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Jūs meklējāt finanšu
Atrasti 588 termini

  1. EN Financial Modernization Act of 1999; GLB; Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
    LV 1999. gada likums par finanšu modernizāciju; GLB likums
    RU Акт Грэма-Лича-Блили (Акт о модернизации финансовой системы 1999 г.); Акт о модернизации финансовой системы 1999 г. (Акт Грэма-Лича-Блили)
    DE Financial Modernization Act von 1999; amerikanisches Gesetz "GLB"; amerikanisches Gesetz "Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act"
    FR loi américaine Financial Modernization Act de 1999; loi américaine GLB
    Definīcija: A U.S. law containing financial provisions that require all financial institutions to disclose to consumer customers their policies and practices for protecting the privacy of non-public personal information. Non-public personal information includes any PII provided by a customer, resulting from transactions with the financial institution or obtained by a financial institution through providing products or services.
    Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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