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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
to take a decision
Atrasts 221 termins
action to have a decision declared void
adequacy decision
adequacy decision (EU)
administrative decision
adoption of decision
advance decision
AI-assisted decision
AI decision
algorithm decision-making
algorithmic decision-making
application for a decision not going to the substance of the case
arbitration decision
Atlas Decision
automated individual decision
autonomy of decision
award decision
Backloading Decision
biometric application decision
biometric identification decision
biometric verification decision
BOI decision
boosted decision tree
Bureau decision
BVI decision
clearance decision
clearance of accounts decision
closing decision
co-decision procedure
collective decision-making
Comitology Decision
commitment decision
Committee for implementation of the decision establishing a general framework for financing Community actions in support of consumer policy for the years 2004 to 2007
Committee on the decision to set up a network for the epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseases
comparison decision
compensatory decision technique
comprehensive decision
confirmatory decision
contested decision
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
Council decision
Council Decision 2008/615/JHA of 23 June 2008 on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime
Council Decision 2008/616/JHA on the implementation of Decision 2008/615/JHA on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime
Council Decision 2013/755/EU on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Union
Council Decision laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission
Council Decision on own resources
Council Decision on public access to Council documents
Council Decision on the system of own resources of the European Union
Council Decision on the system of the European Communities' own resources
Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism
Council Framework Decision on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to confiscation orders
date on which the decision appealed against was served on the appellant
Decision 2008/617/JHA on the improvement of cooperation between the special intervention units of the Member States of the European Union in crisis situations
decision against which the appeal is brought
decision algorithm
decision altitude
decision as to costs
decision by reasoned order
decision condition coverage
decision condition testing
decision coverage
decision criteria
decision engine
decision (EU)
decision height
*decision in force
decision maker
decision making
decision-making algorithm
decision making authority
decision-making authority
decision-making autonomy
decision-making body
decision-making body (EU)
decision-making procedure
decision-making process
decision-making tree
Decision No 1359/2013/EU clarifying provisions on the timing of auctions of greenhouse gas allowances
Decision No 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community’s greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020
decision not to draw up an opinion
decision not to draw up an opinion or a report
decision of principle
decision of stay
decision of the Court
decision of the European Council
Decision of the Heads of State or Government, meeting within the European Council
decision of the President
decision of the referee
Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council
Decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community
decision on a transfer of appropriations
Decision on Committee Procedure
decision on exclusion
decision on judicial cooperation
decision on supervision measures
decision on the admissibility of a new plea in law
decision on the appeal
Decision on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Community
decision on the clearance of the accounts
Decision on the system of own resources
decision on the substance of the case
decision on transfer
decision outcome
decision power
decision problem
decision relating to binding origin information
decision relating to binding valuation information
decision rule
decision subject to appeal
decision support
Decision Support System
decision table
decision table testing
decision testing
decision to hear a case in camera
decision to initiate the formal investigation procedure
decision to transfer
decision to waive recovery
decision tree
decision tree analysis
decision variable
decision which has become final
deferral decision
delegated decision
discretionary decision
dissent against a referee's decision
draft decision
Dublin transfer decision
EAEC Decision
EC Decision
ECSC general Decision
ECSC individual Decision
editorial decision
effort sharing decision
equivalence decision
Europass Decision
European Council decision
European decision
exclusion decision
expert decision
expulsion decision
final administrative decision
final decision
financing decision
first instance decision
framework decision
Framework Decision on combating terrorism
Framework Decision on Terrorism
Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States
Framework Decision on the mutual recognition of confiscation orders
give a decision as to costs
give a decision as to costs having regard to any proposals made by the parties on the matter
grant decision
ground for a decision
ground for the decision
grounds and terms of the decision
implementing decision
informed decision
invalidity decision
investment decision
investment decision within firm
judicial decision in criminal matters
make a decision
modified condition decision coverage
modified condition decision testing
motivated decision
negative decision
non-approval decision
noncompensatory decision technique
obligation to state the reasons on which the decision is based
on-the-spot decision-making
opening decision
Overseas Association Decision
own power of decision
Own Resources Decision
pending implementation of the decision
person concerned by the decision
person covered by a final decision rejecting an application for international protection
person covered by a first instance decision rejecting an application for international protection
political decision-maker
power of decision
power to take decision
probation decision
procedural decision
Prüm Decision
Prüm implementing Decision
Radio Spectrum Decision
rational decision
reasoned decision
reception decision
rejected applicant for international protection, final decision
removal decision
rescind a decision taken
reserve a decision on an application
return decision
revision of a decision
screening decision
setting aside, in whole or in part, of the decision of the General Court
short-form decision
split judges' decision
sui generis decision
supported decision-making
temporary decision
to adopt a decision
to appeal against a decision
to arrive at a decision
to come to a decision
to implement a decision
to make a decision
to pass a decision
to reverse a decision
to take a decision
transfer decision
transparency in decision-making
unanimous decision
unplanned decision
verification of the authenticity of the decision
waiver decision
workflow decision element
EC Decision
EK lēmums
Entscheidung EG
décision CE
EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija