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programme d
Atrasti 1179 termini
‘People’ programme
2019–2020 Programme
programme d
’action pour l’environnement
programme d
'action général de l'Union pour l'environnement à l'horizon 2020 «Bien vivre, dans les limites de notre planète»
7th Environment Action programme
7th Environment Action Programme to 2020 - "Living well, within the limits of our planet"
AAL Programme
ABCP programme
Accord du programme Mixer
Accord relatif au programme international pour la conservation des dauphins
Accroître l'impact de la politique de développement de l'UE: un programme pour le changement
à commande par programme enregistré
action de soutien du programme
action de soutien du programme sur l'émission d'identifiants et la collecte de données concernant les carburants durables en Europe
action programme
action programme "FISCUS"
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
Action Programme for Reducing Administrative Burdens in the European Union
action programme for the implementation of a European Community vocational training policy
Action Programme for the Implementation of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union
action programme in the field of lifelong learning
action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme
adjustment programme
Administrative Burden Reduction Programme
Agence de l’Union européenne pour le programme spatial
Agence exécutive pour le
programme d
e santé publique
Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Programme
aid programme
aircraft maintenance programme
airport security programme
ajustement spécifique par programme
Ambassador School Programme
Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme
ancrage local du
Programme d
e développement durable à l'horizon 2030
annual work programme
antimicrobial stewardship programme
application programme
approved eradication programme
ASEAN-EU Human Rights Programme
ASEAN Regional Integration Support Programme
Assemblée des Nations unies pour l'environnement du
Programme d
es Nations unies pour l'environnement
asset accumulation programme
asset-backed commercial paper programme
audiovisual programme
audit programme
Better Training for Safer Food programme
Better Training for Safer Food training programme
Better Work Programme
Biennial Meeting of States on the Programme of Action
Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
Programme d
e récompenses
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme
Biological Equipment Development and Enhancement Programme
by-catch avoidance programme
blended intensive programme
Bohunice programme
Borrowing Programme
branch development programme
breeding programme
BTSF programme
bug bounty programme
buy-back programme
business programme
Capacité de guerre électronique et
programme d
'interopérabilité pour la future coopération de renseignement, de surveillance et de reconnaissance interarmées (JISR)
[capital] investment programme
Central American Programme on Small Arms and Light Weapons Control
Central American Small and Light Weapons Control Programme
Central American Small Arms Control Programme
Central Asia Invest Programme
CERV Programme
children's programme (GB)
Chip Authentication Programme
Chips for Europe Programme
CIPS Programme
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme
citizenship programme
Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities programme
Clean Air for Europe Programme
"Clean Air for Europe" programme
Clean Air Programme for Europe
Comenius programme
Comité consultatif indépendant de surveillance pour le Programme OMS de gestion des situations d'urgence sanitaire
Comité du programme et de la coordination
Comité du programme statistique
Comité exécutif du
programme d
u Haut-Commissaire des Nations unies pour les réfugiés
Comité mixte "CEE-pays de l'AELE" pour la mise en oeuvre de l'accord instituant une coopération en matière d'éducation et de formation dans le cadre du programme ERASMUS
comité pour le programme Fiscalis
Commission’s legislative and work programme
Commission Legislative and Work Programme
Commission's annual work programme
Commission simplification rolling programme
Commission Work Programme
Committee for Programme and Coordination
Committee for the implementation of the Community action programme on public health (2003-2008)
Committee of the second Programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013)
Community action programme for the vocational training of customs officials of national administrations
Community action programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the Community's financial interests
Community action programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the financial interests of the Community
Community Lisbon Programme
Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity
Community programme on interoperability solutions for European public administrations
Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market
compassionate use programme
competition programme
Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
complex programme
compliance programme
computer programme
conseil d'administration du Programme alimentaire mondial
Conseil d'administration du
Programme d
es Nations unies pour l'environnement
conseil de gestion du programme global
Conseil de gestion globale du programme
contribution du programme
control programme
Convention relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite
convergence programme
Cooperative Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
corporate sector purchase programme
Council's 18-month programme
