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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
tax at source
Atrasti 257 termini
acoustical dipole source
acoustical monopole source
acoustical quadrupole source
added source statements
adjustable voltage source
alternatig current voltage source
alternating current source
alternative energy source
alternative source
anthropogenic source
area source
area source radiator
authentic source
autochthonous seed source
biometric source
budget source
chemical current source
chief source of information
common source epidemic
compiler directive source statement
connected data source
conservation source fund
consolidated source document
content source
conventional energy source
current source
data declaration source statement
data source
data source driver
data source formatting
data source name
data source plug-in
data source view
deduction at source
deduction made at source
deduction of tax at the source
deleted source statement
delivered source statement
developed source statement
diffuse source
diffuse source of pollution
dipole source
direct current source
direct current voltage source
disused sealed source
disused source
dynamic data source
dodging source income
domestic source income
dominant source of revenue
doped metal halide source
electricity source
electronic light source control gear
emergency source
emission source
energy source
energy source material
entity data source
event source
excitation source
exposure to a common source
External Content Type data source
feed source
field source
filament light source
foreign source income
free/libre and open-source software
free and open-source software
funding source
gas-discharge light source
ground source heat pump
growth Source> ELDO
halogen light source
heat source
high-activity sealed radioactive source
high-activity sealed source
high-intensity point light source
ideal source
image source
improved drinking water source
inactive data source
indexing of source
indication of source
indigenous energy source
indigenous seed source
input source
interference source
interfering source
intermittent energy source
isokinetic source sampling
light source
light source control gear
light source module
line source
line source radiator
line source segmentation
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
major revenue source
marine renewable energy source
Microsoft approved fulfillment source
natural radiation source
network source
non-point source
non-renewable energy source
non-replaceable light source
ODBC data source
offline data source
open source
open source background check
open source background investigation
open source intelligence
open source intelligence tool
open source library
open source licence
open-source licence
open source license
open source software
open-source software
open source tool
original source
orphan radiation source
orphan source
paper source
point light source
point sound source
point source
point source of pollution
pollution source
power source
power source (of welding machine)
power source of welding set
primary energy source
primary source
printed source
pumping source
radiation source
radioactive source
Raw File source
record source
rectification at source principle
reference source
regenerative source of energy
relief-at-source system
renewable energy source
renewable energy source contribution
renewable non-fossil source
renewable offshore energy source
renewable source of energy
replaceable light source
result source
sealed radioactive source
sealed source
secondary data source
secondary source
second-hand source
seed source
shared data source item
ship-source pollution
system of deduction at source
sound source
source adapter
source address
source analysis
source area
source bed
source beds
Source Campaign
source category
source code
source code configuration file
source code control
source code generator
source company account
source container
source control
source country
source cube
source data
*source data area
source database
source document
source document amount
source file
source impedance
source inventory location
source language
source line
Source Manager
source materia
source module
source object
source of aid
source of authority
source of biometric data
source of energy
source of finance
source of financing
source of funds
source of harmonic current
source of harmonic voltage
source of income
source of information
source of law
source of lead
source of pollution
source of radiation
source of revenue
source of seed
source of supply
source of tax revenue
*source of water
source partition
source point
source power
source program
source provider
source-receptor calculation
source-receptor sensitivity field
source reduction
source references
source requirement
source research
source resistance
source rock
Source Route Bridging
Source Routing Transparent
source state
source stream
source subscription
source-switching equipment
source text
source thesaurus
source value
source voltage
split source document
state of source
tax at source
tax deducted at source
tax deduction at source
tax registration Source> ELDO
tax withheld at source
the principle that environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source
thermal energy source
thermal source
to deduct the
tax at source
to eliminate international double taxation on foreign source income
traditional energy source
transitional energy source
trusted source
unsealed source
voltage source
voltage source converter
vortex source
written source
acoustical quadrupole source
akustiskais kvadrupolavots
акустический квадрупольный источник
Mehānikas terminoloģijas vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 1997
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija