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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
wax paper
Atrasti 390 termini
abrasive base paper
abrasive [emery] paper
abrasiveness of paper
abrasive paper
absorbent paper
acid-free paper
acidity of paper
action-oriented paper
album paper
amended crypto-asset white paper
archival paper
art paper
asbestos paper
asbestos-paper laminate
ash-free filter paper
asphalt paper
asset-backed commercial paper
asset-backed commercial paper conduit
asset-backed commercial paper programme
atlas paper
autographic printing paper
background paper
back-lining paper
ballot paper
banknote paper
base paper
bible paper
blank ballot paper
bleached paper
Blue Paper
blueprint paper
body paper
book-printing paper
break of paper
briefing paper
cable [-insulating] paper
cake paper
calandered paper
calendered paper
cancelled ballot paper
capacitor paper
carbon paper
chalk paper
cheque paper
cigarette paper
coated paper
coloured paper
commercial paper
Commission staff paper
Commission staff working paper
Commission working paper
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy - White Paper for a Community strategy and action plan
concept paper
contact printing paper
continuous forms paper
copying and graphic paper
copying paper
corrugated paper
country paper
country strategy paper
cover paper
crape paper
crypto-asset white paper
cross shrinkage of paper
cured paper
data paper
data paper journal
decorative paper
deed paper
density of paper
device for threading-in of paper
discussion paper
*division of paper
document paper
drawing paper
drying of paper
duplicating (duplicating note) paper
durable paper
emery paper
endless paper
end paper
engraver's paper
fanfold paper
featherweight paper
fibre-backed abrasive paper
filter paper
fine paper
finishing sand paper
flat paper
foil paper
full paper
glassine paper
glass paper
glazed paper
glossed paper
glossy paper
grade (type) of paper
grained paper
graphic paper
graphite paper
Green Paper
Green Paper - Defence procurement
Green Paper - European Transparency Initiative
Green Paper Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century
Green Paper on ageing
Green Paper on bio-preparedness
Green Paper on Consumer Collective Redress
Green Paper on detection technologies for law enforcement, customs and other security authorities
Green Paper on greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union
Green Paper on market-based instruments for environment and related policy purposes
Green Paper on Satellite Navigation Applications
Green Paper on the future Common European Asylum System
Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis
Green Paper - Promoting the learning mobility of young people
Green Paper "The European Research Area: New Perspectives"
Green Paper - The Presumption of Innocence
Green Paper - Towards a Europe free from tobacco smoke: policy options at EU level
ground wood paper
gummed paper
hard paper
hygiene paper
identity paper
imitation art paper
impregnated paper
impregnated paper insulation
India (Oxford) paper
India paper
insulating paper
interest discount paper
interleave (interleaving) paper
invalid ballot paper
jobbing paper
Key Issues Paper
kind of paper
label[ing] paper
laid paper
laminated paper
leaf of paper
leather imitation paper
letterpress printing paper
light-sensitive paper
lignin-free paper
linen[-rag] paper
liner paper
lining paper
lithographic paper
litmus paper
litmus [reagent] paper
log-normal paper
log-probability paper
magazine paper
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products
map paper
marbled paper
margin of the paper sheet
mass-impregnated paper insulation
mat paper
metallized paper
metallized paper capacitor
metal paper
millimeter paper
modified crypto-asset white paper
mottled paper
multi-part paper
multiwall paper bag
need of paper
newsprint paper
non-falsifiable paper
offset paper
oiled paper
oil impregnated paper bushing
option paper
options paper
package paper
packaging paper
packing paper
Paper and board dye, finishing and impregnation products including bleaches and other processing aids
paper article
paper bag
paper-based laminate
paper-based laminated plastic
paper binding
paper birch
paper break[ing]
paper capacitor
paper coating machine
paper company
paper conditioner
paper conditioning
paper consumption
paper copy
paper course
paper cover
paper credit
paper currency
paper cutter
paper-cutting machine
paper dryer
paper drum
paper edge
paper elongation
[paper] fastener
paper feed[ing device]
paper fluff extractor (removal device)
paper for covers
paper for illustrations
paper gain
paper glass
paper grade
paper guide
paper handling
paper hanging device
paper hydrometer (hygroscope)
paper industry
paper infeed
paper-insulated cable
paper insulation
paper yarn
paper jam
paper laminate
paper loss
paper making
paper manufacture
paper mill
paper money
paper-oil insulation
paper park
paper pile hoist
paper piler
paper profit
paper pull
paper pull regulator
paper readying
paper reel
paper reel drive
paper requirement
paper resistance tester
paper ribbon
paper sample
paper scale
paper sheet
paper size
paper-sizing materials
paper skip
paper slew
paper smoothness
paper source
paper space
paper speed
paper splitting
paper stack
paper storage
paper storage cabinet
paper strength
paper stretch
paper surface
paper take-up spool
paper tape (strip)
paper technology
paper tensioning device
paper testing
paper throw
paper tower cam
paper tray
paper-tube machine
paper twine
paper unreeling device
paper varnish
paper warehouse
paper waste
paper web
paper-white display
paper-white monitor
paper width
paper wood
paraffined paper
parchment paper
passage of paper
pasted cover paper
permanent paper
Permanent Study Group on the Implementation of the White Paper on Transport
photobasic paper
photographic base paper
photographic raw paper
plan paper
pleated filter paper
poster paper
poverty reduction strategy paper
preimpregnated paper insulation
preparation of paper pulp
principal paper
printing on the white [paper]
printing paper
processed paper
properties of paper
pulp and paper industry
pulp and paper mill
pulp and paper sector
raw paper
recycled paper
reclaimed paper
reeled paper
reflection paper
regulating of paper
Research Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry
ribbed paper
rice paper
rotogravure paper
ruled paper
safety paper
sand paper
Scented paper articles
score-sheet (scorecard, scoring paper), record sheet
screen paper
seasoned paper
security paper
self-contained paper mill
shagreen paper
sheet of paper
short-term paper
single end-paper
sized paper
sizing of paper
synthetic paper
small paper edition
speciality paper mill
special paper
special paper grades
square[d] paper
stack of paper
staff paper
stamped paper
strategy paper
supporting paper
tail (paper)
tape paper
tarred thread paper
Technological Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry
technological paper
thickness of paper
thin paper
threading-in of paper
tin-foil paper
tissue paper
tissue waxing paper
tracing paper
unloader of paper wood preparation
unsized paper
varnished paper
vellum paper
velour paper
velvet paper
washable wall paper
waste paper
waste paper box (cabinet)
watermark[ed] paper
waterproof wall paper
watertight paper
waxed paper
wax paper
weight of paper in grams per square meter
wet strength paper
wet-strength paper
White Paper
White Paper Financial Services Policy 2005-2010
White Paper on an Instrument on Foreign Subsidies
White Paper on levelling the playing field as regards foreign subsidies
White Paper on the Future of Europe
White Paper on the Future of European Defence
White Paper - Together for Health : A Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013
whole paper case
width of paper
woodfree paper
wood-pulp and paper industry
working paper
wrapping paper
writing paper
XML Paper Specification
XML Paper Specification Viewer
z-fold paper
zig-zag fold paper
autographic printing paper
graudotais (autografiskais) papīrs
автографская бумага
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija