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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
to hand out
Atrasti 245 termini
Agreement establishing an association between Central America, on the one hand, and the European Union and its Member States, on the other
alcohol-based hand rub
alcohol-based hand sanitiser
assets on hand
back walkover on one hand
balance in hand
ball leaves the hand
bare hand method
bar of the hand press
Benediction Hand
by hand
cash in hand
cash on hand
catching with both hands (two-hand catching)
catching with one hand (one-hand catching)
change of hand position during the inverted support
dovetail hand saw
electric hand tools
first hand account
flat (of the hand)
foot to hand balance
free (free hand) exercises (artistic gymn.)
free hand cut
fret [hack, hand, skewback] saw
frog dance hand balance
front (back) one-hand walkover
hand and foot support
hand and knee support, knee -hand position
hand and wrist ornaments
hand apparatus
hand bag
hand baggage
hand balancing
hand barker
hand barking
hand binding
hand book
hand boom
hand brake
hand caliper
hand chain saw
hand checking
[hand] chipping
hand chisel
hand colour separation
hand composition
hand composition department
hand compositor
hand control
hand-controlled manipulator
hand cross-cut saw
hand disinfectant
hand dredge
hand drill
hand drive
hand feed
hand feed cross cut saw
hand feed[ing]
hand felling
hand gathering
hand grenade
hand (handle) the ball
hand-held impact device
hand-held machinery
hand-held metal detection equipment
hand-held mobile station
hand-held shield
hand[-held] shield
hand-held spiked baton
hand icon
hand implement
hand joint of robot
hand ladle
hand lamp
hand lift net
hand line
hand log
hand luggage
hand (manual) loading
hand (manual) unloading
hand matrix
Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available
hand mortar
hand moulding
hand of drive
hand off
hand-operated device of robot control
hand-operated foldable ROPS
hand[-operated] pump
hand-operated switch
hand peeler
hand power saw
hand press
hand protector (handguard, palms strap)
hand pulley (tackle)
hand rammer
hand reamer
hand reset
hand retouching
hand sanitiser
hand sanitising gel
hand saw
hand scraper
hand setter
hand setting
hand sewing
hand sharpening machine
hand signal
hand spindle press
hand spot
handspring on one hand
hand stamping
handstand, hand (arm) balance
hand starter
hand stop watch
hand tap
hand -to-hand balance (high hand-to-hand)
hand tool
hand truck
hand winch
hand wind
hand work
head (and-hand) balance, headstand
head -to-hand balance
high hand, squat support balance
high low-hand
high -low hand-to-hand
high -low one-hand-to-hand
high one-hand lever
high one-hand on head
high one-hand-to-hand
indicating hand
in hand
intentional hand ball
inventory on hand
“invisible hand”
left-hand band
left-hand column
left-hand end view
left-hand lock
left-hand milling cutter
left-hand polarised wave
left-hand polarization
left-hand polarized wave
left-hand rule
left-hand side
left-hand steering control vehicle
left-hand thread
left-hand tool
left-hand traffic
library hand
lower hand
low hand
low hand-to-hand (on bent arms, low hand-to-hand)
matrix for hand composition
no-hand headstand (head balance)
no-hand roll mount
one-hand ball reception
one-hand baseball pass
one-hand bump reception
one-hand on the knee balance
one-hand pass
one-hand shot
one-hand walkover
one-to-one hand balance, handstand (straight one-hand-to-hand)
on hand
on-hand file
on-hand inventory
Panning Hand
passing one's hand over the net
peach basket to handstand mount (peach hand mount)
peach basket to handstand (peach hand)
press handstand (press hand)
push-off (hand push)
raise hand
research hand work
research hand working
reverse foot to hand
right hand drive vehicle
right-hand end view
right-hand milling cutter
right-hand polarisation
right-hand polarised wave
right-hand polarization
right-hand polarized wave
right-hand rule
right-hand side
right-hand thread
right-hand tool
right-hand traffic
robot hand
round hand
second-hand aerosol
second-hand asset
second-hand e-cigarette aerosol
second-hand exposure to electronic cigarette aerosol
second-hand good
second-hand goods
second-hand machine
second-hand shop
second-hand smoke
second-hand source
second-hand tobacco smoke
Shift hand off
shop hand
special arrangements for second-hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiques
starting position of robot hand
stock in hand
supine hand tipper
talk to the hand
to be at hand
to get out of hand
to hand in
to hand in documents
to hand in the papers
to hand on
to hand out
to hand over
to have a free hand
to lend a hand
tool-in-hand system
to search by hand
toss to low hand-to-hand from handstand
transitional arrangements for second-hand means of transport
two-finger hand
two-hand attack
two-hand bump reception
two-hand chest pass
two-hand dig
two-hand overhead shot
two hand pass
two-hand reception
two-hand reception with back roll
two-hand reception with dive
two-hand shot
two-hand underhand shot
to hand out
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija