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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
to order
Atrasti 400 termini
acceptance of order
accession order
acknowledgement of an order*
administrative order
administrative order imposing a fine
administrative penalty order
admittance order
advance order
aggressive order
all-or-none order
alternate midpoint peg order
at best order
at-the-close order
at-the-open order
authenticated copy of the order
back order
banker's order
bank payment order
best price sweep order
by order
byte order mark
blanket order
blocking order
book-or-cancel order
breach of order
bulk order
cancellation (coutermand(ing)) of an order
cancellation of order
cancelled order
cash expense order
cash income order
cash order
cease and desist order
cease order
chronological order
citation order
civil recovery order
clarify the forms of order sought, the pleas in law and arguments
collective order
column-major order
committal for trial order
common merit order list
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development
Community legal order
competitive order
conditional order
confirmation of an order*
confiscation order
consolidated order
conspiracy to disturb public order by intimidation or terror
constitutional order
continuous auction order book trading system
court order
credit transfer order
custom order
daily order
day order
dark order
decision by reasoned order
delivering of order
delivery of an order
delivery order
*delivery without order
design order
detection order
detention order
Digital Print Order Format (DPOF)
directed order
direct word order
disclosed order
disclosed quantity order
*dismissal order
dispatch order
distribution order
*distribution order
double-arm order (military)
*endorsement order
enforceable order
*engaging order
*enrolment order
established order
establishment of order
European account preservation order
European Enforcement Order
European Investigation Order
European order for payment
European order for payment procedure
European payment order
European Preservation Order
European Production Order
European protection order
European security order
European Supervision Order
European Technical Standard Order
European Technical Standard Order authorisation
exclusion order
execution of an order
executive order
expected purchase order net amount
expense order
expulsion order
feudal order
FIFA Order of Merit
fill or kill order
firing order
Firm Order Commitment
firm planned order
first-order coefficient
first order decay
first order decay function
first order decay method
first order kinetics
first order reaction rate
flash order
form of order sought
form of order sought by the applicant
form of order sought by the defendant
form of order sought by the intervener
free word order
freezing order
*giro order
giving of an order
good for day order
*goods income order
good-till-cancelled order
government order
group [work] order
*handing over the output by first order
hidden quantity order
high-order language
iceberg order
imbalance on close order
imbalance on open order
imbalance order
immediate or cancel order
implied order
improper matched order
income order
individual order
initial order
intercompany purchase order
intercompany purchase order invoice
intercompany sales order
interim effect of an order
interim order
international legal order
inventory order
inverted word order
in working order
irrevocable order
job order
job order costing
job-order production
keeping in order
lack of order
law and order
legal order
limit-if-touched order
limit order
Line Item Order
linked order
lit order
lit sweep order
loading order
long-range order
mail order
mail-order trade
mail order trade
mail order trading
market-if-touched order
market order
market peg order
mass in running order
mass of the vehicle in running order
matched order
material order
merit order
midpoint peg order
money order
named order
neutral word order
new economic order
new international economic order
non-anonymous order
non-lit order
non-order system
nonrepeat order
Not in order!
one-cancels-the-other order
on order
open order
open order (military)
order bill of lading
order book
order cheque
order confirmation
*order cost
order department
order discount
order-disorder transformation
order entry
order for enforcement
order for escort to the border
order form
order from which no appeal lies
order header
order history
order ID
order intake
order intake connector
order in which cases are dealt with
order line
*order list
*order method
*order norm
order number
order of battle
order of convergence
order of diversity
order of events
order off, banish
order of kinetics
*order of non-acceptance
order of priority
order of protocol
order of reaction
order of resumption of proceedings
order of service
order of slavery
order of stay
order of succession
order of the competition
order of the day
order of voting on amendments
order orchestration
order packing
order picking
order policy
order protection rule
*order receipt
order removing the case from the register
*order sale
order's castle
order to buy
order to pay the costs
order to sell
order to transfer
order which closes the proceedings
original sales order
out of order
out-of-order room
out of order visa
payable of money order
payment order
passive order
pegged-to-market order
pegged to midpoint order
penal order
penalty order
phone order trade
piece order
ping order
placing of an order
playback order
play order
planned order
planned production order
planned purchase order
planned transfer order
point of order
port order
postal money order
postal order form
pre-order search
pressing order
primary peg order
principle of respect for original order
print order
priority rated order
production order
production order line
professional Order
protection order
protocol order
pseudo-first order rate coefficient
pseudo first-order rate constant
pseudo-first order reaction
public order
public order (ordre public)
public procurement order
purchase order
purchase order discount
purchase order line net amount
purchase order net unit price
purchase order overdelivery percentage
purchase order policy
purchase order underdelivery percentage
putting in order of the appeal
putting in order of the application
quality control order
quality order
quarantine order
range, rank (file, order, line) (military)
reading order
reasoned order
receiving order
recovery order
refusal of access order
released order
release order
remittance order
removal order
renewal order
reply by reasoned order
reserve order
restraining order
rights deriving from a contact order
rights deriving from a residence order
Right-to-Left Reading Order
rigid word order
rotation order
row-major order
rule by reasoned order
rules-based international order
rules-based multilateral order
running order
sales order
sales order discount
sales order line
sales order policy
same relative order
second-order coefficient
sequential lit sweep order
service order
service order line
setting up of order
shared order book
short-range order
social order
solve order
sorting order
sort order
special order
specification of an order
stacking order
stack order
standard citation order
standing order
stand in order
statement of the form of order sought by the intervener in support of or opposing, in whole or in part, the form of order sought by one of the parties
statement of the forms of order sought by the parties
stop loss order
stop market order
stop order
stopped order
strategy order with implied functionality
*suspended order
tab order
taxation order
tax order
tensor of second order
threat to public order
to abide by a tax order
to abide by the taxation order
to abide by the tax order
to alter an order
to be in good order
to bring order (into)
to call
to order
to cancel an order
to comply with order
to execute an order
to fulfil an order
to keep order
to order
to order
to our order
to put in order
to revoke an order
to withdraw an order
trailing stop order
transfer order
transfer order line
tribal order
true-up order
Union legal order
*urgency of order
Valid for Auction Order
violates the service order
work order
[work] order
sales order
pārdošanas pasūtījums
заказ на продажу
commande client
sales order
pārdošanas pasūtījums
заказ на продажу
commande client
An agreement between two parties for the sale of goods or services.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
sales order
pārdošanas pasūtījums
заказ на продажу
commande client
A source document that documents the offer to sell products or the acceptance of an offer to buy products in exchange for payment.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
© 2005–2025
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija