EN status bar
LV statusa josla
RU строка состояния
DE Statusleiste
FR barre d'état
Definīcija: A horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window in which an application can display various kinds of status information. The status bar can be divided into parts to display more than one type of information.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN Status bar
LV statusa josla
RU строка состояния
DE Statusleiste
FR Barre d’état
Definīcija: The status bar for Word Mobile that allows users to swipe between different states, changing what information is visible, such as word count, page number, and the name of the current view while they are scrolling.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN status bar
LV stāvokļa josla
RU полоса состояния
Definīcija: Programmu loga josla, kas sniedz īsas ziņas par programmas faktisko stāvokli, piem., par kursora stāvokli ekrānā, datumu un laiku, lappuses numuru u.c. Stāvokļa joslā uzrādītā informācija dažādām programmām un dažādām komandām ir atšķirīga.
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