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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
infrastructure d
Atrasti 248 termini
2020 European Fund for Energy, Climate Change and Infrastructure
access infrastructure
advanced metering infrastructure
Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure
Alliance for Language Technologies European Digital Infrastructure Consortium
alternative fuels infrastructure
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Azure Stack Hyperconverged Infrastructure Incentive Program
Azure Stack Hyper-converged Infrastructure Incentive Program
blue infrastructure
Blueprint on a coordinated response to disruptions of critical infrastructure with significant cross-border relevance
broadband infrastructure
capacité de l'infrastructure
capacité d'infrastructure
capacités de l'infrastructure ferroviaire
capacity of railway infrastructure
charges for use of infrastructure
charging infrastructure
civil engineering infrastructure
cloud infrastructure
Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
communauté européenne du rail et des compagnies d’infrastructure
communication de véhicule à infrastructure
communication infrastructure
communication infrastructure for the Schengen environment
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies
Conference Infrastructure and Innovation Unit
consortium européen pour une
infrastructure d
es puces électroniques
Consortium pour une infrastructure européenne de recherche
consortium pour une infrastructure européenne de recherche consacrée au réseau basses fréquences
Consortium pour une infrastructure numérique européenne
consortium pour une infrastructure numérique européenne «Alliance pour les technologies langagières»
critical information infrastructure
Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
critical infrastructure
critical infrastructure protection
Critical Infrastructure Protection Point-of-Contact
critical infrastructure security
dedicated infrastructure
Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium
digital service infrastructure
Directive 2007/2/EC establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management
Directorate for Infrastructure and Equipment
Directorate-General for Infrastructure and Logistics
DirectX Graphic Infrastructure
DirectX Graphics Infrastructure
DLT market infrastructure
do not trust infrastructure
dual-use infrastructure
dual-use transport infrastructure
ducting infrastructure
economic infrastructure
eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure
electronic communications infrastructure
energy infrastructure
Energy Infrastructure Forum
entretien de l'infrastructure ferroviaire
EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund
EU Energy Security and Infrastructure Instrument
EU Infrastructure Trust Fund for Africa
EU-NATO Task Force on Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
European Blockchain Services Infrastructure
European chips infrastructure consortium
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
European Digital Infrastructure Consortium
European Digital Infrastructure Consortium for the Alliance for Language Technologies
European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology
European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology European Research Infrastructure Consortium
European Market Infrastructure Regulation
European network of infrastructure managers
European programme for critical infrastructure protection
European Research Infrastructure Consortium
évaluation des besoins en
infrastructure d
e transports
exploitant d'infrastructure routière
Extreme Light Infrastructure
federated cloud infrastructure
fibre-ready in-building physical infrastructure
financial market infrastructure
gestionnaire de l'infrastructure
gestionnaire d'infrastructure
Gigabit Infrastructure Act
Global Infrastructure Hub
Global Infrastructure Initiative
green infrastructure
grey infrastructure
guidelines for trans-European networks in the area of telecommunications infrastructure
High Level Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe
hydrogen infrastructure
ICT Infrastructure
in-building physical infrastructure
industrial infrastructure
information infrastructure
infrastructure à clé publique
infrastructure à double usage
infrastructure à la demande
infrastructure à large bande
Infrastructure and Innovation Window
Infrastructure and Operations (RUN) Unit
infrastructure as a service
infrastructure bleue
infrastructure capabilities type
infrastructure capacity
infrastructure charge
infrastructure critique
infrastructure d
e communication
infrastructure d
e communication pour l'environnement Schengen
Infrastructure d
e diagnostics Windows
infrastructure d
e gare de péage
infrastructure d
e génie civil
infrastructure d
e gestion de logique métier
infrastructure d
e gestion des déchets
infrastructure d
e l'information
infrastructure d
e marché DLT
infrastructure d
e marché financier
infrastructure d
e marché reposant sur la technologie des registres distribués
infrastructure d
e raccordement
