EN SMIL; Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
LV SMIL; sinhronizētās multivides integrācijas valoda
RU язык SMIL
DE SMIL; Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
FR SMIL; langage SMIL
Definīcija: An XML-based language being developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that would enable Web developers to divide content into separate streams (audio, video, text, and images), send them to a client computer, and then have them displayed as a single stream. This separation reduces the time required for transmission over the Internet.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language; SMIL
LV sinhronizētās multivides integrācijas valoda; valoda SMIL
Definīcija: Valoda multivides satura sinhronizēšanai globālajā tīmeklī. Šīs valodas sintakse ir līdzīga valodas HTML sintaksei, un tā ļauj vai nu secīgi, vai paralēli izpildīt audio, video vai grafiku. Valoda SMIL atbalsta multivides straumēšanas protokolus, piem., reāllaika straumēšanas protokolu.
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