Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
specific tax
Atrasti 188 termini
‘specific’ category
age-specific changes
age-specific mortality
applicant with specific and special needs
application specific integrated circuit
application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
application-specific requirements
area facing natural and other specific constraints
area facing natural or other specific constraints
area-specific disadvantage
average specific CO2 emissions
average specific emissions
average specific emissions of CO2
average specific growth rate
brake-specific fuel consumption
child-specific form of persecution
company-specific dataset
company-specific process
Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products
country-specific documentation
country-specific opinion
country-specific recommendation
crop-specific payment for cotton
DNA specific stain
*document specific data area
effective expected exposure at a specific date
fail to adjudicate on a specific head of claim
gender-specific monitoring and evaluation
List of Specific Commitments
Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Railway Rolling Stock
mandatory company-specific process
material-specific recycled content
material-specific recycling yield
Memorandum of Understanding on specific economic policy conditionality
natural or other area-specific constraint
net specific energy
non-mandatory company-specific process
non-specific colour
Observatory for specific chemicals with potential contribution to emerging chemical risks
payment to areas facing natural or other specific constraints
patient specific medicinal product
patient-specific medicinal product
principle that penalties must be specific to the offender
programme of options specific to the remote and insular nature of Madeira and the Azores
programme of options specific to the remote and insular nature of the Canary Islands
programme of options specific to the remote and insular nature of the French overseas departments
programme-specific adjustment
radionuclide-specific dose coefficient
REACH specific IUCLID 5 Manuals
reactive sound wave [specific] resistance
report-specific schedule
reserves for specific purpose
revenue earmarked for a specific purpose
river basin specific pollutant
schedule of specific commitments
Schedules of Specific Commitments
sector-specific worker exposure description
site-specific crop management
site-specific mutagenesis
specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-frame
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time related
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-related
specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and timely
specific absorbance
specific absorption rate
specific acoustic impedance
specific acoustic reactance
specific action
specific active acoustic resistance
specific activity
specific allowance
specific capacitance
specific capacity
specific case
specific character
specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States
specific check
specific CO2 emissions
specific CO2 emissions target
specific concentration limit
specific concept
specific conductance
specific conductivity
specific consumer exposure determinant
specific consumption
specific consumption of materials
specific contract
specific credit risk adjustment
specific customs duty
specific deduction
specific directive
specific duty
specific electric conductance
specific elongation
specific emissions
specific emissions of CO2
specific emissions target
specific energy
specific environmental release category
*specific expenditure
*specific expenditure of raw materials
*specific expenses
specific expenses
specific faults
specific flexibility to tackle youth unemployment and strengthen research
specific flow rate
specific fuel consumption
specific fund
specific gravity
(specific) gravity bottle
specific growth rate
specific heading
specific heat
specific-heat capacity
specific heat capacity
specific load
specific loss[es]
specific mass emissions
specific material designation
specific measure
Specific Measure Coordinator
specific migration limit
specific modulus
*specific natural expression
specific norms
specific objective
specific optical density
specific optical rotation
specific output
specific pathogen free
specific power
specific power input
specific prepaid instrument
specific procedural guarantee
specific product
Specific Programme ‘Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security related risks’
Specific Programme 'Criminal Justice'
Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe
Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
specific programme 'People'
Specific Programme 'Prevention of and Fight against Crime'
specific provisions
specific-purpose instrument
specific radioactivity
specific recorded announcement
specific reluctance
specific resistance
specific risk
specific risk capital charge
specific rotation
specific sensory experience
specific speed
specific strength
specific subject heading
specific surface
specific surface energy
specific targeted research project
specific target organ toxicant after repeated exposure
specific target organ toxicant following repeated exposure
specific target organ toxicant of repeated exposure
specific target organ toxicant - repeated exposure
specific target organ toxicant (repeated exposure)
specific target organ toxicity
specific target organ toxicity after repeated exposure
Specific Target Organ Toxicity-repeated exposure
Specific Target Organ Toxicity - single exposure
specific tax
specific tensile strength
specific use
specific viscosity
specific volume
specific waste water discharge
specific wear
specific weight
specific worker exposure determinant
specific wrong-way risk
SQL-specific query
Telecom Cabling and Specific Projects Service
*thematic specific sub-heading
to charge the duties at specific rates
vehicle specific CO2 line
vehicle specific CO2 linear equation
Working Party on Foodstuff Quality (Certificates of Specific Character)
Working Party on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism
specific heat
īpatnējais siltums
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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