Sestdiena, 11. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
Vēlaties portāla jaunumus
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Norādiet savu adresi:
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
type d
Atrasti 906 termini
aberration de type chromatidien
aberration de type chromatidique
aberration de type chromosomique
aberration of the chromatid type
absorption-type refrigerating appliance
abstract data type
access type (in computer security)
access type
accord de type 1
accord de type 2
accord intergouvernemental de type 1
accord intergouvernemental de type 2
action type
activity type
adjuvant-type test
aéronef d’État de type “transport”
agréation par type
aircraft type certificate
aircraft type training
alias type
Allocation Type
allotment type
American type culture collection
angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist
angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker
animal-based type of intervention
antiqua (
type d
application capabilities type
approval of a vehicle type
Approval Type
Arabic type
area-based type of intervention
array type
associative entity type
type d
e l'OACI
atomic type
attestation CE de type
attestation d'examen «CE de type»
attestation d'examen UE de type
attribut de
type d
e modification
attribute type
attributive entity type
Augshzeme-type axe
baffle-type mist eliminator
baffle-type separator
balance-type relationship
banking-type ancillary service
banking type of ancillary service
bar primary type current transformer
base data type
base functional component type (BFC type)
base type
basic engineering object type
bastard type
batch[-type] furnace
bed type
bed-type miller
type d
BFC type
binding type
black-letter type
blittable type
body type
Bodoni type
bold type
book (ordinary) type
Boolean type
box-type window
brass type
bulb[-type] turbine
bulb-type turbine
bulb-type unit
bushing-type current transformer
business type
bus-type current transformer
cabinet-type [case] furniture
cable-type current transformer
calligraphic type
capital type
cartographic type face
case for display type
catering type
certificat de type pour un aéronef
certificat d'examen «CE» de type
certificat d'examen UE de type
certification de type
certification de type JAA
chain type
champ de
type D
change type attribute
character type
*chessboard-type table
cheval de Troie de type AOL-exploit
chisel-type harrow
choice of type
choose the type of shot
chromatid-type aberration
chromosome-type aberration
Classification internationale type, par industrie, de toutes les branches d'activité économique
Classification internationale
type d
e l'éducation
classification internationale
type d
es professions
clause contractuelle type
clause type
cloud capabilities type
CLR user-defined type
cold type
collective investment undertaking other than the closed-end type
collector type
colonne sans type
column type
comité du type prévu par la comitologie
comité du type prévu par les procédures en matière de comitologie
communicative type of sentence
commutator[-type] converter
commutator[-type] frequency converter
comparable product type
complex type
component type-approval
composé de
type d
composite type
compression-type refrigerating appliance
cone-type tension clamp
conformity to EU-type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing
conformity to type based on internal production control
conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals
conformity to type based on product quality assurance
conformity to type based on product verification
conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
connection type
content type
contrôle de type
conveyor[-type] furnace
copper type
core-type magnetic circuit
core-type [magnetic] core
core-type reactor
core-type transformer
corrected type matter
cover type
crime type
cubicle-type switchgear
cursor data type
data element type
data function type
data group type
data movement type
data type
[data] type
découvert ou autre
type d
e facilité de crédit
defect type
définition de
type d
e document
delayed type hypersensitivity
delivery channel type
délivrance du label environnemental de type I
derived type
descripteur de type
design type
device type
discrete type
disc-type electric machine
disk[-type] armature
disk-type arrester
disk-type planting machine
disk-type variable-speed friction drive unit
display text without type
display type
dispositif de type tube de Pitot
document-based content type
document type
type d
dominant type
donor[-type] semiconductor
Double data type
type d
rying stove
drawing type
dry-type reactor
dry-type transformer
drum[-type] armature
drum[-type] controller
Duchenne type muscular dystrophy
duty type
Duvensee-type fishing spear
East Baltic-type snake-headed mattock (degenerated form)
écart type
écart-type à l'intérieur du laboratoire
écart type géométrique
écart-type géométrique
écart type relatif
écart type résiduel
