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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
to put into effect
Atrasti 295 termini
3-D effect
acoustic Doppler effect
acute effect
additive effect
adverse effect
adverse health effect
after-effect function
animation effect
anode effect
anode effect duration
anode effect frequency
anode effect overvoltage
anti-swelling effect
apical effect
appreciable anti-competitive effect
artistic effect
Auger effect
background effect
bandwagon effect
barrier effect
Bauschinger['s] effect
biasing effect
biological effect monitoring
bystander effect
black and white effect
black-box effect
boomerang effect
border effect
call effect
cause and effect chain relationship
cause and effect diagram
cause-effect analysis
cause-effect diagram
cause-effect graph
cause-effect graphing
charge having an equivalent effect
charge having equivalent effect
charge having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction
charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties
chart effect option
chilling effect
cholinergic effect
cytopathic effect
cytostatic effect
cytotoxic effect
cliff edge effect
cliff effect
climatic effect
cocktail effect
come into effect
concentration-related toxic effect
continued influence effect
continuing effect
contrast effect
cooling effect
corona effect
crowding-out effect
customs duties and charges having equivalent effect
deadweight effect
delayed occurrence of toxic effect
delayed toxic effect
derived minimal effect level
derived no-effect level
destructive effect
diagram effect option
digital video effect
direct effect
direct effect of the EU law
displacement effect
distorting effect
distortive effect
distortive effect of direct taxation
distributional effect
diversification effect
dominant lethal effect
Doppler effect
dose effect
dose-effect relationship
drying effect
economic effect
edge effect
effect an adjusment
effect-based method
Effect Compiler
effect concentration
effect liberalisation
effect of humidity
effect of priority right
effect of termination
effect of undercut
effect (swerve)
elastic after-effect
elastic after[-]effect
electrophysiological effect
emphasis animation effect
endocrine-mediated adverse effect
endothermal effect
engine installation effect
entrance animation effect
entry animation effect
environmental effect
equivalent economic effect
equivalent effect
European patent with unitary effect
evidentiary effect
exothermal effect
external effect
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
false consensus effect
field-effect transistor
fill effect
first-round effect
fiscal effect
formally or in effect
freezing effect
fringe effect
functional effect
gearing effect
genotoxic effect
gyroscopic effect
glossy effect
glow effect
greenhouse effect
ground effect
Hall effect
Hall[-effect] sensor
Hall[-effect] transducer
hammer-blow effect
have an effect on
heating effect
hepatocellular effect
hill effect
hothouse effect
immediate effect
immunotoxic effect
incentive effect
infrasound effect
ink effect
installation effect
interim effect of an order
Joule effect
Kaiser effect
knock-on effect
latent image effect
legal effect
leverage effect
leveraging effect
light effect
linear response, linear effect
loading rate effect
local effect
location effect
lock-in effect
long-line effect
lowest observed adverse effect concentration
lowest observed adverse effect level
lowest observed effect concentration
lowest observed effect level
magnetocaloric effect
magnetoelectric effect
magnetostriction effect
marginal effect
material effect
matrix effect
mean photo effect
measure having equivalent effect
measure having equivalent effect to quantitative restriction
measures having equivalent effect
measures having equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions
multiple-effect evaporation
multiple-effect evaporator
multiplier effect
network effect
neurobehavioural effect
neurochemical effect
neuropathological effect
neurotoxic effect
nocebo effect
no observable adverse effect level
no-observable-effect level
no observed adverse effect concentration
no-observed-adverse-effect level
no observed adverse effect level
no observed effect concentration
no observed effect level
outline effect
overall tax effect
parasympathetic effect
p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor
pencil effect
pharmacodynamic effect
pharmacological class effect
pharmacological effect
photoconductive effect
photoelectric effect
photoresistive effect
phototoxic effect
photovoltaic effect
piezoelectric effect
pinch effect
placebo reversal effect
position effect
positive effect
prebound effect
preclusive effect
predicted no-effect concentration
price effect
principle of direct effect of the EU law
probe effect
pro-cyclical effect
pro-competitive effect
prospective effect
protective effect
protective effect against fire
protective effect against fungi
protective effect against insects
proximity effect
pull effect
put into effect
quantitative dose (concentration) – response (effect) relationship
quantum effect
rebound effect
request for unitary effect
residual effect
response effect
restriction by effect
restriction of competition by effect
scarring effect
Schotky effect
screening effect
second-round effect
serious undesirable effect
severance effect
shadowing effect
shelter effect
side effect
similar economic effect
S-independent effect
single-effect evaporator
synergistic effect
systemic adverse effect
systemic effect
systemic toxic effect
skin effect
skin sensitising effect
smile effect
softening effect
spaghetti bowl effect
speed up effect
spillover effect
steaming effect
steam shock effect
straight-jacket effect
stroboscopic effect
sublethal effect
substitution effect
surface effect
suspensive effect
suspensory effect
take effect
taking effect
taking of effect
technology lock-in effect
temperature effect
text effect
the law has no retrospective effect
theme effect
therapeutic effect
thermal effect
thermoelectric effect
threshold effect
Tyndall effect
to bring into effect
to come into effect
to effect payment
to put into effect
to take effect
total dominant lethal effect
to this effect
toxic effect
toxicological effect
transition effect
triboelectric effect
tunnel effect
turnpike effect
undesirable effect
unexpected effect
urban heat island effect
wake effect
waterbed effect
Weissenberg effect
wind chill effect
pharmacological class effect
zāļu grupas blakusparādības
Wirkung der Stoffgruppe
pharmakologischer Klasseneffekt
effet propre à la classe pharmacologique
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