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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
traffic in
Atrasti 193 termini
aerodrome traffic density
aerodrome traffic zone
Agreement on Illicit Traffic by Sea, Implementing Article 17 of the UN Convention against Illicit
Traffic in
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Agreement on International Freight Traffic by Rail
air traffic
air traffic advisory service
air traffic complexity
air traffic control
air traffic control capacity
air traffic control clearance
air traffic control instruction
air-traffic controlle
air traffic controller
air traffic control sector
air traffic control service
air traffic data services
air traffic flow and capacity management
air traffic flow management
traffic in
traffic in
cident report
air traffic management
air traffic management and air navigation services
air-traffic route
air traffic service
air traffic service provider
Air Traffic Service route
air traffic services airspaces
Air Traffic Services Message Handling System
air traffic services provider
air traffic services surveillance service
air traffic services unit
air traffic surveillance
annex concerning customs formalities in respect of postal traffic
average annual daily traffic
civil air traffic accident
clearance of tourist traffic
coefficient of use of traffic
Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system
commuter traffic
container traffic
controlled traffic farming
Convention for the Suppression of the
Traffic in
Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others
Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic
Convention on Road Traffic
Convention on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents
*criterion of traffic economy
customs office handling tourist traffic
*direction of goods traffic
*direction of passenger traffic
drug traffic
en route air traffic service provider
European Air Traffic Management Master Plan
European Air Traffic Management Network
European air traffic management system
European Convention on the Punishment of Road Traffic Offences
European Federation of Road Traffic Victims
European Rail Traffic Management System
failing to stop at a red traffic light
fifth freedom traffic right
foreign traffic
free movement of trans-frontier
traffic in
the member states
freight traffic
frontier traffic
general air traffic
goods traffic
heavy traffic
highway traffic
home-to-work traffic
illicit tobacco traffic
illicit traffic
intelligent traffic system
intensity of traffic
intercity traffic
international traffic
internet traffic
inter-regional traffic
JER traffic-light methodology
Joint undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system (SESAR)
left-hand traffic
legal traffic
legitimate traffic
line traffic
local border traffic
local border traffic permit
local border traffic regime
local frontier traffic
long-distance traffic
low traffic neighbourhood
maritime traffic
military air traffic
mixed traffic
NATO Air Traffic Management Committee
network traffic
Network Traffic report
one-way traffic
operational air traffic
operation and traffic management
operation and traffic management subsystem
outward processing traffic
pallet traffic
passenger traffic
passenger traffic by ship
port traffic
quorum traffic
railway traffic
rated air traffic controller
traffic in
repeated traffic
right-hand traffic
road-safety-related traffic offence
road traffic
road traffic accident
traffic in
road traffic noise
road traffic offence
route and traffic orientation
route traffic
safety of traffic
scheduled / regular traffic
schedule of goods traffic
short-distance traffic
smart traffic light
space traffic management
terminal air traffic service provider
TIR carnet traffic
to relieve traffic congestion
town traffic
traffic accident
traffic analysis
traffic analytics
traffic and transportation supervisor
traffic avoidance advice
traffic block
traffic bottleneck
traffic calming measures
traffic-change function
traffic circulation plan
traffic complexity
traffic concentration
traffic conditions
traffic congestion
traffic control
traffic controller
traffic dangerousness*
traffic data
traffic density
traffic department
traffic documents
traffic expert
traffic flow
traffic flow confidentiality
traffic guidance equipment
traffic hold-up
traffic in
traffic in
traffic in
traffic in
human beings
traffic in
narcotic drugs
traffic in
traffic jam
traffic light
traffic light signal
traffic light system
traffic management
traffic management center
traffic management centre
traffic noise
traffic offence
traffic padding
traffic pollution
traffic regime
traffic regulation
traffic regulations
traffic routes
traffic sequencing
traffic service
traffic signal
traffic signs
traffic snarl-up
traffic stream
traffic volume
traffic ways
transit traffic
two-way traffic
United Nations Convention against Illicit
Traffic in
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
vessel traffic management system
vessel traffic monitoring and information system
vessel traffic service
Vienna Convention on Road Traffic
volume of traffic
Web site traffic
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
two-way traffic
divvirzienu satiksme
сообщение двуxпутное
Hin- und Rückverkehr
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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