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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
sex test
Atrasti 800 termini
3T3 NRU phototoxicity test
abortus Bang ring test
abrasion resistance test
abrasion test of coated surfaces
abstract test case
abstract test method
accelerated test
acceptance test
acid test ratio
acoustical test box
activated sludge respiration inhibition test
activity test
actual test
acute contact toxicity test
acute dietary test
acute dietary toxicity test
acute immobilisation test
acute oral dietary toxicity test
adjuvant-type test
admissions test
admission test
agar gel immuno-diffusion test
agar gel immunodiffusion test
AGID test
agility test
aging test
alga, growth inhibition test
algal growth inhibition test
algal inhibition test
alpha test
Ames test
analytical test strategy
antigen test
antimicrobial susceptibility test
approval test
aptitude test
artificial pollution test
artificial strategies test
automatic test
autoradiographic test for unscheduled DNA synthesis
autoradiographic UDS test
back-to-back test
bacterial reverse mutation test
bacteriological test
balance test
balancing test
ball drop test
ball-impact test
ball test
bandwidth test
Bartlett's test
basis test set
benchmark test
bench test
bending test
best-interest-of-creditors test
beta test
black band test
black box test design technique
blank test
blank test solution
blind test
blocked test case
bottom-up stress test
Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability test
brake fade test
brake test
break down test
breaking capacity test
breaking test
breath-test instrument
Brucella buffered antigen test
Buehler test
buffered Brucella antigen test
build acceptance test
build verification test
build verification test (BVT)
built-in test
burning-behaviour test
calibrated driving machine test
calorimetric test
capacity test
carcinogenicity test
carpet test
certification test
challenge test
charge-depleting test
Charpy impact test
Charpy test
Charpy V-notch test
chassis dynamometer test
checkerboard test
check test
chi-squared (χ2) test
chronic toxicity test
cis-trans test
cyclic test
climate stress test
closed bottle test
cloud test
coast-down test
Coggins test
cold start exhaust emissions test
cold start test
collimation-telescope test
collision test
colour identification test
combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity test
combined chronic toxicity carcinogenicity test
commercial test
commisioning test
commutation test
comparative ring test
competitive Elisa test
complement fixation test
Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
compliance test
component integration test
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification regime
Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty
compression test
compression test diagram
confirmatory test
conformity test
constant-speed non-road steady-state test cycle
consultative test strategy
contact resistance test
continuation test
control test
coordinated test method
core test
corona inception test
coronavirus test
coupled-units test
COVID-19 self-test kit
COVID-19 test
crash test
crash test dummy
cross cut test
crushing test
cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility test data summary
cumulative susceptibility test data
defect-based test design technique
destructive test
Development and test
DFA test
diagnostic test
dielectric dry test
dielectric wet test
difference test
dipstick test
direct fluorescent antibody test
Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on a proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions
discharge energy test
discharge inception test
dissipation factor test
disturbance test
dynamic rig test
dynamic test
dynamometer test
DOC die-away test
dominant lethal mutation test
dominant lethal test
dope test
dose-response test
double immunodiffusion test
drop test
Duncan test
Dunnett's test
duplicate test
earthworm, acute toxicity test
earthworm acute toxicity test
economic needs test
economic test
edge bending test
effectiveness test
efficiency test
eye irritation test
electrical back-to-back test
electrodynamic test
elimination competition, test match, trials (try-out)
ELISA test
endurance test
engineering test
engine test stand
environmental-aggression resistance test
environmental resistance test
equivalence test
equivalent manual test effort (EMTE)
error detection test
EU added value test
EU Youth Test
European added value test
European Solar Test Installation
EU Test and Evaluation Centres
EU wide stress test
examination on a test basis
executable test case
experience-based test design technique
external test method
ex vivo test
factory test
fade test
fading test
FAMA test
fast test
fatigue test
fault location test
fermentation tubes test
fermentation tube test
field test
financial attractiveness test
fire-resistance test
fire test
fish early life stage toxicity test
fish full life cycle test
fitness-for-use test
flame test
flammability test
flexibility test
flexural test
flight test
flow-through fish test
flow-through test
fluctuation test
fluorescent antibody test
fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test
fold test
fragmentation test
freezing test
FTA-ABS test
F-test, F-ratio
full-scale test
functional test
functional test design technique
fundamental rights test
gamma interferon test
generic test case
germinating test
grinding test
growth inhibition test
Guinea-Pig Maximisation Test
haemagglutination inhibition test
haemagglutination test
haematological test
hard floor test
hardness test
Hardware Compatibility Test kit
harmonic test
HA test
headform test
heat[ing] test
Hen's Egg Chorion allantoic Membrane Test
high level test case
high-voltage test
hydraulic test
hyperlink test tool
honey-bee brood feeding test
hot start exhaust emissions test
hot start test
ICE test
identification-of-colours test
IFA test
immersion test
immunofluorescence test
impact-bending test
impact test
impulse test
indirect fluorescent antibody test
insulation resistance test
insulation test
intake test
integration test
*intermediate test
international complement fixation test unit
interturn test
in-test loop
intradermal tuberculin test
in vitro 3T3 NRU phototoxicity test
in vitro chromosomal aberration test
in vitro mammalian cell chromosomal aberration test in human lymphocytes
in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test
in vitro mammalian chromosomal aberration test
in vivo eye test
in vivo mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test
IRE test
iron-loss test
Isolated Chicken Eye test
isolated rabbit eye test
Izod impact strength test
Izod impact test
Izod test
youth test
Kolmogoroff-Smirnoff test
Kruskal-Wallis test
laboratory test
labour market test
leak[age] test
least cost test
level test plan
Levene’s test
life-cycle toxicity test
life test
light load test
light-transmission test
limit test
liquidity stress test
liquid test procedure
loading back test
load test
local test method
locked-rotor test
logical test case
long-run test
long-term test
loopback test
loop-back test method
low-frequency dielectric test
low level test case
Magnusson and Kligman Maximisation Test
maintenance test
Mammalian Bone Marrow Chromosome Aberration Test
mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test
mammalian in vivo micronucleus test
mammalian spermatogonial chromosome aberration test
marginal test
market test
master test plan
material test
measuring and test equipment
mechanical back-to-back test
mechanical endurance test
mechanical strength test
mechanical test
Merchant Indifference Test
methodical test strategy
me-too test
micro-agglutination test
micronucleus test
microscopic agglutination test
migration test
milk ring test
mill test
modified SCAS test
modified semi-continuous activated sludge test
motor test stand
mouse coat color spot test
Mouse Ear Swelling Test
mouse heritable translocation test
mouse spot test
multiple comparison test
multiple-factor stress test
multiple t-test
NAAT test
near-patient test
necessity test
negative control test
New European Test Cycle
Newman-Keuls test
noise-level test
no-load loss test
no-load test
no-load test; open-circuit test
nominal test mass
non-adjuvant test
non-amplified nucleic acid probe test
non-clinical test
non-destructive test
non-financial barrier test
non-functional test design technique
novel coronavirus test
nuclear stress test
nuclear test
nucleic acid amplification test
Office 365 Enterprise E3 with Planner Test
one-generation reproduction toxicity test
one-minute test voltage
open circuit loss test
open-circuit test
optical distortion test
outlier test
overload test
overspeed test
parent test strain
partial discharge inception test
Partial Test Ban Treaty
passive haemagglutination test
patch test
PCR test
peeling test
pendulum impact test rig
penetration test
pen test
performance test
brake fade test
fade test
bremžu siltumtests
bremžu siltumpārbaude
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