Section
tangential section
TEN section
thread profile in normal section of worm
tolerance for longitudinal section profile
toreutic bow with circular section
transport section
transverse section
transverse section of rack
triangular cross-section
two-section superheater
two-up section
useful section
vulnerable section of the population
white branch section
wholesale section
winding section
wire bow with a circular section
workshop section
writeable section
Estonian Section
Igauņu valodas daļa
Estnische Sektion
Section estonienne
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