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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
tax credit
Atrasti 417 termini
12-month expected credit losses
academic credit
acceptance credit
accepted credit
*account credit
AD credit
additional credit claim
advice of letter of credit
*agricultural credit
agricultural credit
allowance for credit losses
application for credit
assets of extremely high liquidity and credit quality
assets of high liquidity and credit quality
avoided deforestation credit
bank credit
bank-like credit intermediation
bill of credit
blank credit
bridging credit
*budget credit
buyer's credit
Buy Skype Credit
capacity credit
carbon credit
carbon emission reduction credit
carbon offset credit
cash credit
certified credit rating agency
charge-card/credit-card calls
charge credit
cheap credit
child- and dependent-care
tax credit
commercial credit
commercial letter of credit
committed credit or liquidity facility
committed lines of credit
confirmed credit
consumer credit
Consumer Credit Directive
consumption credit
cooperative credit institution
core credit institution
Council Directive 89/299/EEC on the own funds of credit institutions
counterparty credit risk
course credit
course credit transfer
credit/blame assignment
credit accounts
credit advice
credit against security
credit agency
credit agreement
credit and monetary reform
credit and settlement relations*
credit and suretyship risk
credit assessment
Credit Asset Based Lending
credit authorization
credit backed obligation
credit balance
credit balance transaction
credit bank
credit-based crowdfunding
credit by way of guarantee
(2) credit by way of quaranty
credit blockade
credit business
credit card
credit card authorization
credit card capture
credit card debt
credit card fraud
credit card preauthorization
credit channel
credit claim
credit constraint
credit contraction
credit control
credit conversion factor
credit costs
credit crisis
credit crunch
credit debts
credit default swap
credit default swap maturity
credit default swap maturity date
credit default swap spread
credit derivative
credit discipline*
credit discipline
credit discrimination
credit drawdown
credit enhancement
credit entitlement
credit event
credit expansion
credit exposure
credit facility
credit flow
credit flux
credit fonds
credit for complete object
*credit for introduction of new technology
*credit for letters of credit
*credit for wages
credit freeze
credit gap
credit growth
credit guarantee
credit holiday
credit institution
credit institution set up as a cooperative society
credit instrument
credit insurance
credit insurance exposure
credit intermediary
credit intermediation
credit limit
credit limit check
credit line
credit linked note
credit loss
credit loss event
credit management
*credit manager
credit market
credit method
credit migration risk
credit mitigation
credit mobility
credit money
credit note
credit obligation
*credit of a special account
credit on goods
credit operations
credit participation
credit period
credit plan
credit policy
credit portfolio
credit protection
credit protection bought
credit protection provider
credit protection sold
credit purchase
credit purchaser
credit quality
credit quality step
credit rating
credit rating activities
credit rating agency
credit recession
*credit reform
credit register code
credit-related loss
credit relations
credit report
credit requirements
credit restriction
credit restrictions
credit review
credit risk
credit risk adjustment
credit risk category add-on
credit risk correlation
credit risk management
credit risk mitigation
credit risk transfer
credit sale
credit sanction
*credit-savings bank
credit scoring
credit security
credit service provider
credit servicer
credit system
credit society
credit spread
credit spread risk
credit squeeze
credit standing
credit supply
credit swap
credit terms
credit terms and conditions
credit tightening
credit-to-GDP ratio
credit token
credit transaction
credit transfer
credit transfer order
credit turnover
credit union
credit unit
credit valuation adjustment
credit value adjustment
credit value date
credit with a claim equivalent to contribution
cross-border credit transfer
current account credit
current assets credit
current credit
daylight credit
deferred credit
deforestation credit
direct credit substitute
*direction of credit
Directive 2002/87/EC on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate
Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (recast)
Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions (recast)
Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on credit agreements for consumers and repealing Council Directive 87/102/EEC
Directive establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms
Directive on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property
discount credit
distressed restructuring of the credit obligation
documentary credit
documentary letter of credit
drawing [up] a letter of credit
emission credit
enhanced conditions credit line
enhanced conditions credit line offering partial risk protection
enhanced conditions credit line with sovereign partial risk protection
