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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
sum of insurance
Atrasti 310 termini
a captive insurance company
accident and health insurance
accident insurance
additional Tier 1 own-fund insurance item
*additions to social insurance
age of entry into insurance
aggregation of insurance periods
agricultural insurance
aircraft hull insurance
allocations for medical insurance*
ancillary insurance intermediary
ancillary own-fund insurance item
annuity insurance
*application for insurance
Arbitral Council of Social Insurance
assessed insurance
(auto) comprehensive insurance
aviation hull insurance
bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework
basic own-fund insurance item
beneficiary of an insurance policy
blanket insurance
Board of Supervisors of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
boundary insurance agreement
captive insurance corporations
captive insurance undertaking
cargo insurance
carriage and insurance paid to
Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination)
carrier's liability insurance company
case of insurance*
civil rights liability obligatory insurance
claims (non-life insurance)
climate risk insurance
co-insurance period
co-insurance phase
co-insurance scheme
commercial business insurance
Commission Expert Group on Banking, Payments and Insurance
Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors
composite insurance company
composite insurance undertaking
compulsory insurance
compulsory social insurance premium
contract of insurance
cost, insurance, freight
cost, insurance, freight price
cost, insurance and freight
cost insurance freight price
credit insurance
credit insurance exposure
crisis management and deposit insurance framework
cross-border insurance sub-group
D&O insurance
death insurance
deposit insurance
deposit insurance action
Deposit Insurance Fund
deposit insurance scheme
derecognise an insurance or reinsurance obligation
direct insurance business
direct insurance undertaking
Directive 2002/87/EC on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate
Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediation
Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II)
Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance
direct life insurance
direct non-life insurance
directors and officers insurance
directors and officers liability insurance
disability insurance
domestic insurance undertaking
double insurance
employers liability insurance
euro area crisis management and deposit insurance framework
European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of Motor Vehicles
European deposit insurance scheme
European Health Insurance Card
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
evidence of medical insurance
Expert Group on Banking, Payments and Insurance
export credit insurance
*extra-pension of voluntary insurance
fire and other damage to property insurance
fire insurance
forest fire insurance
full insurance period
full insurance phase
full insurance scheme
full insurance stage
general insurance
guaranteed insurance
health insurance
health insurance contributions
health insurance obligation
holding company of third-country insurance and reinsurance undertakings
income protection insurance
income protection insurance obligation
indemnity insurance
index-linked and unit-linked insurance
index-linked insurance
industrial injuries insurance
insurance against
insurance against all risks
insurance against losses
insurance against loss of baggage
insurance against loss of cattle
insurance against natural hazard
insurance against responsibility
insurance against unemployment
insurance against war risks
insurance agent
Insurance and Freight
insurance auxiliaries
insurance-based investment product
insurance broker
insurance certificate
insurance claim
insurance claims handler
Insurance Committee
insurance company
insurance compensation
insurance compensation scheme
insurance contract
insurance contractor
Insurance contracts
insurance corporations and pension funds
insurance cost
insurance costs
insurance countractor
insurance coverage
insurance distribution
insurance distributor
insurance document
insurance estimate
insurance event
insurance expenses
insurance fee
insurance fund
insurance group
insurance guarantee scheme
insurance holder
insurance indemnification
insurance indemnity
insurance interest
insurance intermediary
insurance investment product
insurance law
insurance liability
insurance-linked security
insurance loss
insurance mediation
Insurance Mediation Directive
insurance obligation
insurance occupation
insurance of civil liability
insurance of contents
insurance of household belongings,
insurance of income*
insurance payment
insurance period
insurance policy
insurance policyholder
insurance policy with an investment element
insurance premium
insurance quota
insurance rate
insurance risk
insurance risk-mitigation
insurance sanction
insurance service
insurance tax-sheltered
insurance technical reserves
insurance technology
insurance term
insurance terms and conditions
insurance undertaking
Insurance Unit
insurance with profit participation
InsuResilience Global Partnership for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Solutions
intermediate insurance holding company
International Association of Insurance Supervisors
international third party motor insurance system
invalidity insurance
Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme
legal expenses insurance
legal protection insurance
liability insurance
life insurance
life insurance activity
life insurance and annuity entitlements
life insurance product
life insurance undertaking
marine insurance
medical expense insurance
medical expense insurance obligation
medical insurance
miscellaneous financial loss insurance
mixed-activity insurance holding company
mixed insurance*
mortgage insurance
motor vehicle insurance
motor-vehicle liability insurance
mutual insurance company
mutual insurance mechanism
mutual insurance society
mutual insurance undertaking
National Association of Insurance Commissioners
national insurance benefit
national private insurance corporations and pension funds
National Social Insurance Agency
national social insurance contributions
net non-life insurance premiums
non-insurance entity
non-insurance event
non-life insurance
non-life insurance activity
non-life insurance claims
non-life insurance obligation
non-life insurance product
non-life insurance services
non-life insurance technical reserves
obligatory insurance
obligatory insurance in case of unemployment
occupational accident insurance
optional continued insurance
P. & I. Insurance
packaged retail and insurance-based investment product
participating insurance undertaking
Pensions and Social Insurance Unit
period of insurance
permanent health insurance
personal accident insurance
personal insurance
primary insurance
PRIPs insurance
private insurance
private supplementary sickness insurance scheme
professional indemnity insurance
professional malpractice liability insurance
professional risk indemnity insurance
property income distributed to insurance policy holders
property insurance
Protection and Indemnity Insurance
public insurance
public-liability insurance
redemption of insurance policy
renewal of insurance
retail insurance market
risk covered by insurance
(ship, aeroplane) hull insurance
sickness insurance
sickness insurance fund
sickness insurance scheme
situation with the state social insurance account
social insurance
social insurance allocations
social insurance benefit
social insurance benefits
social insurance cover
social insurance payment
social insurance premium
social insurance schemes
soundness of insurance services
State Fund of Social Insurance
state mandatory (compulsory) insurance contributions
state mandatory (compulsory) simplify insurance contributions
state mandatory (compulsory) social insurance contributions
state pension insurance
statutory insurance
statutory pension insurance scheme
sum of insurance
surety insurance
taxable base for national social insurance contribution
taxes on insurance contract
third-country insurance undertaking
third party insurance
third-party insurance
third party liability insurance
third person in insurance
tied insurance intermediary
Tier 1 own-fund insurance item
Tier 2 own-fund insurance item
Tier 3 own-fund insurance item
to carry an insurance
to collect social insurance contributions
to impose social insurance contributions
to pay out the insurance
tourist insurance
transit insurance
transport insurance
travel insurance
travel medical insurance
unemployment insurance
unemployment insurance benefits
unemployment insurance scheme
unemployment insurance system
unit-linked/index-linked life insurance
unit-linked insurance
unit linked insurance plan
unit linked insurance policy
unit-linked life insurance
up-front insurance mechanism
voluntary insurance
workers' compensation insurance
workers' compensation insurance obligation
Working Party on Insurance
insurance interest
apdrošinājuma interese
интерес страxовой
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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