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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
to forward
Atrasti 270 termini
advance forward in gymnastics
advance on, draw forward
appropriations carried forward
arms forward down
arms forward up
arms to side-up-forward
attack (forward) line
back dive with one and a half (1½) twist
to forward
back drop, forward turnover to front drop
back uprise and straddle forward
back uprise in mixed grip and rear vault over bar with ¼ turn to swing forward in hang
back uprise straddle forward to half lever support
back uprise to handstand, followed by backward (forward) pirouette
back uprise to straddle under hands with half (½) turn to swing forward in hang
back uprise with reverse grip hecht vault over bar with half (½) turn
to forward
swing in hang
balance of loss brought forward
balances carried forward
ball out forward somersault from the back
barani forward somersault with a half twist, pike front barani
basic (upper, over, dorsal) grasp (grip), forward grip
basket shoot to handstand from forward swing in support
to forward
swing in hang
to forward
swing in hang, from cross stand
to forward
swing in hang, from forward swing in support
to forward
swing in upperarm hang, from cross stand
to forward
swing in upperarm support and roll backward to handstand
basket to straddled L-support from forward swing in support
basket to support from forward swing in support
basket to upperarm support from forward swing in support
bent forward
body (hip) circle backward (forward)
body wave backward (forward)
carriage forward
carry forward
carry-forward budget
carry-forward of losses
cartwheel handspring forward
cast to support and rearward swing with straddle cut catch
to forward
centre (US center) forward
charge forward
displacement moving forward
dive (forward)
Do Not Forward
double scissors backward (forward)
drive legs forward
drop kip with half turn to swing forward in upperarm hang
ellgrip giant circle forward
EU-Afghanistan Joint Way Forward on Migration Issues
fall forward to front leaning support
fall over forward to rearward swing in hang and Stemme to support from handstand
fall over forward to rearward swing in hang from handstand
feed forward neuron network
flank forward (in)
flying (flight) dive roll forward, aerial roll (swan dive forward)
foreign exchange forward
foreign-exchange forward transaction
forward approach
forward arrow
forward assembly area
forward bounce
forward business
forward button
forward capacity allocation
forward chaining
forward channel
'Forward' code
forward conductance
forward contract
forward control
forward current
forward deal
forward defender
forward direction
forward dismount
forward error correction
forward exchange agreement
forward exchange contract
forward exchange rate
forward exchange rate agreement
forward exchange transaction
Forward Explicit Congestion Notification
forward-facing glazing
forward-facing seat
forward field of vision
forward foreign exchange contract
forward foreign exchange rate
forward (front) bend (lean)
forward (front) walkover
forward gear
forward guidance
forward hip circle to lay away
forward hip circle without hands
forward immediately
forward interest rate
forward interest-rate agreement
forward LAN channel
forward leg snap
forward look
forward-looking activities
forward looking assessment of own risks
forward-looking injunction
forward-looking provisioning
forward-looking tool
forward mailbox
Forward march!