counter crisis programme
Covered Bond Purchase Programme
Creative Europe - A new framework programme for the cultural and creative sectors (2014-2020)
Creative Europe programme
Creative Europe programme (2021 to 2027)
Critical Maritime Routes in the Gulf of Guinea Programme
Critical Maritime Routes programme
CSO-LA programme
Culture Sub-programme
daily programme
daily routine (training) programme
Daphne Programme
date anniversaire du programme
Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
déclaration de Sofia sur le programme en matière d’environnement pour les Balkans occidentaux
déclaration de Sofia sur le programme environnemental pour les Balkans occidentaux
Déclaration et
Programme d
'action de Durban
Déclaration et
programme d
'action de Vienne
dedicated financial programme for decommissioning of nuclear facilities and management of radioactive waste
Democracy Fellowship Programme
design work programme
diagnostic programme
Digital Decade Policy Programme
Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030
Digital Europe Programme
disease control programme
disque de programme
distribution à programme variable
domaine du programme
drying programme
Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation programme
Eastern Partnership Solidarity Programme
economic adjustment programme
economic partnership programme
economic reform programme
EDCTP2 Programme
educational programme
education programme (GB)
EEC-EFTA Joint Committee on the implementation of the agreement establishing cooperation in the field of education and training within the framework of the Erasmus programme
election programme
electronic programme guide
Electronic Warfare Capability and Interoperability Programme for Future Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) Cooperation
Enhanced Response Capacity Programme
ENI umbrella programme
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme
Environment Action Programme
Environmental Action Programme
Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme
Environment and Natural Resources Thematic Programme
EP Young Political Leaders Programme
eradication programme
Erasmus Mundus programme
Erasmus programme
EU/IMF financial assistance programme
EU4Health Programme
EU Anti-Fraud Programme
EU Central Asia Invest Programme
EU exercise programme
EU exercise programme meeting
EU P2P Export Control Programme
EU programme
EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation 2014–2020 (PEACE)
EU Programme on the Prevention of Violent Conflicts
Euratom Programme
Euratom Research and Training Programme
Euratom Research and Training Programme for 2021-2025
europäischer Ansatz zur Qualitätssicherung gemeinsamer Programme
European Agreement concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films
European Aviation Safety Programme
European Climate Change Programme
European Defence Industrial Development Programme
European Defence Industry Programme
European Defence Investment Programme
European Energy Programme for Recovery
European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers, inspired by the Erasmus programme
European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research
European Metrology Research Programme
European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development
European Parliament Ambassador School Programme
European Parliament Young Political Leaders Programme
European Programme for Action to Confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis through External Action (2007-2011)
European programme for critical infrastructure protection
European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards
European Recovery Programme
European Return Programme
European Road Safety Action Programme
European Solidarity Corps Programme
European Space Programme
European Union Agency for the Space Programme
European Union exercise programme
European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation
European Union Programme for Social Change and Innovation
European Union programme on Justice
European Union Space Programme
European Union Visitors Programme
European Union Visitors Programme Unit (EUVP)
Europe créative - Un nouveau programme-cadre pour les secteurs de la culture et de la création (2014-2020)
Europe for Citizens Programme
Eurostars programme
EU Space Programme
EU Visitors Programme
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting for the period 2021-2027
exchange programme
Executive Agency for the Public Health Programme
Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
exhibition programme (GB)
Expanded Asset Purchase Programme
facilité «garanties de prêts» du programme COSME
fast track registered traveller programme
financing programme
Fiscalis programme
Fiscalis Programme Committee
'Fiscalis' programme for cooperation in the field of taxation
FISCUS programme
fit2work programme
Food Security Thematic Programme
framework programme
framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities
Framework Programme for Research and Development
franchise programme
frequent flyer programme (FFP)
Friends of the Presidency Group (European Defence Industrial Development Programme)
Further Development and Consolidation of the Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training
General Programme on Security and Safeguarding Liberties
General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 "Living well, within the limits of our planet"
Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development
Global Action Programme on ESD
Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Global Europe Human Rights and Democracy programme
Global Europe programme
