Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
structure d
Atrasti 382 termini
aberration de structure
account structure
actual structure
adaptive structure
age class structure
age structure
agricultural structure
Alfa-iron crystal structure
amorphous structure
anatomical structure of wood
andesite structure
anisotropic structure
annual ring structure
architectural structure
structure d
e financement
balance sheet structure
bark structure
base de structure en portique
baseline structure
basic risk-free interest rate term structure
bearing structure
blocky structure
body structure
bodywork structure
book structure
*branch industry structure
brush-holder supporting structure
caisse de structure en portique
capital structure
cell structure
cellular structure
chain crystal structure
changements de classement sectoriel ou de structure
changes in sector classification and structure
chemical structure
chemical structure of wood
cyclic crystal structure
class number structure
coarse-grained structure
columnar structure
command structure
communicative structure
company structure
composé de structure voisine
composite structure
*consumer demand structure
containment structure
contractual work breakdown structure
contract work breakdown structure (CWBS)
control structure
coordination crystal structure
copper crystal structure
corn-field structure
corundum crystal structure
cost structure
covalent bond crystal structure
create work breakdown structure
crystalline structure
crystal structure
crumb structure
CsCl crystal structure
database structure
data structure
data structure-centered design
structure d
data structure-oriented design
deep structure
defeasance structure
*denomination unit structure of remainders
dense structure
diagramme de structure ROOM
diagramme de structure statique
diamond crystal structure
different structure groups
dissipative structure
dynamic structure of the whole movement
dual board structure
earth's structure
economic structure
economic structure of society
edition structure
elucidation of structure
employment structure
engineering structure
enquête sur la
structure d
es salaires
equigranular structure
experimental structure
extendable maturity structure
falling-object protective structure
fatigue-critical baseline structure
fatigue-critical modified structure
fatigue-critical structure
feudal structure
fibre structure
file structure
fine-grained structure
fine structure of wood
fisheries structure
fish protecting structure
floating structure
floating support structure
fluidale structure
fluorite crystal structure
forest crop structure
fracture structure
framework crystal structure
functional structure
gabbro structure
geographic structure
glassy structure
glass structure
granite structure
granular structure
graphite crystal structure
gravity-based structure
herd structure
heterodesmic crystal structure
heterogenous crystal structure
heterogenous structure
heteropolar crystal structure
hydraulic structure
hydrogen bond crystal structure
hypermedia structure
hypidiomorphic structure
hypocrystalline structure
holdco structure
holocrystalline structure
homogeneous crystal structure
homogenous structure
idimorphic structure
inequigranular structure
institutional structure
intégrité de la
structure d
es véhicules
intégrité de la
structure d
u véhicule
interest rate term structure
intergovernmental structure
internal cardiac structure
internal structure of the heart
ionic bond crystal structure
isle crystal structure
isotropic structure
layer(ed) crystal structure
layer structure
laminated structure
langage à structure libre
language structure
line structure
list structure
load-carrying structure
load-frequency control structure
macroscopic structure of wood
magnesium crystal structure
marketing structure
master-feeder fund structure
master-feeder structure
matrix structure
medium-grained structure
metallic bond crystal structure
metal structure
methods, techniques, and program structure
meubles de structure en portique
micellar structure
microscopic structure
military command structure
mining structure
multidimensional structure
mur de structure en portique
national economy branches and districts
structure d
evelopment policy
nested structure
network structure
nickeline crystal structure
offshore structure
opco structure
open structure
operator protection structure
operator protective structure
operators protection structure
ophite structure
organisational structure
organisational structure of a museum (GB)
organizational structure
organizational structure of a museum
organizational structure of a museum (US)
other financing structure
pegmatitic structure
perovskite crystal structure
phrase structure grammar
platey structure
platy structure
pneumatic-tyre structure
pneumatique à
structure d
politique de développement de la
structure d
es secteurs et des régions de l’économie nationale
porphyritic structure
pricing structure
PRIMA Implementation Structure
primary structure
