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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
short kip up
Atrasti 310 termini
acoustic short-circuit
alternating current component of a short-circuit current
aperiodic component of a short-circuit current
asymmetrical short-circuit
at short notice
Buzz short message
Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants
commodities in short supply
conditional short-circuit current
covered short sale
covered short selling
current in the short circuit
cut short
dead short
dead short-circuit
dedicated short range communication
dedicated short-range communications
deposit at short notice
direct-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
direct current component of a short-circuit current
double-earth short-circuit
double-ground short-circuit
elementary short circle swing
equipment in short supply*
euro short-term rate
fault to frame short-circuit
Future Short-Range Air to Air Missile
gain relative to a short vertical antenna
*giving short weight
goods short delivered
initial aperiodic component of a short-circuit current
initial periodic short-circuit current
intermittent short-circuit
interturn short-circuit
interturn short-circuit protection
inventory short fall
limiting short-time current of an output circuit
limiting short-time thermal withstand of a energizing quantity
line-to-line short-circuit
long short-term memory
marking of short orders
maximum aperiodic short-circuit current
mechanism for short-term monetary support
midfielder, short stop
naked short sale
naked short selling
online short-term rental platform
periodic component of a short-circuit current
phase-to-earth short-circuit
phase-to-ground short-circuit
phase-to-phase short-circuit
Plurk short message
products in short supply
protection against short-circuits between turns
public disclosure of significant net short positions
quadrature-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
rated short-time current
rated short-time thermal current
repeating short firearm
Schengen short-stay visa
semi-automatic short firearm
short approach run
short area
short arm
short back away
short-beaked common dolphin
short-beaked saddleback dolphin
short break trip
short catch-plate
short chain aliphatic nitrosamine
short circle
short circle, straddle-in, straddle-out to handstand
short circle, straddle-on, straddle-off to handstand
short circle backward to crucifix
short circle to handstand
short circuit
short-circuit admittance
short-circuit between phases
short-circuit breaking capacity
short-circuit calculation
short-circuit characteristic
short-circuit conditions
short-circuit current capability
short-circuit current limitation
short-circuit curve
short-circuit duty
short-circuit[ed] winding
short-circuit impedance
short-circuit impedance of a pair windings
short-circuit indicator
short-circuiting ring
short-circuiting switch
short-circuit loss[es]
short-circuit making capacity
short-circuit point
short-circuit power
short-circuit protection
short-circuit rating power
short-circuit ratio
short-circuit reactance
short-circuit resistance
short-circuit test
short-circuit time constant of armature windings
short-circuit to frame
short-circuit turn
short-circuit voltage
short-circut current
short cycle
short-cycle higher education
short clear circle
short column
short-cut wood
short-day plant
short dashes
short date
short-dated security
short delivery
short diphthong
short distance, sprint
short distance bus
short-distance rates
short distance runner, sprinter
short distance running, sprint
short-distance traffic
short-distance transport
short (drop) pass
short duration structure
short (end) page
short equity position
short-fibred wood
short-finned tunny
short firearm
short-form decision
short grain
short guided tour
short haul
short-haul flight
short haul travel / tourism
short holiday
short-horned grasshoppers
short journey
short kip-up
short-length pulpwood
short life article
short-life radionuclide
short line
Short lines
short-line short-circuit
short-lived capital goods
short lived climate forcer
short-lived climate pollutant
short-lived radionuclide
short-lived species
short loan collection
short log
short message
Short Message Service
short messaging services
short monophthong
short name
short-necked clam
short-nose spurdog
short of rotation
short pants
short passing game
short-patch base excision repair
short-patch BER
short-patch DNA repair
short patch repair
short pitch
short-pitch winding
short position
short-range ballistic missile
short range device
short-range order
short rotation coppice
short rotation forest
short rotation forestry
short rotation plantation
short rotation plantation forest
short run
short run offset printing
short-run supply curve
short-run supply curve of a firm
short-run supply curve of competetive industry
short sale
short scarf
short score
short sea shipping
short selling
short syllable
short-snouted seahorse
short-spined sea scorpion
short stay
short-stay multiple-entry visa
short-stay visa
short-stay visa waiver
short stave
short steps
short-stopping agent
short straddle
short supply chain
short sword
short take-off and landing / STOL
short-term accommodation rental
short-term accommodation rental service
short term asset
short-term business statistics
short-term business visitor
short-term capital movement
*short term charge documents
short-term contract
short-term credit
short-[term] credit
short-term credit assessment
short-term crediting
short-term culture
short-term debt
short-term debt instrument
Short-term Defence instrument on common procurement
short-term dietary toxicity
short-term economic policy
short-term economic prospects
short-term employee benefit
short-term financing
short-term flow
short term fluctuations
short-term forecast
short-term investment
short term lease
short-term lease
short-term leave*
short-term liabilities
short-term loan
short-term migrant
short-term money
short-term monetary support
short-term monetary support mechanism
short-term monetary support system
short-term multiple entry visa
short-term note
short-term obligations
short-term paper
short-term period
short-term placement
short-term planning
short-term programming
short term rating
short-term repeated-dose toxicity
short term risks
short-term service
short-term stance
short term standardised product
short-term statistics
short-term toxicity
short-term visa
short-term work scheme
short test
short time cenosis
short-time duty
short-time overload
short-time power
short-time withstand current
short-time work
short-time working
short-time working arrangement
short time working scheme
short-time work scheme
short title
short underswing
short underswing dismount
short upstart
short video
Short voyage captain
Short voyage navigator
short wave infrared
Short Wavelength Infrared
*short-wear article
short weight
significant net short position
symmetrical short-circuit
system of short-term monetary support
small or micro online short-term rental platform
stator short-circuit protection
steady short-circuit current
sudden short-circuit
sudden short-circuit test
sustained short-circuit
sustained short-circuit current
sustained short-circuit test
three-phase short-circuit
through short-circuit
transferred short-circuit current
transient short-circuit
transparency relating to significant net short positions
turn-to-turn short-circuit
Twitter short message
uncovered short sale
uncovered short selling
very short-term financing
very short-term financing mechanism
Working Party on Financial Services (Short selling)
Short lines
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The formatting characteristic of Immersive Reader that has large fonts and wide margins, thus creating short lines.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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