Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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to access
Atrasti 446 termini
Access 2016
access account
access and benefit-sharing
Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House
Access and Management
Access and Management protocol
Access and Visitors Unit
access arm
access block
access category
Access City Award
access code
Access Connectivity Engine
access control
access control entry
access control field
access control list
access control protocol
access control service
access creep
access data
Access database engine
access date
Access Directive
access door
Access Edge Server
Access Edge service
access facility
Access for Microsoft 365
access hours
access key
access level
Access Levels Management
access line
access list
access management
access management service
access mask
access mechanism
access method
access network
access node
access number
Access Object Model
access package
Access Panel
access path
access path independence
access period
access permission
access permissions
access point
access point (in networking)
access point name
access probe
access protocol
access provider
access quota
access rate
access restriction
access review
access right
access rights
access road
access routine
access server
Access Services
Access Services Administration
access team
access tier
access time
access type (in computer security)
access type
access to a profession
*access to archives
access to basic services
access to birth control
*access to cheques
access to content
Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator
Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator Facilitation Council
access to culture
access to data
access to education
access to EU information
access to finance
access to financing
access to foreign markets
access to health care
access to healthcare
Access to Info Day
access to information
access to justice
access token
access to market
access to medicines
access (to museum)
access to personal data
access to the asylum procedure
access to the Commission's file
access to the courts
access to the market
access transparency
access unit
access violation
Access Web Services API
Agreement on Movement and Access
alternate access mapping
Anonymous access
anonymous user access
Anti-Access/Area Denial
application access token
Application Configuration Access Protocol
assigned access
authenticated access
authority access point
authority information access
authorized access
bank account registers single access point
BAR single access point
biodiversity access and benefit-sharing
birth control access
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance Network
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection Network
central access point
central venous access catheter
client access license
Client Access Rule
Client Access server
Client Access server role
closed access
closed access records
closed user group with incoming access
closed user group with outgoing access
code access security
code access security (CAS) policy
code division multiple access
commercial access provider
Committee on Access to Medicines
Common User Access architecture
Common User Access (CUA) architecture
conditional access
Conditional access administrator
Conditional Access App Control
conditional access system
content access account
Continuous Access Evaluation
controlled access area
controlled access system
controlled folder access
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
Convention on International Access to Justice
core memory, high-speed memory, immediate-access memory, rapid memory
Council Decision on public access to Council documents
Council of Europe Convention on Access to official Documents
COVID-19 Technology Access Pool
COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility
cross-border access to content
cross-firewall access
cultural access
Customer Lockbox access approver
data access
data access control
Data Access Objects
data access page
Data and Information Access Services
denial of market access
denying market access
dial-up access
direct access
direct access (electronic resources)
direct access file
Direct Electronic Access
Directive 2014/92/EU on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, payment account switching and access to payment accounts with basic features
Directive on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities
Direct Memory Access
Direct Memory Access channel
Directorate for Safety, Access and Assistance
Directory Access Protocol
direct wholesale roaming access
disable access to content
discretionary access control list
dynamic access control
dynamic random access memory
dynamic random-access memory
dual-band access point
dual-radio access point
duty-free, quota-free market access
duty-free and quota-free market access
ease of access
Ease of Access Center
e-CODEX access point
eDelivery Access Point
effective access to international protection
electronic file transfer access method
electronic health data access service
electronic public access
Engineering for Telecom Network and Access Services Service
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
equal access to justice for women and men
equal access to resources for women and men
equipment access control
European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures
European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access
European electronic access point
European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases
European single access point
Exchange Fast Access
exclusive access
Expert Group on Safe and Timely Access to Medicines for Patients
external access
failure access
fair access to data
field access profile
field-level access
file transfer, access and management
File Transfer, Access and Management protocol
file transfer and access management
financial data access permission dashboard
free access
free-access website
free access website
Frequency Division Multiple Access
full access
full unbundled access to the local loop
Generic Access Network (GAN)
grant access
grant access to
guest access link
have an access to
health data access body
health professional access service
High-Level Group on access to data for effective law enforcement
High-Performance Media Access Technology
High-speed downlink packet Access
humanitarian access
Identity & Access Management
identity and access management
Identity and Access Management Engineering Service
identity and access management system
illegal access
immediate access memory
Information Access Service
international access code
International Access to Information Day
International Day for Universal Access to Information
Internet access
Internet Access Coalition
Internet Access Provider
internet access service
Internet Message Access Protocol
IP dialup access
job access
Keyboard Access System
Kiev Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information
least privileged access
legitimate access seeker
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Link Access Procedure
Link Access Protocol Balanced
Link Access Protocol for Modems
local access to the law
Local Access Transport Area
logical access control
market access
Market Access Advisory Committee
market access for goods
market access offer
Market Access Partnership
market access strategy
Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled
mean access time
media access control
Media Access Control Address
medium access control
medium access control (MAC) protocol
medium access control protocol
medium access control sublayer
Microsoft® Access® 2019
Microsoft® Office Access® 2007
Microsoft® Office Excel® Web Access
Microsoft® Office Outlook® Web Access
Microsoft® Office Project Portfolio Web Access
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access 2013
Microsoft Access 2021
Microsoft Access data file
Microsoft Access LTSC
Microsoft Access project
Microsoft Access Services
Microsoft Azure Access Control Service
Microsoft Azure AD Access Control
Microsoft Data Access Components
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access
Microsoft Office Access 2021
Microsoft Office LTSC Access
Microsoft Office LTSC Access 2021
My Access
Mobile Access for Windows SharePoint Services
multiple access
multiple access protocol
Multi-station Access Unit
Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
national central access point
network access
network access control
network access controller
Network Access Protection
network access server
Network Access Unit
Networks and Access Unit
next generation access
non-agricultural market access
non-discriminatory access
Nonprofit Portal (user purchased) with portal access
Non-Uniform Memory Access [mode]
non-visual access
notices and online access contact
Office Access 2021
Office LTSC Access
Office LTSC Access 2021
on-access protection
one point of access
one stop shop access
online access
Online Public Access Catalog
open access
open access publication
open access publishing
open access records
open access service
Outlook Voice Access
outside line access code
physical access control
physical delivery access unit
principle of equal access to sources of supply
Principles for the data access and the testability of digital documents
Printer Access Protocol
privileged access
Privileged access device profile
Privileged Access Management
privileged access workstation
Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
public access area
public access to documents
public access to documents of the institutions
public access to information
publication access list
Quick access
Quick Access Toolbar
radio access network
random access (deprecated)
random access
random access file
random-access memory
random access memory
random access memory cache
random access memory card
rapid access
rapid access storage
read access
refusal of access order
Regulation on a framework for financial data access
Regulation on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data
remote access
remote access concentrator
remote access data processing
remote access (electronic resources)
remote access router
remote access server
Remote Access Services
remote access tool
remote access trojan
remote data access
Remote Direct Memory Access
restricted access records
right of access
right of access to documents
right of access to documents of the Union’s institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
right of access to placement services
rights of access
role-based access control
role-based access control role
scatter/gather direct memory access
secure access management service
security access protocol
sequential access
sequential access storage
serial access
serial access storage
service access point
shared access to the local loop
SharePoint Online Partner Access for alumni
SharePoint Online Partner Access for faculty
SharePoint Online Partner Access for parents
shelf arrangement for open access
Directorate for Safety, Access and Assistance
Drošuma, piekļuves un palīdzības direktorāts
Direktion Schutzbelange, Zugang und Unterstützung
Direction de la protection, de l’accès et de l’assistance
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