forward market
forward mutation
forward of a bow
forward one-and-a-quarter somersault
forward-only cursor
forward operating base
forward operations base
forward pass
forward pivot
forward planning
Forward planning, studies and academic networks
forward pommel
forward price
forward primer
forward printing
forward purchase
forward rate agreement
forward-rate agreement
forward rate of exchange
forward rear hip (seat) circle, free hip circle rearways forward
forward recovery
forward (right-
forward roll
forward roll on end of beam mount
forward roll on the upperarm
forward roll straight body
forward running
forward scheduling
forward scissors
forward scissors travel
forward scissors with full turn
forward scissors with half turn
forward seat circle, shoot out
forward secrecy
forward slash
forward somersault over the bars
forward studies
forward transaction
forward travel of saw
forward trunk flexion with a hollow back, trunk bending with back arched
forward vertical integration
forward voltage
forward wave
free forward hip circle
free hip circle rearways forward and flank outward to swing forward in mixed grip
free hip circle rearways forward and straddle outward releasing and regrasping of grip to swing forward in hang
free hip circle rearways forward and straddle outward with releasing and regrasping of grip to support frontways
free hip circle rearways forward to dismount
free hip circle rearways forward with full turn swing backward in hang
free hip circle rearways forward with half turn (½) to swing forward in hang
free roll forward
front (forward) salto (somersault)
front somersault with half turn dismount, forward fly-away with half turn (barani, barani off)
FX forward
giant (grand) circle (swing) backward (forward)
giant swing forward and stoop circle to handstand
half seat circle backward(s) in over-grasp extend legs forward and half turn to swing forward in mixed grasp
half turn from backward (forward) swing
hands (arms) forward
handspring, followed by sal
to forward
piked with half turn vault
handspring forward, followed by sal
to forward
tucked (layout)
to forward
split sit
handstand fall forward and roll forward with straight legs
handstand forward bend body
handstand forward roll
handstand pirouette backward (forward), full pirouette
hang inlocate and turn forward to inverted hang
hip circle forward
hip circle forward to lay away
hollow forward fly away with half turn
in locate forward to inverted hang and straddle (with half turn) to dismount
in locate forward with bent body
in locate (forward) with straight body
Yamashita (vault) handspring, followed by one and a half (1 ½ ) sal
to forward
tucked, vault
Joint Way Forward
Joint Way Forward on migration issues between Afghanistan and the EU
jump backward with half turn through momentary handstand to roll forward
jump in place with raising joined legs to still handstand forward and stretch body backward
jump in place with raising joined or straddled legs forward
jump with full twist to free hip circle forward on LB to clear front support
kick R leg forward
left forward
left leg forward straddle stand
leg over backward (forward)
long step right forward
long swing forward somersault front piked dismount
loss carried forward
lower arms forward
lower backward
to forward
swing from support
lower stretched body forward
Move forward!
Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation
one-and-a-half sal
to forward
tucked to roll forward
outright forward purchase
outside forward (winger)
palms forward
Pass forward!
perfect forward secrecy
pike forward roll to back rest
putting forward
putting forward a proposal
reach forward
Relations with Organised Civil Society and Forward Studies
right forward
roll backward through momentary handstand to stand, followed by forward tuck salto
roll forward
roll forward piked
roll forward set
roll forward to knee-bending stretch knees and handspring backward (flic-flac)
roll forward to knee-bending stretch knees and salto backward tucked (piked, stretched)
roll forward with straight legs to stand
rotation backward (forward)
running piked somersault forward
running tucked somersault forward
salto backward to swing forward in support
to forward
to forward
to outer cross stand (front off)
to forward
to rearward swing in support
to forward
with full turn to outer cross stand
to forward
with half turn to outer cross stand
seat circle forward
seat circle forward and extend then full turn to swing backwards in mixed grasp
set forward (time)
shoot (forward)
shoot-up at end of bars
to forward
shoot-up at end of bars
to forward
swing and Stutzkehre
slide kip-up with half turn to swing forward in upper arm hang
slow circle backward (forward) to handstand
spearhead forward
split (backward forward)
spot and forward transaction
Stalder straddle forward
stand on the ball of the right foot, left leg forward, arms upward
step backward (forward)
step-out sal
to forward
stock index forward
store and forward
store and forward mode
store-and-forward replication
store-and-forward switch
straddled upperarm roll forward
stride circle backward (forward)
striker, forward, attacker
swing forward, front swing
tax loss carry-forward
tinsica backward (forward)
to forward
to forward
ultimate forward rate
underswing and forward somersault dismount
underswing and sal
to forward
unmatured forward transaction
upperarm roll backward (forward)
uprise forward to L-support (front up(rise) to L hold)
uprise forward with half turn
uprise forward with half turn to handstand
voice store and forward
walk forward and back flip to lunge
waltz backward (forward)
handspring to forward split sit
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