infrastructure d
e recharge
infrastructure d
e recharge à quai
infrastructure d
e recharge et de ravitaillement
infrastructure d
e recherche
Infrastructure d
e recherche sur les aérosols, les nuages et les gaz trace réactifs
infrastructure d
e réseau
infrastructure d
e sélection de contenu (CSF)
infrastructure d
e services numériques
infrastructure d
e services numériques dans le domaine de la santé en ligne
infrastructure d
es marchés financiers liée
infrastructure d
e télécommunication
infrastructure d
e transport
infrastructure d
e transport à double usage
infrastructure d
infrastructure d
infrastructure d
infrastructure d
'information critique
infrastructure d
'intégration (backplane)
infrastructure d
u connecteur
infrastructure d
u dernier kilomètre
infrastructure économique
infrastructure électronique
infrastructure énergétique
infrastructure en ligne
Infrastructure estimator
infrastructure européenne de services de chaînes de blocs
Infrastructure Fluid
infrastructure industrielle
infrastructure manager
Infrastructure Microsoft Fluid
infrastructure naturelle
infrastructure physique
infrastructure physique à l'intérieur d'un immeuble
infrastructure physique interne
infrastructure physique interne adaptée à la fibre
infrastructure pour carburants alternatifs
infrastructure process
infrastructure project
infrastructure publique multilingue de gestion des connaissances pour le marché unique numérique
infrastructure resilience
infrastructure RunBase
infrastructure service
infrastructure sous forme de service
infrastructure spatiale
infrastructure sportive
infrastructure touristique
infrastructure-to-vehicle communication
infrastructure to vehicle communication
infrastructure urbaine
infrastructure verte
infrastructure work
Integrated Carbon Observation System European Research Infrastructure Consortium
IT infrastructure
last-mile infrastructure
Lync 2013 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure-Plug-In
Lync 2013 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) spraudnis
Low Frequency Array European Research Infrastructure Consortium
maintenance of the railway infrastructure
market infrastructure based on distributed ledger technology
modernisation de l'infrastructure ferroviaire
municipal infrastructure
Municipal Infrastructure Facility
natural infrastructure
network infrastructure
Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels
Office for infrastructure and logistics in Luxembourg
offshore electricity infrastructure
offshore renewable infrastructure
on-shore charging infrastructure
opérateur d'infrastructure
Outil de sizing d'infrastructure
payment infrastructure
Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment
physical infrastructure
plateforme de haut niveau pour les gestionnaires européens d’infrastructure ferroviaire
Platform for European Rail Infrastructure Managers
plug-in Lync 2013 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
production infrastructure
Programme for
Infrastructure D
evelopment in Africa
projet d’infrastructure
protection of critical infrastructure
Public Key Infrastructure
public key infrastructure certificate
public multilingual knowledge management infrastructure for the Digital Single Market
railway infrastructure capacity
recharging and refuelling infrastructure
recharging infrastructure
redevance d'infrastructure
redevance d'utilisation de l'infrastructure
register of infrastructure
register of railway infrastructure
registre de l’infrastructure ferroviaire
registre de l'infrastructure
règlement sur le déploiement d’une infrastructure pour carburants alternatifs
règlement sur l'
infrastructure d
u marché européen
Regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
renewal of the railway infrastructure
renouvellement de l'infrastructure ferroviaire
research infrastructure
réseau d'infrastructure
Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive
Robust Communication Infrastructure and Networks
Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society
software-defined infrastructure
space-based infrastructure
space infrastructure
sports infrastructure
Sustainable Infrastructure Europe
sustainable infrastructure policy window
sustainable infrastructure window
tarification de l'infrastructure
test infrastructure
to strengthen customs management systems and infrastructure
tourism infrastructure
tourist infrastructure
Trans-European Network of Green Infrastructure
transmission infrastructure
transport infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment
travaux d'infrastructure
Unité Infrastructure et innovation pour les conférences
upgrade of the railway infrastructure
urban infrastructure
vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
waste management infrastructure
Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure
network infrastructure
tīkla infrastruktūra
infrastructure de réseau
network infrastructure
tīkla infrastruktūra
infrastructure de réseau
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Lietu interneta termini, prot. Nr. 555 (03.04.2020)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija