Ceturtdiena, 19. septembris   Šī ir funkcionējoša termini.lza.lv versija. Apmeklējiet arī Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu.

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Jūs meklējāt diagramme d
Atrasti 60 termini

  1. EN diagram; graph; chart
    LV grafiks
    DE Graph; Schaubild; Diagramm
    FR graphique; diagramme
    © Download IATE, European Union, 2024

  2. EN Charts
    LV Diagrammas
    RU Диаграммы
    DE Diagramme
    FR Graphiques
    Definīcija: The Office 365 Planner view that shows summary charts of all the user’s plans broken down by their status.
    Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
    © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  3. EN diagram
    LV diagramma
    RU схема
    DE Diagramm
    FR diagramme
    Definīcija: A drawing that is meant to show how something works; it generally includes the relations between parts.
    Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
    © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  4. EN Charts
    LV Diagrammas
    RU диаграммы
    DE Diagramme
    FR Charts
    Definīcija: A customizable Web part that displays charts.
    Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
    © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  5. EN diagram; strategy map
    LV stratēģijas karte
    RU стратегическая карта; схема
    DE Diagramm; Strategiekarte
    FR carte de stratégie; diagramme
    Definīcija: A performance management tool for visually presenting an organization's or organizational unit's objectives and goals, their groupings of objectives and goals, and their mappings of objectives and goals to themes, initiatives, KPIs, targets, business processes, and action plans. Each item in the visualization contains a set of metadata, which itself is customizable.
    Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
    © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  6. LV diagramma; sakarības līkne
    RU диаграмна
    DE Schaukurve; Diagramme
    Zinātniskās terminoloģijas vārdnīca. — R., 1922