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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
top force
Atrasti 412 termini
acting force
active force
activity of force
actuating force
adhesive force
advance force
aerodynamic force
African Standby Force
agricultural labour force
Agricultural Markets Task Force
air drag force
air force
air resistance force
amphibious force
applied force
a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention
Arabic Strategic Communications Task Force
Archimedean force
arm of force
Article 50 Task Force
attraction force
attractive force
axial component of cutting force
axial field of force
axial force
back electromotove force
balanced force
balancing force
Balkan Medical Task Force
Basij Resistance Force
Beaufort wind force scale
be in force
binding force
binding [force]
by force
bottom force
brake force
brake force distribution
brake retraction force
braking force
breaking force
brute force attack
brute-force attack
Central African Multinational Force
central force
centrifugal force
centripetal force
checking of grip force
Chemical Action Task Force
Cyber Crisis Task Force
cymomotive force
clamping force
CMO Task Force
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Task Force on Animal Feed)
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Task Force on Biotechnology)
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Task Force on Fruit Juices)
coerci[ti]ve force
combat force
combined force
Combined Joint Task Force
come into force
coming into force
Common Market Organisation (CMO) Task Force
component of force
compressive force
concentrated force
concurrent force system
conservative field of force
conservative force
contact electromotive force
contact force
control force
Coriolis force
Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Task Force
Coulomb force
Council Task Force on the UK
counteracting force
counter electromotive force
coupling force
coupling force control
covering force
CRII Task Force
Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation
critical buckling force
cross force
cutting force
deadly force
deceleration force
*decision in force
decomposition of force[s]
Defence Joint Procurement Task Force
deflecting force
Desktop Management Task Force
deteriorated goods by accident or force majeure
deviating force
direct-axis component of magnetomotive force
direction of the force applied to a hook
dissipative force
disturbing force
dynamic lateral force
drag force
drag [force]
drag resistance force
drawbar force
driving force
East StratCom Task Force
East Strategic Communication Task Force
EEAS Space Task Force
electrodynamic force
electrokinetic force
electromagnetic force
electromotive force
electronic brake force distribution
electronic brake force limitation
electrostatic force
ELI Task Force
embossing force
Emergency Task Force
enter into force
entry into force
equilibrant force
equipollent force systems
equivalent force
EU–US Health Task Force
EU/Tunisia Task Force
EU Force Commander
EU Informal Task Force on Women, Peace and Security
EU-led force
EU Mission Force Commander
EU-NATO Task Force
EU-NATO Task Force on Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
EU Police Chiefs Operational Task Force
European Gendarmerie Force
European Legislation Identifier Task Force
European Union force
European Union-led force
European Union-led naval force
European Union Regional Task Force
EU Strategic Communication Task Force
EU-US Task Force on Energy Security
exciting force
exit age from the labour force
external force
feed force
field force
field of central force
field of force
Financial Action Task Force
Financial Technology Task Force
FinTech Task Force
fluted[-force] feed
Force Catalogue
force component
force diagram
force excitation
force-feed (pressure) lubrication
force function
force generation
force generation conference
force headquarters
force majeure
force of gravitation
force of law
force package
force polygon
force protection
force reduction
Force Removal
force rotation
force sensing
force system
force system in space
force threshold of control device
force touch
force vector
free force
“Freeze and Seize” Task Force
frictional force
friction force
FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
full spectrum force package
G5 Sahel Joint Force
General Confederation of Labour – Workers' Force
generalized force
gravitational force
gravity force
grip force
Group of Five Sahel Joint Force
hauling force
have binding force
Headline Goal Task Force
Headline Goal Task Force Plus
Headline Task Force Plus
Helsinki Force Catalogue
High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis
hired labour force
hydrodynamic force
impact force
Implementation Tempest Task Force
impressed force
impulse of impact force
induced electromotive force
inertia force
inertial force
inertia resistance force
insertion force
instantaneous force
intensity of field of force
interacting force
interim emergency multinational force
Interinstitutional Task Force on multiannual plans
internal force
International Security Assistance Force
Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Research Task Force
inter-services Task Force on detailed prices statistics
joint airport interdiction task force
joint Commission-EIB Task Force
Joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
joint EU-AU-UN Task Force
Joint Expeditionary Force
joint force
joint migration task force
Joint Task Force Eurojust-EJN
judgment which has entered into force
judgment which has obtained the force of "res judicata"
judgment which has the force of "res judicata"
Khalistan Zindabad Force
Kosovo force
Kosovo peacekeeping force
labour force
labour force non-participation rate
labour force participation rate
labour force survey
lateral force
law in force
laws in force
leakage electromotive force
legal force
lethal force
lifting force
line of action of force
line of force
line of force action
magnetic force
magnetizing force
magneto-hydrodynamic force
magnetomotive force
main component of cutting force
mass force
maximum static friction force
Migrants' Information Strategy Task Force
Military Committee Working Group (Headline Goal Task Force)
Millennium Project Hunger Task Force
Mission Force Commander
Mission Force Headquarters
moment of a force about point
moment of force
moment of force about an axis
motive force
moving force
multinational force
National Environmental Security Task Force
NATO Response Force
non-conservative force
normal force
nosing force
output force
over-the-horizon force
over-the-horizon reserve force
pan-African peacekeeping force
pantograph contact force
pantograph static contact force
parallel force system
paramilitary force
peak brake force coefficient
pedal force
People’s Defence Force
periodic force
peripheral force
person outside the labour force
photo electromotive force
point of application of force
point of force application
Police Chiefs Task Force
police force
ponderomotive force
potential force
potential force field
power of force
pressure force
pressure gradient force
probative force
productive force
propelling force
propulsive force
proxy force
pulling force
quadrature-axis component of magnetomotive force
Quick Reaction Force
radial component of cutting force
radial force
rapid deployment force
rapid force
rapid reaction force
reaction force
reactive electromotive force
reactive force
Reconstruction and Return Task Force
Recovery and Resilience Task Force
reference braking force
Regulation addressing situations of crisis and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum
relative centrifugal force
'REPO' Task Force
reproduction of labour force
repulsive force
resistance force
resisting force
resolution of force
restoring force
resultant force
reverse brute-force attack
road resistance force
rolling resistance force
rotary force
rotational electromotive force
rotational force
Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs Task Force
sales force automation
Security Committee (Information Assurance - Implementation Tempest Task Force)
self-induction electromotive force
sentence having obtained the force of "res judicata"
shear force
shear force (load)
shearing force
shearing force diagramm
side force
Single Market Enforcement Task-Force
Space Task Force
spatial force system
Spearhead Force
static contact force
steering force
StratCom Western Balkans Task Force
Subsidiarity and Proportionality Task Force
Takuba task force
tangential component of cutting force
tangential force
task force
Task Force for Better Implementation
task force for better implementation of EU funds
Task Force for Equality
Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research
Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom
Task Force for the Mediterranean
Task Force for the Preparation and Conduct of the Negotiations with the United Kingdom under Article 50 TEU
Task Force Mediterranean
Task Force of EU Police Chiefs
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Task Force on 'Doing Less, More Efficiently'
task force on economic governance
task force on long-term care statistics
Task Force on multiannual plans
Task Force on Subsidiarity, Proportionality and Doing Less More Efficiently
Task Force on the Future of Eurojust
Task Force on the UK
Task Force Rural Africa
tax treaty in force
tensile force
thermoelectromotive force
thrust force
to be into force
to come into force
to force the door
to force the lock
to go into force
top force
torque force
torsional force
traction force
traction force reserve
tractive force
trailer resistance force
Transatlantic Task Force on AMR
transformer electromotive force
transversal force
transverse force
Treaty Between the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of The Netherlands and the Portuguese Republic, establishing the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR)
turbulence force
turning force
Ukraine Task Force
UK Task Force
unbalanced force
UN Hunger Task Force
force-feed (pressure) lubrication
смазывание под давлением
Mašīnbūves terminu vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 2004
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