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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
Vēlaties portāla jaunumus
saņemt pa e-pastu?
Norādiet savu adresi:
Pakalpojumu nodrošina
Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
sum total
Atrasti 217 termini
amount total
angle of total reflection
balance of total social product
*balance total
basic total return swap
calculation of efficiency from total loss
cancellation, refusal or total or partial non-payment
engine total swept volume
estimated total value of contract
EU Aviation Total Quantity Account
EU Regulated Entity Total Quantity Account
EU Total Quantity Account
free range - total freedom
grand total
*growing total
hash total
*industry total costs
initial estimated total value of the contract
*intermediate total
in total
net total fuel utilisation
non-basic total return swap
point total
relative total growth
summary total
sum total
total alcoholic strength
total alcoholic strength by mass
total alcoholic strength by volume
total allowable catch
total allowable effort
total allowable fishing effort
total amount
total appropriation
total area
total arrears
total ash
total ban
total barrier
total basal area
total bilirubin
total body surface area
total branch precurse
total burden
total capacity
total capacity fade
total capital ratio
total carbon
total carbon content
total catch
total cholesterol
total circulation
total clearing time
total composite error double flank
total composite error single flank
total consumption
total control of flight
total conversation
total correctness
total cost
total cost of ownership
total cost of the credit to the consumer
total costs
total customs receipts
*total delivery time
total dependency ratio
total diet replacement for weight control
total digital transfer rate
total dilution volume
total dominant lethal effect
total drying time
total dry matter
total economy
total effective vehicle mass
total elution time
total emissions
total error
total error of distortion
total error rate
total ESR emissions
total exemption
total expected claims
total expenditures
total expenses
total exposure measure
total factor productivity
total fertility rate
total final value of contract
total financial appropriation
total fine for multiple offences
total floor area
total flow rate
total form of value
total fuel oil
total gain
total genome sequencing
total gross debt
total growth
total immersion
total import
total income
total increase
total inorganic nitrogen
*total inspection
total internal reflection
total irradiance
total yield
total Kjeldahl nitrogen
total length of cuts (m/sec)
*total length of service
total leucocyte count
total levelized costs of producing energy
total liabilities
total load
total loss
total loss-absorbing capacity
total loss-absorbing capacity term sheet
total loss[es]
total-loss lubrication
total-loss lubrication system
total loss (of a radio link)
total move
total N
total nitrogen
total number
total number of copies
total numeration
total occupant mass
total official support for sustainable development
total operating expenses
total optical rotation
total organic carbon
total organic carbon concentration
total organic carbon content
total organic chlorine
total organochlorine pesticides
total organophosphorous pesticides
total organophosphorus pesticides
total or partial non-payment
total output
total P
total payroll
total particulate matter
total phosphorus
total planning
total points (score)
total population
total potential energy
total power
total price variance
total primary energy factor
total produce
total product
total production
total production costs
total profit
*total profitability
total projected error
total projected error rate
total protein
total quality management
Total Quality Management diagram
Total Quality Management (TQM)
total rated thermal input
total rate of return swap
total receipts
total red blood cells
total reduced sulphur
total reduced sulphur burner
total reflection
total refund
total relief from import duties
total resistance
total retention volume
total return swap
total revenue
total risk exposure
total risk exposure amount
total row
total rule
total run
total runout
total runout tolerance
total run time
total serum bilirubin
total serum protein
total shrinkage
total slack
total solar irradiance
total soluble salts
total sugars
total sum
total sum of squares
total suspended particles
total suspended solids
total swelling
total time
total transmittance
total tree height
total useful floor area
total utility
total value
total value of composition
total vertical error
total volatile base N
total volatile base nitrogen
total volatile bases
total volatile basic nitrogen
total volatile nitrogen
total volatile organic carbon
total volatile organic compounds
total volume
total wet weight
total white blood cells
total work burden
visual total
total slack
kopējā laika rezerve
общий резерв времени
gesamte Pufferzeit
marge totale
The amount of time that a task can slip before it delays the project.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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