echelon-type aggregating
type d
EC type-approval
EC type-approval certificate
EC-type examination
EC-type examination certificate
EC whole-vehicle type-approval
effectuer une conversion de type (transtypage)
effectuer une transmission de type pull
effectuer une transmission de type push
élaboration du projet-type
élément de type "bouton"
ELISA de type sandwich
embossed type
embossing type
emergency medical team type 3
employee type
EMT type 3
encapsulated type
encapsulated-winding dry-type reactor
encapsulated-winding dry[-type] transformer
encoded information type
engine type
engine type-certificate data sheet
entité de type personne
entreprise de type mutuel
entry type
enumerated data type
enumerated type
enumeration type
enum type
épilepsie de type "petit mal"
épreuve de type adjuvant
equity-type financing
Erreur de type alpha
erreur de type bêta
erreur de type II
erreur du second type
erreur type
type d
e la moyenne
type d
type d
'une estimation
essai de type adjuvant
European Type Approval Exchange System
EU type-approval
EU-type examination
EU-type examination certificate
EU whole-vehicle type-approval
examen CE de type
examen de type
examen UE de type
exchange rate type
exhibition type
expanded type
expulsion type arrester
expulsion-type arrester
extended rating type current transformer
extension of EEC component type-approval
external content type
External Content
Type d
ata source
External Content
Type D
External Content Type Picker
face-mill type cutter head
facilité du type avance de caisse
fang-type clamp
fan-type mist blower
fat-face[d] type
Fatyanovo-type axe
fat [printing] type
fat-type pig
female genital mutilation, type I
female genital mutilation, type III
female genital mutilation type II
fiche de caractéristiques du certificat de
type d
u moteur
fiche de réception CE de type
fiche de réception CE par type
fiche de réception par type
field data type
field type
filet de sécurité de type prudentiel
file type
film type integrated circuit
fixed-point type
fixed-type jig bushing
flange type bolted fixing
flange[-type] motor
floating-point type
flush-type outlet
flush[-type] socket
fondation de type jacket
foot of type
forçage de type
forest type
fork type lift[ing] truck
formation au
type d
foundry type
frame type
fraude de type carrousel
fully automatic type weapon
gasoline type jet fuel
generic type
glycogénose de type II
glycogenosis type II
glycogen storage disease type II
Gothic script (German type)
Gothic type
grade (type) of paper
granting type-approval authority
groove-type chip breaker
Group Type
guillotine type cutter
half-fat type
hardware type
head-type jig bushing
Hyperlink data type
hoe[-type] colter
homologation d’un
type d
e véhicule
hopper-type bin
hopper-type loading device
horizontal knee-type milling machine
host type
hotel type building*
hurdle-type scrubber
implied decimal type
impulse-type hydraulic turbine
impulse type turbine
impulse-type turbine
incompatibilité de type
index type
indice de type Laspeyres
inductance-type ga[u]ge head
induction type [measuring] instrument
induction type meter
induction-type meter
inertia-type knock-out grid
infrastructure capabilities type
Integer data type
integer type
italic type
item-based content type
item type
i-type semiconductor
Yes/No data type
JAA type certification
job advertising type
job type
journal type edition
Karlovo-type axe
kerosene type jet fuel
knee-type milling machine
Kunda-type fishing spear
ladder-type filter
lait du type UHT
lay of the (type) case
language type
lard-type pig
large type composition
Laspeyres-type index
Laspeyres-type price index
length of type page line
light type
limited type
linked data type
link type
lip-type seal
LLC type 1 (abbreviation)
LLC type 2 (abbreviation)
LLC type 3 (abbreviation)
Location Type
logical link control type 1
logical link control type 2
logical link control type 3
logical type
Long data type
low-pressure (injector type) torch
Lubana-type fishing spear
Lubana-type pottery
machine-type communications
Maelar-type axe
Maelar-type celt
maladie de Niemann-Pick de type C
mating type
medium-pressure type torch
medium-pressure [type] torch
membre ou type critique de sécurité
message type
method (type) of edition
MGF de type II
mixed type (adj.)
mixed-type agreement
mixed type-approval
mixed-type photo booking*
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
myopathie primitive progressive pseudo-hypertrophique
type D
modèle d’architecture RTIM (Repository Type Information Model)
modèle de
type d
e contenu parent
type d
e visa
modification de type I
modification de type II
modular-type machine
MorphX Type Hierarchy Browser
motor tanker, liquid cargo, type N
mucolipidose de type II
mucopolysaccharidose de type III
mucopolysaccharidosis type III
muffle type furnace
embossing type
spiešanas burti
spieduma (dobojuma) burti
литеры (шрифт) для тисения
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija