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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
use case
Atrasti 237 termini
14-day cumulative COVID-19 case notification rate
30-day case fatality rate
absolute bar to proceeding with a case
abstract test case
use case
active case
application for a decision not going to the substance of the case
asymptomatic case
assignment of a case to a Chamber of five or of three Judges
assurance case
attache case
backing of the book case
base case
bearing case
bleed-off binding case
blocked test case
bobbin case
book case
breakthrough case
bringing case in the court
business case
use case
cabinet [case] furniture
cabinet-type [case] furniture
capital case
cardboard case
case-based learning
case-based payment system
case binding
case classification
case (composing) rack
case compound*
case concerning the same subject-matter
case-control study
CASE Data Interchange Format
case definition
case depth
case design
case evolution
case factory
case filing system
case for display type
case for electros
case for mathematical signs
case for title faces
case involvement data
case key
case law
case law (EU)
case making
case making machine
case management
Case Management System
case manager
case nailing machine
case narrative
CASE needs
case not proceeding to judgment
case number
case officer
case of foot-and-mouth disease
case of insurance*
case of irregularity
case owner
case pending
case pending before the Court
CASE project
case referred for a preliminary ruling
case report
case resolution
case statement
case study
case that falls within the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
CASE tool
case under investigation
case weighted average default rate for calibration
case with strips of wood
case worker
catalog case
choice of the language of a case
choice of the language of the case
civil case
close the case
comb with a case
complex asylum case
confirmed case
constant case-law
Convention on Assistance in the case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency
COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough case
criminal case
criminal case number
data subject request case
decision on the substance of the case
decision to hear a case in camera
deferment of a case
delegation of a case
direct case*
dismissal of the case
disposal of case
document case
door case
drawing up a statement of the case
*drawing up a statement [of the case]
DSR case
Dublin case
early case finding
emergency case
end plate of the case
engine case
established case law
established case-law
European Case Law Identifier
European Delegated Prosecutor handling the case
executable test case
figure case
file in the case
foul case
fount case
free standing case
free-standing show-case
generic test case
give a case priority over others
hard case
high level test case
high level
use case
high-renewables case
identification of a potential exclusion case
imported case
in case of emergency
In case of fire: Use … for extinction.
in case of need
Incorrect Pronoun Case
indirect case*
individual case safety report
in exceptional case
insider risk case
insider risk management case
intervention in a case before the Court
investigate case
island case
judgment referring the case back
laboratory-confirmed case with clinical criteria
laboratory confirmed case without clinical criteria
laboratory-confirmed case with unknown clinical criteria
lay of the (type) case
language of a case
language of the case
lead and slug case
legal topic case
letter case
loading case
logical test case
low level test case
matrix case
matrix (die) case
mediation case
missing person case
mobile case
moulded-case circuit breaker
National Case Reference Identifier
nitrided case
obligatory insurance in case of unemployment
one-piece binding case
order removing the case from the register
packing case
packing case species
packing case timber
packing case wood
party to a case
pauci-symptomatic case
plan case
portable case vitrine
possible case
potential exclusion case
preparation of a case for hearing
prima facie case
probable case
*progress of the case
proof of a rebutting case
rapid case review
readmission case management system
referral of a case back to the Court
referral of a case to a Chamber composed of a different number of Judges
referral of a case to a Chamber sitting with a different number of Judges
refractory case
removal of the case from the register
request for the case to be discontinued
retrial of a case
return case management system
robot case
rule case
*security in case of illness
seed case
settled case-law
settled case law
shaft case
shielding case
slide box (case)
slip case
space case
specific case
spine of the book case
standard asylum case
standing case
standing show-case
statement of case
steam case
storage case
Strategic Context Case
submit one's case
surface (case) hardening
suspected case
suspended (show-)case
tabletop case
test case
test case explosion
test case result
test case specification
the case for
title case
to bring a case before the Court of Justice of the European Union
tower case
triangular case
upper case
use case
use case
use case
vanity case
whole paper case
worst case
identification of a potential exclusion case
potenciālas izslēgšanas lietas noteikšana
Feststellung potenzieller Ausschlussfälle
identification des cas d’exclusion potentiels
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