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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
sex education
Atrasti 319 termini
academic staff in higher education
access to education
adult basic education
adult education
adult education organisation
Adult Education Survey
adult elementary education
Advisory Committee on Education and Training in the Field of Architecture
Agenda for the Western Balkans on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Agreement on Access to Higher Education and Admission to Study in the Western Balkans
agricultural education
art education
basic education
basic physical education principles
bilingual education
Cyber Education, Training, Evaluation and Exercise platform
class in physical education
commercial education
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Commission for Culture, Education and Research
Commission for Culture and Education
Commission for Education, Youth, Culture and Research
Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture
Committee on Culture and Education
Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, Social Affairs and Education
Committee on Social Affairs, Employment, Education, Culture and Civil Society
Committee on Social Affairs, Youth and Children, Human Exchanges, Education and Culture
comparative education
Compendium of Inspiring Practices on Inclusive and Citizenship Education
comprehensive sexuality education
compulsory education
connected education
continuing education
continuing education and training
continuing vocational education and training
continuous vocational education and training
Convention against Discrimination in Education
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region
cooperation in the field of education
Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education
*course education
declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education
democratisation of education
denominational education
Development Education and Awareness Raising
DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
DG Education and Culture
digital education
digital education action plan
diploma certifying successful completion of higher or university education
Directorate 1 - Environment, Education, Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Sport
Directorate 2 - Employment, Social Affairs, Education, Agriculture, Fisheries
Directorate-General E - Environment, Education, Transport and Energy
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Directorate-General for Education and Culture
Directorate-General for Transport, Energy, Environment and Education
distance education
dual education system
dual vocational education system
early age education
early childhood education
early childhood education and care
early childhood education and care institution
early leaver from education and training
early leaving from education and training
ecological education
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council
Education, Youth and Culture Council
Education & Training 2010
education allowance
Education Analytics
Education and Youth Affairs Council
education and training
Education and Training 2010
Education and Training 2020 Working Group
Education and Training Monitor
education based on work*
education budget
Education Cannot Wait
Education Committee
education costs
education dropout
education establishment
Education for All - Fast Track Initiative
Education for Climate Coalition
education for democracy
education for democratic citizenship
education for sustainable development
Education for sustainable development: a roadmap
Education for Sustainable Development Roadmap
education grant
Education information network in the European Community
Education Insights
Education Insights Premium
education of foreigners
education of young offenders
education or training establishment
education or training provider
education pack
education policy
Education Preview
education programme (GB)
education program (US)
Education Resources
education service
education system
education statistics
education tourism
education work sheet
EEC-EFTA Joint Committee on the implementation of the agreement establishing cooperation in the field of education and training within the framework of the Erasmus programme
electronic education
elementary gymnastic education
Employment, Social Affairs, Education, Agriculture, Fisheries Directorate
Environment, Education, Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Sport Directorate
environmental education
Erasmus+ Vocational Education and Training Mobility Charter
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education
EU Border Guard High-Level Education
EU Border Guard Mid-Level Education
EU Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education
European Agreement on the Instruction and Education of Nurses
European Area of Higher Education
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
European Cybercrime Training and Education Group
European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
European Digital Education Hub
European dimension in education
European Education and Culture Executive Agency
European education area
European Education Area strategic framework
European education information network
European Experts Network on Economics of Education
European Framework for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training
European Higher Education Area
European Higher Education Sector Observatory
European Year of Education through Sport
European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training
European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education
European strategy empowering higher education institutions for the future of Europe
European Strategy for Vocational Education and Training
European Tertiary Education Register
formal education
Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area
framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area
free education
full-time education
further education
further education and training
gender education
general education
general secondary education
girls' education
Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development
Global Citizenship Education
Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack
Global Convention on Higher Education
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education
Global Education First Initiative
Global Partnership for Education
graduate education
health education
higher education
higher education diploma
higher education establishment
Higher Education for Smart Specialisation
higher education institution
higher education system
higher education values
High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education
home education
ICT education
Incheon Declaration: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all
inclusive education
individual education
informal education
Information and Communications Technologies education
initial education
initial teacher education
initial vocational education and training
Intellectual Property in Education network
International Bureau of Education
International Standard Classification of Education
IP in Education Network
young people neither in employment nor in education or training
young people not in employment, education or training
justified education and medical expenses
leadership in education
leisure education
leisure-time education
level of education
Lithuanian Education and Science Trade Union
lower secondary education
lower secondary education level
mainstream education
mass education
Mercator Education
Microsoft Education Analytics
Microsoft Office 365 for education
Microsoft Store for Education
Microsoft Teams for Education
movement education
multidisciplinary education
museum education
National Commission for Civic Education
neither in employment nor in education and training
non-formal education
not in education, employment or training
Office 365 Education
Office 365 Education Cart
Office 365 Education E3 Technical Preview
Office 365 Education E5 without PSTN Conferencing for faculty
Office 365 Education E5 without PSTN Conferencing for students
Office 365 Education for faculty
Office 365 Education for students
Office 365 Education Plus
Office 365 Education Plus for students (user purchased)
OneNote Staff Notebook for Education
online education
open and distance education
open education
ordinary education
Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture
Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies
*out-service education
physical education
post-compulsory education
postgraduate education
Power BI for Office 365 Add-On for Education E3/E4 for Faculty
Power BI for Office 365 Add-On for Education E3/E4 for Students
pre-primary education
pre-school education
primary education
primary education level
private education
professional education
programmed education
Programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries
Programme for Union action in the field of education, training, youth and sport
programme for Union action in the fields of education and training, youth and sport
public education
Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area
Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area
quality education
recurrent education
regular education
regular school education and university education
relationships, sexual health and parenthood education
relationships and
sex education
return on education
return on investment in education
returns on education
returns on investment in education
right to education
risk education
school education
School Education Gateway
scientific communication and education
scientific education
secondary education
second-chance education
second stage of basic education
Secretariat of the Committee on Culture and Education
secular education
sex and relationship education
sex and relationships education
sex education
sexual health and relationships education
short-cycle higher education
social outcomes of education
sociology of education
Sofia Call for Action on Digital Skills and Education
special education
special education needs
special needs education
state education
STEM Education Strategic Plan
strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training
strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030)
Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research
teacher education
Teams for Education
technical and vocational education and training
technical education
tertiary education
tertiary education institution
theoretical education
theory of physical education
third-level education
tourism education
Translator for Education
undergraduate education
Union programme for education, training, youth and sport
Union Programme for education and training, youth and sport
United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training
upper secondary education
user education
vocational education
vocational education and training
Vocational Education and Training Centres of Excellence
Western Balkans Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Windows 10 Education
Windows 10 Education N
Windows 10 Pro Education
Windows 10 Pro Education N
Windows 11 Education
Windows 11 Education N
Windows 11 Pro Education
Windows 11 Pro Education N
Windows 8.1 Pro for Education
work education instructor*
worker with less formal education
World Education Forum
early childhood education and care institution
pirmsskolas izglītības un aprūpes iestāde
établissement chargé de l'éducation et de l'accueil des très jeunes enfants
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