Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
tax form
Atrasti 336 termini
A1 form
acceptance form of settlement
accounting form
administrator-approved form template
a form of administrative or judicial constraint
aggregate form of index*
agreement in the form of an exchange of letters
agreement in the form of an exchange of notes
amended form
analytic word form
application form
autotypical gravure printing form
auxiliary form
auxiliary of form (in UDC)
Backus-Naur Form
Backus Normal Form
base form of morpheme
basic form
be in form (shape)
*bill form
block form
Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment
Boyce-Codd normal form
book-entry form
browser-compatible form template
browser-enabled form template
card form
*census report form
certificate of origin Form A
Change the task status to Completed and close the form
check form
cheque form
child-specific form of persecution
Circle form!
circular form tool
cylinder bearing the first form
clipped form
coil form
common European data altruism consent form
common form of turnover tax
complaint form
complicated crystal form
compound tense form
concave form [milling] cutter
contact form
Contact Quick Form
continuous form
control form
Convention on the Conflicts of Law relating to the Form of Testamentary Dispositions
converted form of value
convex form [milling] cutter
corporate form
Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments
crystal form
crystallographic form
crop form
custom form
customs declaration form
customs declaration form TIF
customs form
data altruism consent form
data-entry form
data form
data presentation form
debriefing form
declaration form
declaration in the form of a disposition of property upon death
default form
defect in stem form
dematerialised form
detail form
*document form
dosage form
East Baltic-type snake-headed mattock (degenerated form)
eigenoscillation form
electronic form
endless printing form
entry (form)
entry form
European data altruism consent form
European Digital Passenger Locator Form system
European Repair Information Form
expanded form of value
exponential form
exposures in the form of covered bonds
exposures in the form of units or shares in CIUs
exposures in the form of units or shares in collective investment undertakings
extended form registration
fallback form
farm stocking form
feedback form
field form factor
filling in a form*
Filter By Form
finite form
flat form tool
form area
form block
form break
form building exercises
form (condition)
form control
[form-]copying method
form definition file
form descriptor
form designer
form deviation
form editor
form factor
form feed
form field
form files
form flash
form footer
[form-]generating method
form header
form heading
form[ing] tool
form letter
form library
Form Library URL Repair Tool
form (military)
form-milling machine
form milling machine
Form Mode
form module
form No 2
form of administration
form of an artefact
form of a roof
form of block
form of burial
form of entry
form of exchange
form of government
form of natural vibration
form of order sought
form of order sought by the applicant
form of order sought by the defendant
form of order sought by the intervener
form of oscillations
form of ownership
form of payment
form of payment for work
form of property
form of revenue
form of settlement
form of tax
form of taxation
form of vibrations
*form of way-bill
form overlay
form printer
form printing machine (press)
form processing
form properties
form reglet
form-relieved tooth
form-relived (milling) cutter
form right
form selector
*form standard divisions (in BBC)
form sub-heading
form tabs
form template
form template file
form template library
Form view
form work
free-form language
Free-form mode
functional form
*general form
general form of value
genetic form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
grammatical form
Guidance feedback form
handwritten form
health declaration form
hemihedric form
hit reporting form
holohedral form
immediate-release oral dosage form
immediate-release oral pharmaceutical form
immediate release solid oral dosage form
incorrect body form
Incorrect Verb Form
individual treatment claim form
in due form of law
in due legal form
in electronic form
InfoPath Form Web Part
in form and fact
in form or in fact
inner form
in non-dispersible form
[inquiry] form
intermediate form
intervention in the form of direct payments
inward processing procedure in the form of the drawback system
*labour registration form
legal entity form
legal form
*letter form
letter of credit form of settlement
lexical form
L form
machine readable form
main form
mandatory form
media election form
model form
money form of capital
money form of value
Multiple Previous Enrollment Form
nanomaterial form
non-finite form
non-reimbursable form of support
non-repayable form of support
non-stabilised form
normalized form (in a floating-point representation)
notification form
online form
opinion in the form of a letter
oral solid dosage form
oral solid pharmaceutical form
order form
Passenger Locator Form
Passenger Locator Form exchange platform
peak form of condition
peak form of condition of performance
peak form of condition of swing
*personnel registration form
pharmaceutical dosage form
pharmaceutical dose form
pharmaceutical form
piece rates form
PivotTable form
poor form
pop-up form
postal order form
progress of a form
pulse form
quick form
quick view form
radical form
reacted form
realization in a form of goods
reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
reference form*
re-form (military)
registered letter with a form of acknowledgement of receipt
registered post with a form for acknowledgement of receipt
*register form
*registration card form
*registration form
repayable form of support
replacement certificate of origin Form A
reply written for form only*
report form
risk statement form
*sample of a general form
screening form
Select Volume Forecast Form
self-appraisal form*
Server Filter By Form
short-form decision
simple crystal form
simple tense form
synthetic word form
“smart” Article 13 PDF form
solid oral dosage form
solid oral pharmaceutical form
special form of procedure
split form
squabbled form
stabilised form
standard data form
standard form (in a floating-point representation)
standard form
stand form
statement in the form of a disposition of property upon death
statement of the form of order sought by the intervener in support of or opposing, in whole or in part, the form of order sought by one of the parties
streamlining form
subdivision of form (in UDC)
substance over form
Supplemental Contact Information Form
suppletive word form
supply form
surface form
task form
taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments
tax-filling form
tax[-filling] form
tax form
tax return form
team entry form
telegraph form
tender form
ten-fingerprint form
tense form
time-work payment form
TIR carnet form
type form
type of form*
to complete a form
to complete the form
to fill in a form
to fill in (out) a form
to fill out a form
to form accruals
to form the tax base
tooth form
to sign the form
total form of value
transit form of supply*
unbound form
Use of Plain Verb Form
user form template
validity as to form
variant form
visa application form
wage form
warehouse form of supply*
wave form
wave form gear reduction unit
Web-enabled InfoPath form
Web-enabled InfoPath form for mobile devices
winding form
word form
workflow list form
zero form
entry form
pieteikuma veidlapa
заявка (форма)
Sporta spēļu vārdnīca
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija