Svētdiena, 12. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
to allow a claim
Atrasts 141 termins
additional credit claim
allowance of a claim
asylum claim
automatic claim system
baggage claim area
basis of claim
biometric claim
book and claim scheme
book and claim system
CBOR Web Token Claim
civil claim
civil claim for damages
civil claim for restitution
claim a penalty
claim debtor
claim equivalent to contribution
claim event
claim for asylum
claim for compensation
claim for costs
claim for damage
claim for damages
claim for MET
claim for payment
claim for reductions
claim [for replacement]
claim year
claim procedure
claim regarding a biocidal function
claim regarding a biocidal property
claim settlement
claim to maintenance
claim to priority
comparative environmental claim
confidentiality claim
conflicting claim of jurisdiction
considering an asylum claim
contingent claim
contractual claim
counter claim
credit claim
credit with a claim equivalent to contribution
CWT claim
debt claim
defense of a claim
denial of claim
denomination of claim
dependent claim
device claim
environmental claim
explicit environmental claim
fail to adjudicate on a specific head of claim
freight claim
gender-related asylum claim
gender-related claim
green claim
guarantee claim
health claim
independent claim
individual treatment claim form
Industry User Manual Part 10: Claim of a registration number for a notified substance
infringement claim
insurance claim
international protection claim
junior claim
legal basis for a claim
legal claim
main claim
maintenance claim
market economy treatment claim
Material factors to substantiate the asylum claim
MET claim
monetary claim
negative biometric claim
no-claim bonus
no-claim discount
non-contractual fault-based civil law claim for damages
non-contractual fault-based civil law claim for damages caused by an AI system
nonsuited claim
nutrition claim
offsetting of claim
payment claim
patent claim
positive biometric claim
prescription of a claim
presentation of claim
priority claim
public health claim
purchaser's claim
Reasons for making an asylum claim
refusal of asylum application not constituting a fresh claim
right to claim recourse
ruling on claim satisfaction
self-declared environmental claim
senior claim
seniority claim
settlement of claim
single claim
SOGI-based asylum claim
SOGIESC-related claim
statement of claim
State responsible for assessing an asylum claim
State responsible for processing an asylum claim
subordinated claim
substantiated claim
substitution of claim
sur place claim
sur place protection claim
to abandon a claim
to admit a claim
to allow a claim
to challenge a claim
to claim
to claim a deduction
to claim advantageous treatment
to claim a payment
to claim a pledge
to claim a right
to claim (a right of) priority
to claim a tax
to claim damages
to claim debts
to claim exemption
to claim exemption for
to claim for indemnification
to claim one's right
to claim payment
to claim penalty
to claim refund
to claim reimbursement
to discharge a claim
to establish a claim
to lodge a claim against smb.
to lodge a claim against somebody
to prosecute a claim for damages
to put in a claim against somebody
tort claim
to withdraw one's claim
to claim a pledge
pieprasīt ķīlu
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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