Atrasti 5 termini
EN bring up
LV sagatavot
RU подготовить
DE Bring-up durchführen
FR préparer
Definīcija: To take all actions needed to get a new device or SoC (System on a Chip) ready to successfully boot Windows, with all required drivers loading and functioning properly.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal. © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN Prepare
LV Sagatavot
DE Vorbereiten
FR Préparer
Definīcija: A menu item with options that can be applied to a file before it is shared with others (e.g. 'Mark as Final' or 'Add a Digital Signature').
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal. © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN store [up]; prepare
LV sagatavot
RU заготавливать
DE aufbreiten; beschaffen; bereitstellen
FR préparer; stocker
J. Dolacis. Mežtehnikas, mežsaimniecības un kokrūpniecības terminu vārdnīca. — R., 1998