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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
way bill
Atrasti 142 termini
accepted bill
accommodation bill
account bill
addressed bill
advance bill
agent's bill
*bankable bill
bank bill
bearer bill
bearer bill of lading
bill arbitrage
bill broker
bill contents
bill discount
bill discounting
bill duty
*bill form
bill for work
bill guarantee
bill hook
bill issue date*
bill loss
bill of acceptance
bill of clearance
bill of credit
bill of discharge
bill [of exchange]
bill of exchange
bill of exchange guarantee
bill of exchange law
bill of fare / table d'hote
bill of indictment
bill of lading
bill of loading
bill of materials
bill of materials explosion
bill of materials item
bill of material version
bill of parcels
bill of quantities
bill of trade
bill rediscount
bill regress
*bill requisites
bill shock
bill stamp
bill-to address
blank bill
block bill
bloody crane's-bill
Charter of Tourism / Tourism Bill of Rights
clean bill of lading
commercial bill
consignment bill
counter bill
crane's bill
CSP Direct Bill Partner
custody bill of lading
direct bill of lading
discounted bill
dishonoured bill
divorce bill
electronic bill presentment
electronic bill presentment and payment
European Union (Withdrawal) Bill
finance bill
financial bill
fine bill
forged bill
*form of way-bill
freight bill
goods bill
government bill
Great Repeal Bill
honored bill
inland bill of lading
insured bill of lading
intermediate bill
International Bill of Human Rights
Internet Bill of Rights
introduction of a bill*
local authority bill
long-bill spearfish
master bill of lading
*monthly bill
negotiable bill of lading
*non-commodities bill
*non-goods bill
non-government bill
on-bill finance
on-bill financing
on-board bill of lading
order bill of lading
ordinary bill
outstanding bill
paid bill
payee of a bill of exchange
payment request bill
parliamentary bill
passage of a bill
past-due bill
phantom bill of material
phantom bill of materials item
Post Bill and AR adjustments
prime bill
protest against a bill of exchange
protested bill
protested bill of exchange
protest of a bill
renewal of a bill (of exchange)
Repeal Bill
repeated bill
*reverse bill of exchange
single bill
software bill of materials
sole bill
straight bill
straight bill of lading
sub-bill of material
Submit Bill
tax bill
T- Bill
through bill of lading
time bill
to foot the bill
to issue a bill of lading
to issue the final tax bill
to make a bill
to negotiate a bill to a bank
to pay a bill
to pay the bill
to pass the bill
to settle one's bill
to surrender bill of lading
to write out a bill
trade bill
Treasury bill
wage bill
*way-bill of expenses
repeated bill
atkārtots rēķins
повторный счет
wiederholte Rechnung
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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