EU Export Credit Facility
EU parent credit institution
European Community Course Credit Transfer System
European Credit Rating Agency
European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
European credit transfer system
European Export Credit Facility
European initiative for the development of micro-credit in support of growth and employment
European Payments Council’s SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme
exhausted credit
expected credit losses
Expert Group on Credit Histories
export credit
export credit agency
export credit guarantee
export credit insurance
extended credit
external credit assessment
external credit assessment institution
fake credit card
fictitious credit
*first-grade credit manager
Flexible Credit Line
foreign credit
tax credit
forestry credit
framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms
free credit
freight turnover letter of credit
funded credit protection
general credit risk adjustment
government credit
group of credit rating agencies
(1) guarantee credit
*higher credit manager
holder of letter of credit
import credit
index credit default swap
industrial credit
instant credit transfer
interest free credit
internal credit review
international credit
intraday credit
investment credit
irrevocable credit
irrevocable letter of credit
letter of credit
letter of credit application
letter of credit form of settlement
letter of credit without time-limit
lifetime expected credit losses
limited credit
line of credit
long-term credit
long-[term] credit
long-term letter of credit
low-interest credit
making out a credit
material credit obligation
medium-term credit
Microsoft Financing Credit Approval Letter
middle-term credit
money and credit regulation
monetary and credit policy
mortgage credit
Mortgage Credit Directive
movement credit
National Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives and Agricultural Credit of Portugal
netted current credit exposure
nominated External Credit Assessment Institution
non-bank credit activity
non-bank credit intermediation
non-credit institution
non-instant credit transfer
non-interest credit
non-tied credit intermediary
n-th-to-default credit derivative
officially supported export credit
offset credit
on-call credit
one-sided credit valuation adjustment
on the credit side of the account
open-end credit agreement
open-ended credit
open ended credit agreement
operational credit
originator credit institution
overdraft or any other type of credit facility
own credit risk
own funds requirement for credit risk
payment by a letter of credit
payment by letter of credit
paper credit
parent credit institution
partial credit system
Post-2012 Carbon Credit Fund
potential future credit exposure
precautionary conditioned credit line
precautionary credit line
pre-credit risk
private credit institution
private credit rating
provisioned credit card processing account
provision of credit
public credit institution
publicly-owned credit institution
purchase on credit
quanto credit default swap
real estate credit
tax credit
regular credit transfer
Regulation establishing uniform rules and a uniform procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism
renewable credit
repayment of credit
revocable letter of credit
revolving credit
rolling credit agreement
secured credit
secured credit agreement
SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme
SEPA instant credit transfer
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst.) Scheme
shared equity credit agreement
short-term credit
short-[term] credit
short-term credit assessment
significant credit institution
significant increase in credit risk
simplified standardised approach for counterparty credit risk
single letter of credit
single-name credit default swap
single-name credit derivative
single name credit linked note
Skype Credit
Skype Credit balance
*small credit
solicited credit assessment
solicited credit rating
song credit
sovereign credit default swap
sovereign credit rating
sovereign credit risk
specially advised letter of credit
specific credit risk adjustment
sponsor credit institution
standardised approach for counterparty credit risk
standardised approach to credit risk
stand-by credit
standby letter of credit
state credit
state credit administration
structured credit product
*subordinate credit manager
subsidiary credit institution
subsidiary letter of credit
supplier credit
supply of credit
tax credit
tax credit
tax credit
of investments
termless letter of credit
tied credit intermediary
time credit
to apply the credit method
to buy on credit
to cancel a credit
to cancel a letter of credit
to get money from a letter of credit
to give credit
to grant credit
to obtain credit
to sell on credit
credit blockade
kredīta blokāde
кредитная блокада
блокада кредитная
blocage des crédits
credit blockade
kredīta blokāde
кредитная блокада
blocage des crédits
Ekonomiskās blokādes veids — valstu vai starptautisko finanšu organizāciju atteikšanās piešķirt kredītus kādai valstij.
Ekonomikas skaidrojošā vārdnīca. — R., Zinātne, 2000
credit blockade
kredīta blokāde
блокада кредитная
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija