Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
storage key
Atrasti 353 termini
above-ground storage
accelerated storage
accountable storage
accountable storage regime
acid [storage] battery
*additional payment for storage
aid for private storage
alkaline [storage] battery
alternating storage
associative storage
autmated transport and storage system
automated storage and retrieval
auxiliary storage
Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Azure Standard Storage
back-up storage
biometric storage
bonded storage
book storage
buffer storage
capacitance of a storage battery
capacitive [energy] storage
carbon capture, storage and use
carbon capture, storage and utilisation
carbon capture, use and storage
carbon capture, utilisation and storage
carbon capture and storage
carbon dioxide capture and storage
carbon dioxide storage
carbon storage
carbon storage in products
carbon storage in product unit
caul storage bay
central storage
cloud storage
cloud storage provider
cloud storage service
CO2 capture and storage
CO2 storage
coal-storage yard
cold storage
collection in storage
collector-storage wall
common storage
compressed air energy storage
computer storage capacity
COM-structured storage file
content addressable storage
continuous storage
core storage
coupling system for charging the rechargeable electrical energy storage system
cryogenic storage
days of storage
Data Lake Storage
Data Lake Storage Gen1
Data Lake Storage Gen2
data storage
data storage product
declaration for temporary storage
*depository storage
destructive storage
Direct Air Capture and storage
Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage
direct storage
disc storage
disk storage
distributed storage asset
dynamic storage
dynamic storage allocation
document storage
dry storage
Efficient File Storage
electricity storage device
electric power storage
electrostatic storage
energy storage
energy storage device
energy storage system
energy storage technology
Enhanced Storage
Enhanced Storage device
enterprise storage management
equivalent professional refrigerated storage cabinet
erasable storage
European Storage Transparency platform
external storage
feed storage bin
file storage
fixed storage
Floating LNG Storage and Re-gasification Unit
Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
fresh-food storage compartment
frozen-food storage cabinet
fuel storage system
full-text storage
gas storage
gas storage facility
gas storage withdrawal period
geological storage of carbon dioxide
geological storage of CO2
glycogen storage disease type II
*goods in accountable storage
goods in accountable storage
good storage practices
ground storage
*handing over for storage
harvest in storage
heat storage
hierarchical storage
hierarchical storage management
high speed storage
high-storage anonymous prepaid card
hydrogen storage facility
hydrogen storage operator
holographic storage
IEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices
inductive [energy] storage
information storage
information storage and retrieval
intermediate storage
internal storage
Internet Storage Name Service
isolated storage
land storage
laser storage
levy in connection with offsetting of storage costs for sugar
log storage
magnetic card storage
(magnetic) disk storage
magnetic disk storage
magnetic drum storage
magnetic storage
magnetic tape storage
main storage
mass storage
mass-storage controller
mass storage device
maximum duration of storage
message storage (in electronic mail)
minimum storage life
multiseasonal storage
nondestructive storage
nonvolatile storage
NOx storage catalyst
NOx storage-reduction catalyst
Office 365 Extra File Storage
Office 365 Extra File Storage for faculty
Office 365 Extra File Storage for Small Business
Office 365 Extra File Storage (Government Pricing)
on-board electricity storage
online data storage
online file storage
online storage
on-site storage
open storage (US)
operational storage
operational storage system
optical storage
outdoor storage
outside storage of chips
page (in a virtual storage system)
paper storage
paper storage cabinet
periodicals storage
period of storage
peripheral storage
permanent carbon storage
permanent storage
physical storage
pipe storage
preservatives for products during storage
primary storage
primary storage device
private storage aid
professional refrigerated storage cabinet
propulsion energy storage system
protected storage
public storage
pumped hydro storage
pumped storage
pumped storage plant
pumped storage power station
pumped [water] storage
pump storage
pushdown storage
push-down storage
pushup storage
radioactive waste storage
rail energy storage
rapid access storage
read-only storage
real storage
rechargeable electrical energy storage system
rechargeable electric energy storage system
remote storage
removable electronic storage medium
resevoir live storage
seasonal storage
seasonal storage system
secondary storage
sequential access storage
serial access storage
SharePoint Online Storage
SharePoint Online Storage for Nonprofits
shear storage compliance
shear storage modulus
software defined storage
spherical storage
spherical storage tank
stack (storage)
Standard Storage
static storage
storage ability
storage adapter
storage allocation
storage and communication
storage area
Storage Area Network
storage basin
storage battery
storage battery car
storage block
storage capacity
storage card
storage case
storage cell
storage charges
storage [charges]
storage chip
storage collection
storage complex
storage compliance
storage conditions
storage container
storage control
storage cost
storage costs
storage costs levy
storage device
storage dimension
storage disposition for raw wood
storage economy
storage element
storage engine
storage equipment (US)
Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S
storage expenses
storage explorer
storage facilities
storage facility
storage factor
storage filling season
storage fragmentation
storage goods
storage group
storage hierarchy
storage image
storage integrated circuit
storage in transit
storage item
storage yard business
storage yard capacity
storage key
storage layout
storage levy
storage library
storage life
storage limit
storage limitation
storage load
storage location
(storage) location
storage loss
storage map
storage media
storage medium
storage mode
storage module
storage modulus
storage number
storage of food
storage of goods en route
storage of hydrocarbons
storage of museum objects
storage of particle boards
storage of plywood
storage of radioactive waste
storage of seasoned wood
storage of waste
storage organization
storage period
storage pipe array
storage pit
storage plan
storage pond
storage pool
storage premium
storage procedure
storage protection
storage provider
storage quota
storage readiness level
storage region
storage reservoir
storage root key
storage services
storage size
storage system
storage space
storage stability
storage structure language
storage subsystem
storage techniques (pl)
storage term
storage tier
storage time
storage unit
Storage Usage report
storage vessel
strategic storage
surface storage
tape storage
temporary storage
temporary storage declaration
temporary storage facility
thermal energy storage
thermal storage
thread local storage
tiered storage
to breach the conditions of temporary storage
to hold in storage
track-side storage system
transport, storage and communication services
underground gas storage
underground gas storage facility
underground gas storage system
underground storage
underground storage facility
underground storage of waste
video storage
virtual storage
visible storage
volatile storage
waste storage
water storage
wine storage appliance
wine storage compartment
wood storage
word-organized storage
working storage
levy in connection with offsetting of storage costs for sugar
maksa par cukura glabāšanu noliktavā
iekasējums par cukura glabāšanu noliktavā
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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