Global Maritime Crime Programme
Global Programme against Money Laundering
Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime
Global Programme Management Board
Global Public Goods and Challenges Programme
golden visa programme
Göteborg Programme
Gouvernance internationale des océans: un programme pour l'avenir de nos océans
Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme
government programme
GPGC Programme
Green Shipping Guarantee programme
groupe des Amis de la présidence (Programme européen de développement industriel dans le domaine de la défense)
groupe "Programme 2030"
groupe "
Programme d
e développement durable à l'horizon 2030"
Grundtvig programme
guide électronique de programme
Hague Programme
Häufig verwendete Programme
Hercule III programme
Hercule II programme
Hercule programme
Home Use Rights (
Programme d
'utilisation à domicile)
Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Human Rights and Democracy thematic programme
ICT Policy Support Programme
Ignalina programme
immigrant investor programme
Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme
indicative programme
indicative programme concerning financial and technical measures to accompany the reform of economic and social structures in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership
Information and Communications Technologies Policy Support Programme
instructions de sécurité relatives à un programme
Instructor Exchange and Development Programme
integrated development programme
Integrated European Action Programme for inland waterway transport
integrated return programme
Intelligent Energy-Europe Programme
interface de
programme d
Interim Response Programme
International Urban Cooperation programme
Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme
Interreg programme
INTERRIG programme
intersessional BTWC work programme
InvestEU Programme
investment-based citizenship programme
investment-based residence programme
investment programme
investor citizenship programme
investor residency programme
ISA2 programme
ISA programme
IUC programme
YEP Programme
Young Elected Politicians Programme
Young Political Leaders Programme
Youth in Action programme
Joint and Cosponsored United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Joint Audit Programme
Joint Baltic Sea Research and Development Programme
joint degree programme
joint EU resettlement programme
joint operational programme
joint programme
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Justice Programme
Kozloduy programme
legislative programme (EU)
Leistungsübersicht der Programme
leniency programme
programme d
e La Haye: renforcer la liberté, la sécurité et la justice dans l'Union européenne
LIFE CET sub-programme
LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme
Lifelong Learning Programme
LIFE Programme
light entertainment programme
Lisbon Community Programme
localisation du
Programme d
e développement durable à l’horizon 2030
logiciel anti-programme malveillant
logiciel anti-programme malveillant à lancement anticipé
long-term programme
macroeconomic adjustment programme
Marco Polo Programme
MASE programme
Matthaeus programme
mécanisme de fonds propres pour la croissance du programme COSME
mécanisme de garantie des prêts du programme COSME
MEDA indicative programme
MEDIA programme
MEDIA Sub-programme
Mediterranean Environmental Technical Assistance Programme
Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training
Mediterranean technical assistance programme
microproject programme
mode texte du
programme d
modification nette du
programme d
multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies
multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable
multiannual framework programme
multiannual indicative programme
multiannual Union programme
multiannual Union programme for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector
multi-country umbrella programme
Mutual Learning Programme
Nairobi Programme of Action
Nairobi Programme of Action for the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy
National Adaptation Programme of Action
national air pollution control programme
national aviation security programme
national civil aviation security programme
national facilitation programme
national framework programme
national indicative programme
national programme for disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation
national recovery programme
national reform programme
needle and syringe exchange programme
NER300 programme
Newsletter du
programme d
'hébergement Microsoft
Northern Ireland Peace Programme
Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme
Northern Periphery Programme
Notre Programme commun
nouveau programme européen d'innovation
nouveau programme pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes
nouveau programme pour la Méditerranée
Nouveau programme pour la paix
Nouveau Programme pour les villes
nouveau programme transatlantique
nouveau programme transatlantique de coopération mondiale
nouveau programme transatlantique pour un changement planétaire
nouveau programme UE – États-Unis pour un changement planétaire
nuclear decommissioning assistance programme
nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania
nuclear programme
one-cycle study programme
operational programme
optional (voluntary) programme
Organigramm-Add-In für Microsoft® Office-Programme
output programme
outreach programme
Pacific Regional Environment Programme
pays bénéficiant de l’élargissement de la participation au programme
pays bénéficiant d'un programme
Kozloduy programme
Kozlodujas programma
programme Kozloduy
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