prismatic structure
process activation structure
process responsibility structure
production structure
*professional structure
project structure
protéine de structure
*quantitative structure
quantitative structure-activity relationship
quantitative structure property relationship
reception structure
relational structure
relation quantitative structure-activité
relation structure-activité
Resource Breakdown Structure
revenue structure
ribbon crystal structure
ring crystal structure
rollbar roll-over protective structure
roll-over protection structure
rollover protective structure
structure d
rutile crystal structure
sales tax hierarchy structure
semantic structure of sentence
semantic structure of word
sentence structure
*settling structure
setup (structure) of an enterprise
sex-age structure
sex structure
shifts in structure
short duration structure
syntactic structure of sentence
social and economic structure
social structure
social structure of visitors
sodium chloride crystal structure
soil structure
space frame structure
sphalerite crystal structure
sprinkling structure
stand structure
static data structure
structure d
storage structure language
structure à bas seuil d'exigences
structure-activity relationship
structure adaptative
structure agraire
structure agricole
structure anatomique du bois
structure à trois piliers
structure chart
structure chimique
structure composite
structure critique pour la fatigue
structure d
structure d
’échéance prorogeable
structure d
structure d
’exécution de PRIMA
structure d
’un pneumatique
structure d
structure d
'audit interne
structure d
e bas seuil
structure d
e cantonnement
structure d
e chômage
structure d
e commandement
structure d
e commandement militaire
structure d
e compte
structure d
e confinement
structure d
e consommation des matériaux
structure d
e défaisance
structure d
e données
structure d
e gestion des actifs
structure d
e gestion des actifs et des passifs
structure d
e hiérarchie des taxes
structure d
e l’écorce
structure d
e la base de données
structure d
e la fibre
structure d
e la production
structure d
e l'emploi
structure d
e l'entreprise
structure d
e mise en œuvre de PRIMA
structure d
e pêche
structure d
e protection au retournement
structure d
e protection contre le renversement
structure d
e protection contre le retournement
structure d
e protection contre les chutes d'objets
structure d
e protection de l'opérateur
structure d
e référence
structure d
e référence critique pour la fatigue
structure d
e répartition du travail
structure d
e requête
structure d
e rupture
structure d
es ateliers
structure d
es cernes
structure d
es divisions
structure d
es données
structure d
es matrices
structure d
es superficies d’emblavures
structure d
es taux d'intérêt
structure d
'exploration de données
structure d
u capital
structure d
u marketing
structure d
u peuplement
structure d
u sol
structure d
u troupeau
structure économique
structure elucidation
structure en tuyaux d'orgue
structure financière
structure fine du bois
structure flottante
structure fonctionnelle
Structure for European Armament Programme
structure gauge
structure gravitaire
structure holdco
structure industrielle
structure institutionnelle
structure linéaire
structure macroscopique du bois
structure maître-nourricier
structure mean
structure micellaire
structure model
structure multidimensionnelle
*structure of account
structure of a collection
structure of agricultural lands
structure of an alloy
structure of a pneumatic tyre
structure of a stove
structure of coating
structure of earnings survey
structure of excise duty
structure of grinding wheel
structure of material consumption quota
structure of matter
structure of move
*structure of production costs
structure of revenue
structure of slavery
structure of society
structure of the vessel
structure opco
structure organisationnelle
structure par terme des taux d'intérêt
structure portante
structure pour programmes d'armement européens
structure salariale élargie
structure sociale
structure technologique des investissements
subject structure of production
substance de structure apparentée
substance's structure
supporting structure
surface structure
tax structure
technological structure of investments
temporal structure*
term structure of interest rates
text and document structure
three-pillar structure
type page structure
to build up the structure
tree structure
tree structure (in databases)
tripod structure
two-tier board structure
underground structure
unemployment structure
User Breakdown Structure
van der Waale bonded crystal structure
vehicle structure integrity
visitors' age structure
water intake structure
water retaining structure
wedge-shaped structure
work breakdown structure
work breakdown
structure d
wurzite crystal structure
xenomorphic structure
X-ray structure analysis
load-frequency control structure
slodzes/frekvences kontroles struktūra
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