Sestdiena, 18. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
war economy
Atrasti 263 termini
2050 low carbon economy roadmap
24/7 economy
analogue market economy country
An economy that works for people
audit of computer economy and efficiency
barter economy
bio-based economy
black economy
blue economy
branches of national economy
branch of economy
Building a European data economy
carbon-free economy
carbon-neutral economy
care economy
cash economy
centrally planned economy
circular economy
Circular Economy Act
Circular Economy Action Plan
Circular Economy Missions
Circular Economy Package
Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference
circular economy strategy
civil engineering economy
classical school (of political economy)
clean economy
climate-neutral economy
climate neutrality economy
closed economy
CO2 neutral economy
collaborative economy
collective economy
collectivised economy
command economy
Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society
Commissioner for Economy
Commissioner for Economy and Productivity
Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy
Commissioner for the Economy and Productivity
Commissioners’ Group on an Economy that Works for People
commodity economy
commodity-money economy
community economy
comparative economy
construction economy
Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy
controlled economy
country with an emerging economy
creative economy
*criterion of traffic economy
Croatian Chamber of Economy
data-agile economy
data-driven economy
data economy
data-led economy
decarbonisation of the economy
design for circular economy
digital economy
Digital Economy and Society Index
digital economy taxation
digital platform economy
digital service economy
direct investment in the reporting economy
diversification of the rural economy
eco-efficient economy
ecological economy
economy class
*economy coefficient
economy hotel
economy in transition
economy of proximity
economy of resources
economy of scale
economy of scale production
economy of things
economy of wellbeing
economy-wide material flow accounts
emerging economy
EU action plan for the Circular Economy
EU Blue Economy Observatory
EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy
EU roadmap for a low-carbon economy by 2050
European Centre for International Political Economy
European circular economy platform
European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
European Network of Cities & Regions for the Social Economy
European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy
European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy
European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in a Green Economy
EU Social Economy Action Plan
EU Social Economy Gateway
Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for People
Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for People and Commissioner for Financial Services
expanding economy
Expert Group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises
Expert Group on Taxation of the Digital Economy
fabric of the economy
farm economy
forest economy
forest economy tools
free economy
free enterprise economy
free market economy
fuel consumption economy
fuel economy
functional economy
fundamentals of an economy
gathering economy
gig economy
Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency
Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency. Towards Just Transitions
Global Circular Economy Alliance
globalisation of the economy
green economy
hidden economy
high-income economy
highly profitable economy
housekeeping economy
illegal economy
individual economy
industrial economy
informal economy
Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean
International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy
internet economy
InvestEU Blue Economy
knowledge-based economy
knowledge-driven economy
knowledge economy
lending to the economy
liberal economy
linear economy
low carbon economy
Low carbon economy roadmap
lower middle-income economy
low-income economy
low-input economy
marine economy
maritime economy
market economy
market economy status
market economy treatment
market economy treatment claim
market oriented economy
material consumption economy indices
material economy
mathematical equipment of economy
middle-income economy
militarisation of national economy
mixed economy
mixed-economy company
monetary economy
multistructural character of the economy*
municipal economy
municipal economy enterprise
national economy
national economy branches
national economy branches and districts structure development policy
national economy purposes
natural economy
net-zero economy
net zero emissions economy
net-zero greenhouse gas economy
net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy
non-market economy country
non-market economy system
non-observed economy
non-production economy
Observatory on the Online Platform Economy
ocean economy
online economy
open economy
open market economy
patriarchal economy
performance audit (economy, efficiency, effectiveness)
Permanent study group on Social Economy Enterprises
personal economy
planned economy
platform economy
political economy
post-industrial economy
presence of organised crime groups in the economy
principle of an open market economy with free competition
principle of economy
principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness
production-disposal economy
production economy
productive economy
profitable economy
proximity and social economy
proximity and social economy ecosystem
proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem
proximity economy
public economy
real economy
real-time economy
regional economy
reorganization of economy
resource-efficient economy
Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050
robber economy
scale economy
self-subsistence economy
self-sufficing economy
service economy
service-repair economy
shadow economy
sharing economy
silver economy
slowdown of the economy
small peasant economy
small producer economy
small-scale economy
smart economy
social and solidarity economy
social economy
social economy business model
Social Economy Category
social economy coordinator
social economy enterprise
social economy entity
social market economy
solidarity economy
space economy
Spanish Confederation of Social Economy Enterprises
*state economy
Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy
storage economy
strategy for financing the transition to a sustainable economy
Strategy on Space Data Economy
subsistence economy
sustainable blue economy
task-based economy
taxation of the digital economy
Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework for State Aid measures to support the economy following the aggression against Ukraine by Russia
Temporary Crisis Framework for State Aid measures to support the economy following the aggression against Ukraine by Russia
Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak
time economy law
total economy
*town-land economy
transition economy
transition to a market economy
transition to a market-oriented economy
transition to market economy
transition to the green economy
transition toward a market-oriented economy
transition towards a climate neutral economy
underground economy
Union of Social and Solidarity Economy Employers
unprofitable economy
Updated action plan for a sustainable, resilient and competitive blue economy in the European Union Atlantic area
upper middle-income economy
urban economy
vulnerable economy
war economy
web economy
work economy
world economy
zero carbon economy
zero-carbon economy
war economy
kara ekonomika
экономика военная
économie de guerre
war economy
kara ekonomika
économie de guerre
EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
war economy
kara ekonomika
экономика военная
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija