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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
tax allowance
Atrasti 132 termini
accelerated depreciation allowance
accommodation allowance
additional allowance
allowance account
allowance for bad debt
allowance for bark
allowance for credit losses
allowance for doubtful accounts
allowance for doubtful debts
allowance for growth and investment
allowance for growth and investment equity base
allowance for machining
allowance for trim
allowance of a claim
allowance of firewood
allowance release
aviation allowance
baggage allowance / allowance of free baggage
bark allowance
basic allowance
basic allowance for personal income tax
by-catch allowance
burial allowance
care allowance
Chapter II allowance
Chapter III allowance
child allowance
childbirth allowance
children's allowance
collective allowance
collective impairment allowance
compensatory allowance
compensatory allowance for permanent natural handicaps
compensatory allowance scheme
consolidation allowance
cost-of-living allowance
crosscut allowance
daily allowance
daily allowance for meeting days
daily expenses allowance
daily meeting allowance
daily subsistence allowance
dearness allowance
dependent child allowance
differential allowance
Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the EU
Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Union
distance allowance
duration allowance
duty-free allowance
education allowance
emission allowance
emission allowance derivative
emission allowance derivative contract
emission allowance market participant
emissions allowance
entertainment allowance
EU allowance
EU aviation allowance
EU emission allowance
EU ETS allowance
EU ETS emission allowance
European emission allowance
exclusion allowance
expatriation allowance
extra allowance
extra height (allowance) of pile
family allowance
firewood allowance
flat-rate meeting allowance
flat-rate remote meeting allowance
flat-rate subsistence allowance
flat-rate travel allowance
foreign residence allowance
general allowance
general expenditure allowance
greenhouse gas emissions allowance
hardship allowance
heating allowance
household allowance
installation allowance
job difficulty allowance
jobseeker's allowance
loan loss allowance
loss allowance
maintenance allowance
maternity allowance
*medical treatment allowance
meeting allowance
national allowance holding account
non-repayable allowance
option of reducing allowance
outreach allowance
parental allowance
parliamentary allowance
per diem allowance
personal allowance
prenatal allowance
promotional allowance
regulated entity allowance
repatriation allowance
resettlement allowance
residence allowance
scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community
secretarial allowance
shrinkage allowance
system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading
system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Union
slotting allowance
social allowance
space allowance
special depreciation allowance
special-duty allowance
specific allowance
spot emission allowance
subsistence allowance
tax allowance
tax free allowance
tax-free allowance
tax free-allowance
temporary disability allowance
time allowance
time limit (allowance)
to deny
tax allowance
to reduce allowance
trade allowance
transitional allowance
transitional end-of-service allowance
travel allowance
travel[ling] allowance
Union allowance deletion account
general expenditure allowance
piemaksa par vispārējiem izdevumiem
allgemeine Kostenvergütung
indemnité de frais généraux
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