EN headset; mixed reality headset
LV jauktās realitātes uzgalvas displejs; uzgalvas displejs
RU гарнитура; гарнитура смешанной реальности
DE Headset; Mixed Reality-Headset
FR casque; casque de réalité mixte
Definīcija: A head-mounted display (HMD) that displays mixed reality experiences. Used inclusively to denote both Microsoft HoloLens and OEM devices, whether they blend virtual content within the physical world (holographic headsets), or display virtual content with a degree (big or small) of environmental awareness (immersive headsets). Plus, these headsets can either be self-contained (like Microsoft HoloLens - the whole computing power is contained into the headset) or PC-connected (the computing power comes from the PC and the headset cannot work without that associated PC).
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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