LZA TK termini atrodami Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
Jūs meklējāt forme de base
Atrasts 1 termins
EN master shape
LV formas šablons
RU образец фигуры
DE Master-Shape
FR forme de base
Definīcija: A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal. © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN master
LV šablons
RU образец
DE Master
FR forme de base
Definīcija: A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal. © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.