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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
technology gap
Atrasti 318 termini
Ad hoc Working Party on the European Institute of Technology (EIT)
Advanced Research and Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems
Advanced Technology
Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
advanced technology industry
aftertreatment technology
Agreement on Trade in Information Technology Products
AI identification technology
application control in information technology
assisted reproduction technology
assisted reproductive technology
assistive technology
Assistive Technology Program
big technology company
blockchain technology
breakthrough technology
choice of technology
civic technology
cyber defence technology roadmap
Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Agenda
cyber technology roadmap
Clean Coal Technology
Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative
clean technology
Clean Technology Fund
Click-to-Run technology
climate technology mechanism
closed water cycle technology
Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Committee on Sustainable Development, the Environment, Energy Policy, Research, Innovation and Technology
Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation
common industrial technology roadmap
Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation
communication technology
Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use items and technology
Community Technology Preview
computer technology
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes
covert technology
COVID-19 Technology Access Pool
*credit for introduction of new technology
critical defence technology
cutting-edge technology
deep fake technology
deep technology
DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology
digital technology
Directorate for Innovation and Information Technology
Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Directorate IIT – Innovation and Information Technology
disposal technology
disruptive technology
distance communication technology
distributed ledger technology
dual-use items and technology
dual-use technology
electrical technology
electroheat technology
emerging and disruptive technology
emerging disruptive technology
emerging health technology
emerging technology
emission control technology
enabling technology
end-of-pipe technology
energy efficient technology
energy-saving technology
energy storage technology
energy technology
environmentally sound technology
environmental technology
Environmental Technology Verification
EU–US Trade and Technology Council
EU cyber technology roadmap
EU-India Trade and Technology Council
European Association of Research and Technology Organisations
European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Centre
European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre
European Cooperation in Science and Technology
European Defence Research and Technology strategy
European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
European Institute of Technology
European Network for Health Technology Assessment
European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services
European Strategic Energy Technology Plan
European Technology & Innovation Partnership – Smart Networks for Energy Transition
European Technology and Innovation Platform
European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition
European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition
European Technology Platform
European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants
exhaust aftertreatment technology
eXtended Technology
Finance and Information Technology Unit
financial technology
financial technology company
Financial Technology Task Force
floating foundation technology
floating offshore technology
floating photovoltaics technology
floating PV technology
floating solar technology
floating technology
floating wind technology
food technology
forced technology transfer
fuel-saving technology
Gender Equality in Science, Technology and Innovation Bilateral and Multilateral Dialogues
general-purpose technology
gene technology
geofencing technology
green technology
health technology
health technology assessment
health technology developer
heat technology
High-Performance Media Access Technology
high technology company
high-technology crime
high-technology firm
hybrid PV-thermal technology
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
Hyper-Threading Technology
human language technology
hurdle technology
IGCC technology
impact of information technology
Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Technology Platform
Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform
information and communication technology
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
information and communication technology risk
information technology
Information Technology Agreement
Information Technology and Cybersecurity Board
Information Technology and e-Portal Unit
Information Technology and IT Support Unit
information technology applications
information technology industry
information technology profession
Information Technology Security Evaluation Facility
Information Technology Unit
information technology user
innovative net-zero technology
insurance technology
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
intermediate technology
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
International Science and Technology Centre
Joint Action of the European Network for Health Technology Assessment
Joint Technology Initiative
Joint Technology Initiative on Clean Sky
Joint Technology Initiative on Innovative Medicines
Joint Undertaking for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative on Innovative Medicines
key enabling technology
labour-saving technology
language technology
laser technology
leading-edge technology
lean-burn engine technology
lean-burn technology
*line technology
low-carbon energy technology
low-carbon technology
low-emission technology
low-waste technology
magnetic sector servo [data] tracking technology
magnetohydrodynamic technology
management technology
market and technology readiness
market infrastructure based on distributed ledger technology
material-intensive technology
materials technology
mature technology node
Member State Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment
MHD technology
Missile Technology Control Regime
MMX technology
Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation in Research, Technology and Development
museum of science and technology
museum of the history of technology
National Institute for Standards and Technology
negative emission technology
network of ever-warm single and/or multi-technology production facilities in Europe for the production of vaccines
net-zero technology
net-zero technology final product
net-zero technology manufacturing capacity
net-zero technology manufacturing project
net-zero technology product
net-zero technology value chain
new health technology
new production technology
new technology
non-emission technology
non-fossil fuel technology
non-proprietary technology
non-waste technology
nuclear technology
obsolete technology
ocean energy floating technology
offshore floating technology
oil technology
operation technology
optically continous servo [data] tracking technology
overt technology
Panel for the Future of Science and Technology
paper technology
patented technology
peer-to-peer technology
persuasive technology
photovoltaic-thermal technology
Platform Technology Master File
post-exascale technology
post-shredder technology
privacy enhancing technology
Private Communication Technology
problem solving in technology-rich environments
process technology
progress of science and technology
proprietary distributed ledger technology
proprietary technology
pull technology
pull technology (in networking)
pulp technology
push technology
PV/T technology
quantum technology
recycling technology
recovery technology
regulatory technology
renewable energy technology
renewable technology
research, technology development and innovation
research and technology development
Research and Technology Organisation
resource saving technology
sale, supply, transfer or export of goods or technology
science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics
science, technology, engineering and maths
Science and Technology Monitoring Committee
Science and technology options assessment
science and technology park
self-healing technology
self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology
smart-ready technology
smart technology
soft technology
solar thermal technology
SOX Compliance and Technology Options
space technology
state-of-the-art technology
strategic agenda for medical, industrial and research applications of nuclear and radiation technology
Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications of nuclear and radiation technology
strategic technology
strategic technology plan for energy
Strategic Transport Technology Plan
Strategy for EU cooperation on Health Technology Assessment
supervisory technology
tax relief for high technology products
technology addiction
Technology Adoption Program
technology and market readiness
technology assessment
Technology Bank
Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries
Technology Committee
technology-enhanced learning
Technology experience
technology-facilitated GBV
technology-facilitated gender-based violence
Technology Facilitation Mechanism
technology for computerized recording
technology frontier
technology gap
Technology Guarantee
technology incubator
technology lock-in
technology lock-in effect
technology maturity
Technology Mechanism
technology museum
technology neutral
technology neutrality
technology node
technology park
Technology Readiness Level
technology roadmap
technology roadmap for critical cyber technologies
technology scouting
technology transfer
technology watch
technology (Web content)
text-to-speech technology
track and trace technology
Trade and Technology Council
traditional technology
transfer of technology
transformative technology
treatment technology
United Nations Envoy on Technology
United Nations Secretary General's Envoy on Technology
UPnP technology
vaccine platform technology
vaccine platform technology master file
variable rate technology
variant configuration technology
video as a sensor technology
voice assistant technology
waste-free technology
wasteless technology
wearable technology
welfare technology
Windows Tablet and Touch Technology
wood technology
wood technology engineer
technology assessment
tehnoloģijas novērtējums
évaluation technologique
EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
© 2005–2024
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija