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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
to keep a record
Atrasti 183 termini
accession record
accessions record (US)
accounting record
account record
activation record
address record
agreed record
anonymized biometric data record
approve the record
area record
A record
assessment record
audiovisual record
audiovisual record of proceedings
authority record
Best Practice Guide on Marking, Record-keeping and Traceability of Small Arms and Light Weapons
bibliographic record
biometric data record
biometric enrolment data record
biometric reference data record
book-keeping record
boot record
Business Contact Record
call record
canonical name record
Centralised Record of Available Technical Equipment
change record
civil registration record*
Claiming Partner of Record
closed record group
CNAME record
composition record
computerised medical record
configuration item development record
conservation record
conservation record (US)
content of a record
continuation record
Continuous Synopsis Record
Convert to Linked Record
criminal record
culling record
current record
data record
deaccession record
deaccession record (US)
detailed record view
digital partner of record
electronic health record
electronic health record system
electronic medical record
electronic record
Electronic Record Management System
elimination record (GB)
EORI record
European electronic health record exchange format
European record
excavation record
field-trip record
fraudulent biometric enrolment data record
frozen record
ghost record
Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels
gramophone record
gramophone record's library
guest history record
GxP critical record
holder of record
interior climate record
linked record
Link to Record
loading record
loan record
location record file
logical record
*machine idle time record
machine-readable record
mail exchange record
marker flag indicating Olympic record
marker flag indicating world record
master boot record
master boot record (MBR)
master record
*materials control record
medical record number
member record (in a network model)
MX record
name server record
nanoform composition record
national record
official record
off the record
Olympic record
on the record
Opportunity Record
owner record (in a network model)
passenger name record
personal record
personal record[s]
person record
physical record
phonograph record's library
pin a record
preparation record
public record of proceedings
ratification (of a record)
record (in databases)
record/replay tool
Record a closed campaign response
Record Actions
record block
record buffer
record card
record (competitions)
record crop
record faults
record group
record holder
record keeping
record-keeping of weapons
record key
record layout
record length
record library
Record Link
record locking
record matching
record office
record of finds
record of proceedings
record of service
record of work*
record of work
record-of-work supplementary*
record-oriented database management program
record selector
record set
record size
Record Slide Show
Record Sound troubleshooter
record source
record status
record the time (to)
record type
record tone
Record Wall
research record
resource record
restoration record
score-sheet (scorecard, scoring paper), record sheet
selection record
service record
service record book
service resource record
set up a record
shorthand record
sites and monuments record (GB)
site survey record (US)
SOA resource record
SRV record
SRV resource record
start-of-authority resource record
*stock [record] card
subordinate record
summary record
surface record
tagged-field record
temporary record
time record
to keep a record
to record
to record acquisition
transacting partner of record
transfer record
variant record
variant record type
vibration record
work record card
world record
research record
pētījumu rezultātu vēsture
résultats de la recherche
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